Marik Protectors

Brigade Insignia of the Marik Militia
Formed 3079[1]
Affiliation Mercenary
Parent Command Independent
Sub-Command(s) First Marik Protectors
Third Marik Protectors
Fourth Marik Protectors

The Marik Protectors are a mercenary command formed after the Free Worlds League's downfall in 3079 and dedicated to the protection of those worlds left alone and defenseless after the League's collapse.


The Marik Protectors originated from the chaos of the Jihad and the resulting dissolution of the Free Worlds League in 3079. With the fragmentation of the Free Worlds League Military, numerous single worlds that did not belong to the now-independent League provinces were exposed to piracy and predatory neighbors such as the Marian Hegemony.[2]

Having already disobeyed Captain-General Corinne Marik's orders in 3077 by prioritizing the defense of Kendall from a Marian annexation attempt, Colonel Yoshio Kawamura now dedicated himself to ensuring that other such defenseless worlds would not lack for protection. With the remnants of his Tenth Marik Militia and like-minded soldiers from the Eighteenth Marik Militia, Kawamura formed a new force for this purpose: the Marik Protectors. Comprising six BattleMech battalions and their supporting elements by 3085, the Marik Protectors hired themselves out to former League worlds at very cheap prices, receiving only enough payment to cover expenses and repairs. [1] [3]

Initially operating under a unified command based on Kendall, repeated Marian attacks on that world forced the Protectors to decide between charging more for their services or leave some worlds defenseless. Divided over the issue the Protectors split in 3098, with each battalion conducting operations as it saw fit, although provision was made for joint operations against any foe too powerful for a single Protectors battalion to handle.[2]

Over the next four decades three of the Marik Protectors units fell to various enemies, while the First, Third and Fourth continued guarding ex-League worlds against raiders from nearly every nation within striking distance. Though the Free Worlds League was reborn in 3139 from a merger of several former and new provinces the Marik Protectors continued to operate independently, although the Fourth decided to accept a contract with the FWLM in 3146.[2] [4]


Different per unit.

Units of the Marik Protectors[edit]


Colors and Unit Insignia[edit]

During the first years of their existence the various Marik Protector units each had their own insignia, either newly designed or derived from their Marik Militia predecessors. By 3145, in deference to their origins, the Marik Protectors had collectively adopted the old Marik Militia brigade insignia and paint scheme.[1] [2]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Field Manual: 3085, p. 90
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 Field Manual: 3145, p. 114
  3. Spotlight On: First Marik Protectors, p. 2
  4. Shattered Fortress, p. 21
