Marcello Donnici

Marcello Donnici
Marcello Donnici
AffiliationHouse Donnici
ProfessionArena Gladiator;
Mercenary officer


Marcello Donnici is a Solaris VII MechWarrior during the Dark Ages.[1]

Marcello was born to the minor noble house Donnici in the Federated Suns. When he saw his career as a 'Mech jock would end almost before it began because of an arranged marriage made by his father, he decided to escape. For that action he was disowned and cut off from his family, but fortunately for him his grandfather bequeathed his own Rifleman BattleMech to Marcello when he died after noticing his potential. He christened the 'Mech as Crucible, and used it to reduce his opponents to slag, both as a mercenary and in the arenas of Solaris VII.[2]

Death and Legacy[edit]

No information is currently known regarding his death.

Marriage and Children[edit]



At first glance, Crucible looks like a modest 'Mech with moderate damage and slow speed. An overconfident opponent, however, is in for a surprise though.

Lightly armored but surprisingly quick, Crucible is loaded out to deal an initial barrage of death from afar, and then duck and weave its way into close range, where its small but plentiful lasers can do some real damage. Marcello always covers his bases though: he saves a few Gauss rifle rounds just in case he needs to back off again, and he packs countermeasures to make sure he gets the chance.[1]

Character Notes[edit]




Marcello Donnici piloted a custom Rifleman RFL-5M-H named "Crucible".[1]



Tactics and Secrets:
I thought that last shot took out his Gauss rifles!
Apparently, so did his opponent.
- Sam Gagnon and Max Hase, arena announcers, Solaris VII event


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 MechWarrior: Dark Age - Sneak Peeks, p. 138: "RFL-5M-H 'Crucible' Rifleman and Marcello Donnici"
  2. MechWarrior: Dark Age Collectable Miniatures Game, p. 413: "Marcello Donnici"
