Michael Norman

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Michael Norman
Vessel Profile
ClassBlack Lion

The Michael Norman was a Black Lion-class battlecruiser that had joined Aleksandr Kerensky's Operation Exodus.


Commanded by Admiral William Hopcroft, a staunch Davionist among the self-exiled SLDF fleet, the Michael Norman wound up in the Pentagon Civil War. On 8 October 2802, it moved to intercept two Liao-aligned WarShips under Commodore Amanda Noskeau, the Long March Congress-class frigate and the Noble House Congress-class frigate, who were trying to capture mothballed WarShips from a cache in the Arcadia system. In the ensuing battle, the two sides destroyed each other. All three vessels were crippled in the fight and then suffered fatal collisions with asteroids.[1]


Rank Name Command
Commanding Officers of the Michael Norman
Admiral William Hopcroft 2802[1]


In the Empires Aflame multiverse, the Michael Norman is the the first vessel the Player Characters encounter.


  1. 1.0 1.1 BattleSpace rulebook, p. 31 (Scenario "Hide and Seek")
