Lift Hoist

(Redirected from Lift hoist)
Lift Hoist / Arresting Hoist
Production information
Type Equipment
Tech Base Clan / Inner Sphere (IS)
Year Availability Pre-spaceflight
Technical specifications
Heat 0
Tons Lift Hoist = 3;
Arresting Hoist = 3
Critical Slots 'Mechs = 3

Support Vehicle = 1 Combat Vehicle = 1

Cost (unloaded) 50,000
BV (2.0) 5


Lift Hoists[edit]

Lift Hoists allow 'Mechs, Support Vehicles, and other vehicle types to handle cargo via a lifting mechanism. This piece of equipment is highly efficient, allowing a unit to carry large amounts of cargo (or even entire mechs or combat vehicles) with only a modest reduction in speed. However, any cargo being carried in a lift hoist also counts as being held externally, which is not ideal in any situation where combat might occur. Furthermore the hoists themselves are rather expensive, which means that they are not necessarily always the best option for a basic cargo vehicle.

The typical style of this equipment varies. Examples include a chain-and-pulley method, high-tension cables, or myomer powered, claw-like specialty lifters.[1]

Arresting Hoist[edit]

Arresting Hoists are a typical variant of the lift hoist, which are used to reel aircraft into an Airship or bring small spacecraft and other vehicles into a DropShip's fighter or small craft bays. However, it is noted that this method is considered hazardous at times.[1]


  • Unit Restrictions:
    • Lift Hoist: All units may use it except: ProtoMechs, fighters (conventional and aerospace), small craft and DropShips
    • Arresting Hoists: Are restricted to only Airship Support Ships, Fixed-Wing Air Support Ships, VTOLs (Combat & Support VTOLs) & DropShips.


  • Critical slots for arresting hoists are part of the bay itself.[2]


SteelTek Cargo[edit]

Manufactured on Manufactured by Typically used in References
Carbine [3]

Heavy Duty GripperTech[edit]

Manufactured on Manufactured by Typically used in References
StrongArm [4]


Construction rules for a Lift Hoist can be found in TechManual pages 245-246. Additional rules to use one in a BattleTech game can be found in Total Warfare pages 136-137, and Campaign Operations pages 193, 220-221 for its use in salvage and logistic operations. respectively.


  1. 1.0 1.1 TechManual, p. 245: "Lift Hoist" - Description on how and what this equipment works fluff wise
  2. TechManual, p. 239: "Transportation Bay description/rules"
  3. Technical Readout: Irregulars, p. 26: "Carbine ConstructionMech MODs"
  4. Technical Readout: Irregulars, p. 38: "StrongArm ConstructionMech MOD"
