
(Redirected from Lucifer II)
This article is about the aerospace fighter. For the Manei Domini agent known as "Lucifer", see Damien Lucille.
Lucifer 3025.jpg
Production information
Manufacturer Lockheed-CBM Corporation

Wakazashi Enterprises[1]

Production Year 2526[2]
Model LCF-R15
Class Medium aerospace fighter
Tech Base Inner Sphere
Cost 3,162,311 C-bills
Technical specifications
Mass 65 tons
Structural Integrity 6
Frame Lockheed/CBM 200
Power Plant WAS 195
Armor StarScale Type IV
Fuel 400 - 5 tons
Communications System Lockheed/CBM COMSET 100
Tracking & Targeting System Lockheed/CBM TarSet 55
Heat Sinks 20 single heat sinks
BV (1.0) 1,079[3][4]
BV (2.0) 1,347[5]


Considered to be well armored and fairly well armed, the Lucifer is known for its tight maneuvering and prolonged weapons fire capabilities. However, numerous issues with cooling, targeting, and communications systems have plagued the design, and the ejection system was removed when the frame was refitted for high-G maneuvers. Despite this, the craft is respected for its anti-DropShip mission and the Lyran Commonwealth has invested heavily in production. When supported by other fighters to fend off enemy aggressors, the Lucifer has proven to be a very effective machine.

Weapons and Equipment[edit]

The LCF-R15 is laser-heavy, with two large lasers, four small lasers, and one medium laser, all provided by Maxell Corporation. This variant also comes equipped with the Holly LRM-20, providing it with that far off capability to soften up a DropShip's armor, so that the four small lasers can do increased damage on the close-up pass.


  • LCF-R20 
    This 2609 Lyran version places more armor and three additional single heat sinks, at the expense of the LRM-20 rack, in order to increase the combat loiter time necessary for anti-DropShip operations. BV (1.0) = 1,441,[8][9] BV (2.0) = 1,536
  • LCF-R16K Lucifer II
    The LCF-R16K Lucifer II was based on captured LCF-R15s and LCF-20s. The Lucifer II sacrifices armor and the LRM-20 in order to upgrade the power plant to a Mantatwist 260. It also has a close range SRM-6 rack.[10] BV (1.0) = 959,[11][12] BV (2.0) = 1,109

Custom Variants[edit]

Design Quirks[edit]

The LCR-3 Lucifer III variant is subject to the following Design Quirks:[16]

Notable Pilots[edit]

See: Category:Notable Lucifer Pilots


  • Author Blaine Lee Pardoe stated in a blog entry that, according to his memory which he admitted could be wrong, the Lucifer was among the aerospace fighters for which he invented the name and wrote the original background as initially published in TRO:3025, after being given only its art and game stats to work with for the TRO entry.
  • In German products, the unit's proper name was translated to Luzifer. The model code was accordingly changed to LZF-R15.



  1. 1.0 1.1 Objective Raids, p. 68
  2. MUL online date for the Lucifer
  3. Record Sheets: 3039, p. 268
  4. AeroTech 2 Record Sheets, p. 111
  5. Technical Readout: 3039, p. 209
  6. Record Sheets: 3039, p. 269
  7. AeroTech 2 Record Sheets, p. 112
  8. Record Sheets: 3039, p. 272
  9. AeroTech 2 Record Sheets, p. 115
  10. Technical Readout: 3025 Revised, p. 162: "Lucifer"
  11. Record Sheets: 3039, p. 270
  12. AeroTech 2 Record Sheets, p. 113
  13. Technical Readout: 3057, p. 184
  14. Record Sheets: 3039, p. 271
  15. AeroTech 2 Record Sheets, p. 114
  16. 16.0 16.1 Technical Readout: Prototypes, p. 177
  17. Record Sheets: Prototypes, p. 90
  18. Technical Readout: 3150, p. 224
  19. Experimental Technical Readout: Mercs, p. 13
