Leslie Gruber

Leslie Gruber
AffiliationWolf's Dragoons
Clan Coyote

MechWarrior Leslie Gruber was a member of Alpha Regiment of Wolf's Dragoons as of 3028.[1]


Clan Coyote[edit]

Leslie was a member of Clan Coyote, who failed her Trial of Position, leading her to volunteer for service with Wolf’s Dragoons on their mission to the Inner Sphere in a desperate bid to become a MechWarrior.

Successful in this aim, she was disliked by Natasha Kerensky for taking her Gruber Bloodhouse's name, without being entitled to it by a properly fought Trial of Bloodright.[2]

Misery and Glenmora[edit]

As of early 3028, Leslie was a member of the Command Lance, Uchimaya's Company of Charlie Battalion, as part of which she fought in the Battle of Misery. Following Misery, this lance joined Alpha Regiment's Second Provisional Company, which went on to fight and was wiped out on Glenmora in 3029.[1]

In the confusion of the aftermath of Glenmora, it was reported that Leslie (misidentified as the similarly named fellow Dragoon MechWarrior Leslie Grubbick) had been killed, but she actually survived the battle.[2]


Leslie was one of the few Clan born Dragoons who lived to see Operation REVIVAL, defeating a Mad Dog during the Battle of Luthien in 3052.[2]


Gruber was known to pilot an Ostsol BattleMech.[1][2]


The name Leslie Grubbick is repeated in the Wolf's Dragoons sourcebook, being used for both an Alpha and Beta Regiment MechWarrior, as part of a lance of names which appears to have been accidentally reused (in the Command Lances of Stoner's Company and Uchimaya's Company.

This repeated name is corrected by Recognition Guide: ilClan, vol. 14, which explains the confusion between Leslie Grubbick and Leslie Gruber.


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Wolf's Dragoons, p. 52
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 Recognition Guide: ilClan, vol. 14, p. 8
