MechWarrior 3050/Tukayyid

BRIEFING (May 3052)

The 394th Division of the ComStar garrison recently intercepted a giftake shipment en route to our homeworld. The giftake is a sample of DNA taken from a warrior who died with great glory in combat. It is used to produce improved warriors. The 394th has hidden the giftake in genetic material canisters in the swamp. You must recover these DNA canisters.

First, destroy the two radar jamming sites. Until destroyed, these will prevent you from using your radar.

Also, retrieve the stolen genetic material. Our agents have located the canisters in ComStar garrison’s gene storage centers. These locations will appear on your radar screen.

Be on the lookout for a Thunderbolt ‘Mech. It is piloted by one of the 394th’s best MechWarriors.

The swamp terrain will help keep your ‘Mech cool.

Good luck….Ward out.


Congratulations, the retrieved DNA will produce the greatest warriors in the Inner Sphere. The Trueborn of Clan Wolf have elevated you to the rank of Khan, the Clan’s senior military commander and bureaucratic administrator.