Landgrave of Enzesfled

(Redirected from Landgraf of Enzesfled)

The title of Landgrave of Enzesfled is granted to the noble ruler of Enzesfled.

List of Landgraves of Enzesfled[edit]

Name Reign
Karl Von Weinmann 3071[1]


In Jihad Hot Spots: 3072 the character Karl Von Weinmann is mentioned in a KNN news report stating him to be Enzesfled's Landgraf. Landgrave is the English term for Landgraf and all other known instances of the title in the BT universe use the English term. This article has been created using the term Landgrave on the assumption that both terms might be used in-universe with the Landgrave being the more common.


  1. Jihad Hot Spots: 3072, p. 46
