Magistracy News Network

Magistracy News Network
Corporation Profile
AffiliationMagistracy of Canopus
Product(s)News services

Magistracy News Network (MNN) was a Magistracy of Canopus-wide news service during the late Dark Age era and into the ilClan era.


In 3150, via embedded reporter Ashley Bentley, MNN was able to report on the Magistracy Armed Forces' campaign to eject the Marian Hegemony invasion from Canopian space to its nationwide viewership and also viewers in the Inner Sphere.[1][2]

Known MNN Reporters and Staff[edit]


  1. BattleTech: Legends II, p. 142: "Character Profile: Isolde Centrella"
  2. 2.0 2.1 Isolde's War, pp. 118–125
