Magliss Spirits

Magliss Spirits
Magliss Spirits.jpg
Corporation Profile
AffiliationMagistracy of Canopus
HeadquartersEarly Dawn[1]
Product(s)Wines and spirits

Magliss Spirits was a wine and spirit maker in the Magistracy of Canopus.[1]


Magliss Spirits was the largest producer of wines and brandies within the entire Periphery. While spread across many nations, Magliss maintained a virtual monopoly on the distribution of spirits within the Magistracy of Canopus. In 3025, their most famous products were the vintage 3020 Chablis and Chianti. They also opened up trade with the neighboring Free Worlds League and Taurian Concordat for their most expensive products.[1]

In the late 3040s, CEO Shanti Magliss purchased the title over the world of Borgan's Rift.[2]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 The Periphery, p. 101: "Corporate Profiles - [Magliss Spirits]"
  2. Ozymandias
