McKenna (WarShip class)

This article is about the battleship class. For other uses, see McKenna.
McKenna TRO2750.jpg
Production information
Manufacturer Blue Nose Clipperships[1]
Production Year 2652[2]
Use Battleship
Tech Base Star League
Cost 30,974,056,800 C-Bills[2]
Technical specifications
Mass 1,930,000 tons
Length 1,405 meters
Sail Diameter 1,560 meters
Fuel 1,600 tons
Burn Rate 39.52
Safe Thrust 1.5 g
Top Thrust 2.5 g
Sail Integrity 7
KF Drive Integrity 37
LF Battery Yes
Armor 1,603.5 tons Ulston C5-A Ferro-Carbide
DropShip Capacity 6
Crew 579[1]
  • 97 Officers
  • 404 Enlisted
  • 78 Gunners

(Crew Types)[3]

  • 150 Pilots / Engineers
  • 116 Junior Officers / Other Crew (Non-Engineers)
  • 312 Secondary Engineers

Bay Personnel: 180

Grav Decks 3 (2 x 45 meters and 1 x 75 meters diameter)
Escape Pods/Life Boats 30/30
Heat Sinks 6,325 double
Structural Integrity 95
BV (1.0) 214,414[1][4]


Far and away the most well-known WarShip, the McKenna battleship has served for over 400 years as a symbol of martial power and prowess. The class was designed and introduced by Blue Nose Clipperships of Mars in 2652 and quickly became the pride of the SLDF Navy, winning two Martial Olympiads in a row (in 2696 and 2700), and considered by many to be the highlight of their military service.[1]

An astounding 280 McKennas, nearly two per year, were put into service before the fall of the Star League but were prime targets for Rim Worlds forces, and only 29 survived to see the liberation of Terra. By the time General Aleksandr Kerensky left on the Exodus, only 18 remained in service to leave to parts unknown.[1]

Carrying the heaviest arsenal ever mounted on a WarShip and some of the heaviest armor of the time, this time-tested battleship would only begin to be outclassed in the late 3050s. The class's distinctive ventral and dorsal radiating fins help dissipate the immense heat generated by these weapons and can reduce the infrared signature of the class when not in combat.[1] The Cortex UltraBond hull was based on that of the Farragut, its strength and stress-resistance well renowned.[5]


In the forward arcs the McKenna carries primarily Zeus-40 Naval Autocannons and Thunderbolt-55 Lasers of the largest order, able to smash almost any other vessel in a single strike. Several Maelstrom AR-10 Capital Missile tubes, capable of launching any type of missile available, dot the surface of the McKenna and give the ship the armor-piercing power necessary to face off with other Battleships and heavy Cruisers. The broadsides are where the real firepower lies, with 24 Kreuss XX Heavy Naval PPCs on each side. Able to strike targets hundreds of kilometers away with extreme precision, they are split into groups of four to help concentrate their firepower against enemies. The aft quarters are similarly armed and directly aft are additional NAC/40s, NL55s, and AR-10s to deter pursuit and flanking maneuvers.[1]

Six docking collars provide the McKenna with an integral, dedicated DropShip escort. These small craft are backed by a full wing of 50 aerospace fighters. The ship carries no small-caliber close-in weaponry. This reflects the prevailing design philosophy of the period, in which such secondary armament was considered irrelevant to the battleship's chief role in ship-to-ship engagements and larger fleet actions. The McKennas relied instead on their fighters and small craft to defend the fleet from threats posed by small, maneuvering targets.[1]


Cargo (255,382.5 tons), 2 doors

See Also[edit]


  • Clan 
The updated Clan version began production in 2851 but has few changes beyond cosmetic. A decrease in the ferro-carbide armor to 1,425.5 tons offsets an increase in the cargo bay holdings to 273,745.5 tons.[1][6]
A special kit with expanded communication and intelligence abilities for six known ships. Able to function as mobile headquarters for the First Lord or SLDF High Command. Found in the SLDF's First and Second Fleet.[7][8] Only one, the flagship of General Kerensky, survived the Amaris Civil War and joined Operation EXODUS.



  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 Technical Readout: 3057 Revised, p. 162: "McKenna WarShip Profile"
  2. 2.0 2.1 MUL entry for the McKenna (WarShip class)
  3. BattleSpace rulebook, p. 63
  4. AeroTech 2 Record Sheets, p. 312
  5. Technical Readout: 2750, p. 146: "McKenna WarShip Profile"
  6. MUL entry for the McKenna Battleship (Clan)
  7. Historical: Liberation of Terra Volume 1, p. 46
  8. Field Manual: SLDF, p. 44: "First Fleet"
