LB 20-X AC

(Redirected from LB 20-X Autocannon)
LB-X Autocannon.jpg
LB 20-X AC
Production information
Type Ballistic (direct/cluster)
Tech Base Clan / Inner Sphere (IS)
Year Availability Clan = 2826 (CHH)[1]

IS = 3058[2][1][3]

Availability Ratings X[1]/X[1]/E[1]
Technical specifications
Heat Clan = 6[4]

IS = 6[5]

Damage Clan = 20 (slug)[4]
1/pellet (cluster)

IS = 20 (slug)[5]
1/pellet (cluster)

Minimum Range Clan = 0[4]

IS = 0[5]

Short Range Clan = 1-4[4]

IS = 1-4[5]

Medium Range Clan = 5-8[4]

IS = 5-8[5]

Long Range Clan = 9-12[4]

IS = 9-12[5]

Tons Clan = 12[4]

IS = 14[5]

Critical Slots Clan = 9[4]

IS = 11[5]

Ammo Per Ton Clan = 5

IS = 5

Cost (unloaded) Clan = 600,000 C-bills

IS = 600,000 C-bills[1]

Ammo Cost (per ton) Clan = 20,000 (slug) C-bills
34,000 (cluster) C-bills

IS = 20,000 (slug) C-bills
34,000 (cluster) C-bills

BV (2.0) Clan = 237, 30 (Ammo)[6]

IS = 237, 30 (Ammo)[7]


The LB 20-X AC was the autocannon with the largest bore capable of firing LB-X cluster rounds. Its slug round could deal a devastating amount of damage to one location, while its shotgun-like cluster munitions delivered 20 different projectiles to the target, an effect that was described as similar to a sandblasting. Unlike the lighter-bore LB-X autocannons, the battlefield specs of the 20-class were identical between the Inner Sphere and Clan versions, the only differences being in size and weight. The cluster munitions also made it easier to hit and performed well as flak, making it lethal when used against VTOLs. In addition, like other 20-class autocannons, the LB 20-X AC could be split among BattleMech locations.[2]


In the years between the Second Exodus and the beginning of Operation KLONDIKE, the nascent Clans began development of what would become the LB 20-X. Experimental prototype versions of this new weapon were used during Operation KLONDIKE in small quantities. The Clan Prototype LB 20-X available during this period had identical stats to the Inner Sphere LB 20-X autocannon, other than that it required additional mounting space.[8]


The LB 20-X AC was manufactured on the following planets:

Defiance Disintegrator[edit]

The Defiance Disintegrator had a caliber of 200 mm. What was referred to as a "solid slug" round was actually a standard high-explosive armor-piercing round.[9]

Manufactured on Manufactured by Typically used in References
Hesperus II Defiance Industries Fortune Demolisher II [10] [11]
Tharkad TharHes Industries Barghest [12]
Solaris VII Omnitech Industries Colossus [13]

Flocculation LB 20 Class Autocannon[edit]

Manufactured on Manufactured by Typically used in References
Ironhold Eagle Craft Group Wakazashi [14]


Manufactured on Manufactured by Typically used in References
Victoria Shengli Arms Lao Hu Yu Huang [15] [16]


  • This article refers to a common object and addresses the object as a common noun. The preferred term is "LB 20-X AC", with "autocannon" abbreviated to "AC" (except on section titles & table headings, where "LB 20-X Autocannon" is favored).


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 TechManual, p. 290: "Heavy Weapons And Equipment Table"
  2. 2.0 2.1 TechManual, p. 207: "LB-X Autocannon"
  3. Mercenaries Supplemental II, p. 88: "Upgraded Technologies Table"
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 TechManual, p. 343: "Clan Heavy Weapons And Equipment Table"
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 TechManual, p. 341: "Inner Sphere Heavy Weapons And Equipment Table"
  6. TechManual, p. 318: "Clan Weapons and Equipment BV Table"
  7. TechManual, p. 317: "Inner Sphere Weapons and Equipment BV Table"
  8. Historical: Operation KLONDIKE, p. 156: "Prototype Clan Systems"
  9. The Price of Duty, ch. 9
  10. Technical Readout: 3067, p. 22
  11. Technical Readout: 3060, p. 30
  12. Technical Readout: 3060, p. 122
  13. Technical Readout: 3055 Upgrade, p. 172
  14. Era Digest: Golden Age, p. 26
  15. :Technical Readout: Jihad, p. 152
  16. Technical Readout: 3060 Revised, p. 126
