Miniatures - Ral Partha
Ral Partha produced licensed miniatures for BattleTech. Ral Partha was the initial creator and producer of metal miniatures for BattleTech, starting in 1985, at which time when BattleTech was called Battledroids. In 2001 Ral Partha was spun off and renamed Iron Wind Metals. Iron Wind Metals continued to produce metal miniatures for BattleTech under this new name. While some plastic miniatures were made available through FASA, Ral Partha metal miniatures comprised the vast majority of miniatures available in the period from 1985 to 2001.
History and Background[edit]
Battledroids (1985)[edit]
Battledroids was published by FASA in 1984. In its 1985 catalog, Ral Partha introduced a line of eight figures for Battledroids. These models did not correspond to the ten 'Mechs (Stinger, Griffin, Archer, Shadow Hawk, Warhammer, Phoenix Hawk, Wasp, Crusader, Marauder, and Rifleman) described in the Battledroids rulebook. None of these correspond to the 'Mechs in Technical Readout: 3025 that appeared in 1987. So these were independent creations not based on any canonical 'Mechs/variants. Many of their names, but not their likeness or model codes, would be used by 'Mechs in later technical readouts. These original eight figures would continue to be marketed for a few years, but were gradually discontinued and by 1989 were fully absent from Ral Partha's catalog.
With the change in name, BattleTech, Second Edition was published in 1985. In its 1986 catalog, Ral Partha marketed these original eight figures and several new figures under the BattleTech name (with a lower case "t"). The new figures included three more figures that with no initial canonical correspondent plus figures for the classic fourteen 'Mechs of BattleTech, Second Edition. All of these figures were sculpted by Bob Charrette.
The FIR-7B Fire Bee, FLE-15 Flea, and ARC-4R Archer appear in the 1986 catalog, but were not identified as new releases. These three appear to have been formed in manner similar to the original eight and likewise did not correspond to a canonical 'Mech existing at that time. The Fire Bee had a form similar to the Stinger and Wasp 'Mechs. It met an early discontinuation similar to the original eight. In contrast, the FLE-15 would continue to be produced by Ral Partha for many more years and its appearance is similar to the 'Mech that would later appear in canon. The ARC-4R appears to have been renamed as the BMB-12D Bombardier between 1990 and 1991. (As the FLE-15 Flea and ARC-4R Archer figures would become integrated into Ral Partha's BattleTech line, information on these is included in the table of BattleTech figures rather while the Fire Bee is included in the table of Battledroids figures.)
The first eleven figures and some of the classic fourteen (the Wasp, Phoenix Hawk, and Crusader, among possible others) were initially packaged in red Battledroid blister packs.
Introduction of BattleTech (1986–1993)[edit]
In 1985, BattleTech 2nd Edition was published and the name converted from Battledroids to BattleTech. CityTech 1st edition and Technical Readout: 3025 were both published in 1986.
From 1986 to 1993 Ral Partha dramatically grew its line of 'Mechs, vehicles, aerospace fighters, and infantry. Apart from discontinuing the 'Mechs originally part of the Battledroids line, no other miniatures were discontinued prior to 1993. Clan units appeared to be produced by Ral Partha in 1990 and 1991. Technical Readout: 3050 was published in 1990.
From 1988 to 1993, Ral Partha marketed a line of BattleTech MechWarriors along with its BattleTech line. This appears to relate to MechWarrior: The BattleTech Role Playing Game, which was published in 1986. The miniatures involve infantry and human units. These also use a larger scale than the infantry used for regular BattleTech. The Clan elemental would continue being marketed individually even when the rest of line was stopped in 1993.
Ral Partha used the range of catalog codes from 10-800 to 10-899 for BattleTech box sets. The composition of some of the lance packs did vary depending of the year of manufacture.
Ral Partha introduced six lance packs in 1988 plus two more in 1989. Each of these packs bundled together a certain collection of four 'Mechs (not necessarily all distinct). These eight were the Recon Lance, Light Lance, Medium Lance, Fire Lance, Heavy Lance, Assault Lance, Regimental Command Lance, and Pursuit Lance.
In 1991, Ral Partha introduce two OmniMech boxed sets: Heavy Omni 'Mechs and Assault Omni 'Mechs. In 1992, Ral Partha introduce two more OmniMech boxed sets: Light Omni 'Mechs and Medium Omni 'Mechs. Each set included four different OmniMechs. These four boxed sets together include one each of all sixteen OmniMechs from Technical Readout: 3050.
Conversion to Ralidium (1993–1998)[edit]
Ral Partha used a lead alloy containing 80% lead in its miniatures prior to 1993. In 1993 Ral Partha announced that it would transition away from lead alloy and replace such with Ralidium, its own formulated pewter. Ralidium is 95% tin and 5% zinc and antimony (in some proportion), with at most trace portions of lead. Ralidium is harder (and so somewhat more brittle) in comparison to the lead alloy it replaced, making it more challenging to modify figures cast in it. It also cost three times as much, which led to price increases for many of Ral Partha's figures.[1] Ral Partha also introduced Partha Plastic, a type of resin, to be used in part or in whole for certain miniatures.
BattleTech miniatures advertised in the 1993 catalog (released in March 1993) were described as containing lead, while none of Ral Partha's BattleTech figures in its 1994 catalog used lead alloy. The same catalog numbers were used to represent the corresponding figure created from pewter. However, figures incorporating some amount of Partha Plastic were distinguished by the use of suffix P in their catalog code. Certain boxed sets used a combination of Partha Plastic and Ralidium for a few years, but the usage of Partha Plastic appears to have been limited to these few cases.
From 1993 to 2000, Ral Partha continued to introduce new miniatures, but discontinued the advertising (and likely sale) of several models as well. Ral Partha discontinued much of its MechWarrior figures at the time of its transition from lead to pewter. Certain models tied to the Unseen issue were discontinued starting around 1996.
Acquisition and Spin-off as Iron Wind Metals (1998–2001)[edit]
Several changes affected Ral Partha in this period. Ral Partha was jointly purchased by FASA and Lanier & Mike Hurdle in September 1998. FASA obtained sole ownership in spring 1999.[2] FASA closed its own operations early in 2001.
Ral Partha was spun off and renamed Iron Wind Metals in 2001 (with the name Ral Partha retained for various fantasy lines). Iron Wind Metals continued to produce many BattleTech miniatures under the same catalog number and model name and they continued to create new miniatures (See Miniatures - Iron Wind Metals for more details.)
Ral Partha promoted its website in its 1996 catalog as a source for updates. 1997 marked the last year of Ral Partha's catalog being released on an annual schedule. A catalog was released for Winter 1998/1999, with another in 2000. Iron Wind Metals produced its first (and possibly only) catalog in 2003. Iron Wind Metals has put information about its available miniatures and releases on its website as well as developing an online store.
In the period from 1998 to 2000, a substantial number of figures were discontinued. Several previously used catalog numbers were then reused for new figures. Also, some figures appeared having the same name as former models but under new catalog codes. It is unclear whether these involved new sculpts or were simply the reintroduction of prior sculpts.
List of Miniatures[edit]
Detailed lists of miniatures, subdivided into various groups, are supplied below.
General Table Notes: "Catalog Number" denotes the figure's catalog number as used by Ral Partha. (Ral Partha did at times reuse catalog numbers from discontinued figures for new figures. Also Ral Partha may have adjusted or reworked some of its figures without any special announcement. So the figure and its packaging depends not solely on the catalog number but also on its year of production.)
"Model" denotes the corresponding in-universe model code of the unit the figure represents (if applicable).
"Name" denotes the name of the figure or set.
"Sculptor" denotes the sculptor of the figure(s).
"Pieces" gives the number of pieces (as identified on a blister pack) that are contained in the package. This is the number of sprues with pieces attached rather than total number of pieces. For example, an ARC-8M Archer (20-211) package contains six pieces: four sprues plus two torso pieces. The total number of pieces once removed from the sprues for assembly is 14. (As Ral Partha may have reworked some of its figures, the identified sculptor and piece count might not be constant across all years.)
"Manufacturer" denotes the manufacturer of the figure.
"Year" represents the first year the miniature appeared in one of the Ral Partha Catalogs or the first year of sale implied by a catalog entry. If a year is given in parentheses, it is the last year the miniature appeared in a Ral Partha catalog of the last year of sale implied by a catalog entry. [Catalogs were generally published once a year. So precise release years or corresponding years of sale could vary slightly from those stated below.] Information from archived retailer websites from 2000 and later has been used to help identify release years for those appearing in the 2003 Iron Wind Metals catalog but not appearing in the 2000 Ral Partha catalog.
"Material" denotes the material used to produce the figure. (If marked "Depends on Year", then the material would depend on the year of manufacture. Ral Partha converted from a lead alloy to a lead-free pewter in the time period between its 1993 and 1994 catalogs.)
Battledroid Miniatures[edit]
This table reports the original eight figures Ral Partha adverstised for Battledroids in its 1985 catalog plus the FIR-7B Fire Bee. The FIR-7B Fire Bee was released prior to the 1986 catalog and is included below since its model and catalog number were discontinued along with the original eight. Models which were introduced into Battledroids but were later updated for BattleTech are not included in this table.
Catalog Number | Model | Name | Sculptor | Pieces | Manufacturer | Year | Material |
20-801 | HRN-7T Hornet | R. Charrette | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1985 (-1987) | Contains Lead | ||
20-802 | FLC-4N Falcon | R. Charrette | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1985 (-1988) | Contains Lead | ||
20-803 | GLD-3R Gladiator | R. Charrette | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1985 (-1987) | Contains Lead | ||
20-804 | FIR-7B Fire Bee | R. Charrette | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1985 (-1987) | Contains Lead | ||
20-811 | BTX-7K BattleAxe | R. Charrette | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1985 (-1988) | Contains Lead | ||
20-812 | VLC-6N Vulcan | R. Charrette | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1985 (-1987) | Contains Lead | ||
20-813 | XBW-9J Crossbow | R. Charrette | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1985 (-1987) | Contains Lead | ||
20-814 | CST-3S Cestus | R. Charrette | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1985 (-1988) | Contains Lead | ||
20-821 | BHN-7H Behemoth | R. Charrette | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1985 (-1987) | Contains Lead |
BattleTech Miniatures[edit]
This table reports the figures Ral Partha produced for BattleTech from 1986 to just prior to conversion to Iron Wind Metals in 2001. The units represented include 'Mechs, infantry, vehicles, aerospace units, and ProtoMechs.
Catalog Number | Model | Name | Sculptor | Pieces | Manufacturer | Year | Material |
20-600 | Vulture | R. Kerr & J. Garrity | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1994 | Depends on Year | ||
20-601 | Loki | J. Garrity | 6 | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1994 | Depends on Year | |
20-602 | Thor (Alt con D) | J. Garrity | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1994 | Depends on Year | ||
20-603 | Madcat | R. Kerr | 7 | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1994 | Depends on Year | |
20-604 | Man O'war | W. Vail | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1994 | Depends on Year | ||
20-605 | Masakari | W. Vail | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1994 | Depends on Year | ||
20-606 | Gladiator | W. Vail | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1994 | Depends on Year | ||
20-607 | Daishi | W. Vail | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1994 | Depends on Year | ||
20-608 | Dragonfly | J. Wilhelm | 5 | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1994 | Depends on Year | |
20-609 | Fenris | J. Wilhelm | 5 | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1994 | Depends on Year | |
20-610 | Black Hawk | J. Wilhelm | 4 | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1994 | Depends on Year | |
20-611 | Ryoken | J. Wilhelm | 6 | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1994 | Depends on Year | |
20-612 | Dasher | D. Summers | 5 | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1994 | Depends on Year | |
20-613 | Koshi | D. Summers | 4 | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1994 | Depends on Year | |
20-614 | Uller | D. Summers | 5 | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1994 | Depends on Year | |
20-615 | Puma | D. Summers | 7 | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1994 | Depends on Year | |
20-616 | T-IT-N10M | Grand Titan | J. Wilhelm | 6 | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1995 | Lead-free pewter |
20-617 | TMP-3M | Tempest | D. Summers | 4 | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1995 | Lead-free pewter |
20-618 | HM-1 | Hitman | R. Kerr | 2 | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1995(-1997) | Lead-free pewter |
20-618 | Hellfire | R. Kyde | 4 | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1999-2000 | Lead-free pewter | |
20-619 | Thor- Self Propelled Heavy Artillery (2) | C. Atkin | 7 | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1995 | Lead-free pewter | |
20-620 | GUN-1ERD | Gunslinger | J. Johnson | 3 | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1995(-1997) | Lead-free pewter |
20-621 | TR1 | Wraith | R. Kerr | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1995 | Lead-free pewter | |
20-622 | NGS-4S | Nightsky | D. Summers | 4 | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1995 | Lead-free pewter |
20-623 | SRM Carrier (2) | J. Wilhelm | 5 | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1995 | Lead-free pewter | |
20-624 | Galahad | D. Summers | 3 | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1995 | Lead-free pewter | |
20-625 | HUR-WO-R4L | Huron Warrior | C. Atkin | 3 | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1995 | Lead-free pewter |
20-626 | Phoenix Hawk IIC | J. Wilhelm | 3 | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1995(-1999) | Lead-free pewter | |
20-627 | LRM Carrier (2) | J. Wilhelm | 5 | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1995 | Lead-free pewter | |
20-628 | THR-1L | Thunder | D. Summers | 4 | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1995(-1997) | Lead-free pewter |
20-628 | Athena Combat Veh. (2) | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1999-2000 | Lead-free pewter | |||
20-629 | Omnimech Phantom | J. Wilhelm | 5 | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1995(-1997) | Lead-free pewter | |
20-629 | Ti Ts' Ang | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1999-2000 | Lead-free pewter | |||
20-630 | Omnimech Pouncer | J. Johnson | 6 | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1995(-1997) | Lead-free pewter | |
20-630 | Y-H9G | Yu Huang | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1999-2000 | Lead-free pewter | ||
20-631 | Marksman Self Propelled Artillery | J. Wilhelm | 5 | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1995 | Lead-free pewter | |
20-632 | GRM-R-PR29 | Grim Reaper | D. Summers | 3 | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1995(-1997) | Lead-free pewter |
20-632 | Predator | P. Lewis | 2 | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1999-2000 | Lead-free pewter | |
20-633 | Omnimech Naga | J. Johnson | 3 | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1995 | Lead-free pewter | |
20-634 | Locust IIC | J. Wilhelm | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1995(-1997) | Lead-free pewter | ||
20-634 | Epona Pursuit Tank (2) | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1999-2000 | Lead-free pewter | |||
20-635 | Puma (95 Ton Tank) (2) | J. Wilhelm | 5 | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1995 | Lead-free pewter | |
20-636 | Bushwacker | J. Wilhelm | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1996(-1999) | Lead-free pewter | ||
20-636 | Bishamon | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1999-2000 | Lead-free pewter | |||
20-637 | Goshawk | C. Atkin | 5 | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1996(-1997) | Lead-free pewter | |
20-637 | Mantis Light Attack VTOL (2) | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1999-2000 | Lead-free pewter | |||
20-638 | MDG-1A | Rakshasa | J. Johnson | 7 | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1996 | Lead-free pewter |
20-639 | KGA-2B Kanga (50 Ton Hover/Jump Tank) | J. Wilhelm | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1996 | Lead-free pewter | ||
20-640 | Stealth | J. Wilhelm | 3 | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1994(-1997) | Depends on Year | |
20-640 | Blood Asp | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1999-2000 | Lead-free pewter | |||
20-641 | Cerberus | R. Kerr | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1994(-1997) | Depends on Year | ||
20-641 | Initiate | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1999-2000 | Lead-free pewter | |||
20-642 | Berserker | J. Wilhelm | 3 | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1994 | Depends on Year | |
20-643 | Hellhound | D. Summers | 2 | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1994 | Depends on Year | |
20-644 | PTR-4D | Penetrator | R. Kyde | 4 | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1996(-1999) | Lead-free pewter |
20-644 | Barghest | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1999-2000 | Lead-free pewter | |||
20-645 | Marauder IIC | R. Kyde | 8 | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1996(-1999) | Lead-free pewter | |
20-645 | Ha-Otoko | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1999-2000 | Lead-free pewter | |||
20-646 | SPR-9K | Venom | D. Summers | 3 | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1996(-1997) | Lead-free pewter |
20-646 | Jinggau | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1999-2000 | Lead-free pewter | |||
20-647 | Rhino (80 Tons) (2) | C. Atkin | 4 | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1996(-1997) | Lead-free pewter | |
20-647 | Sirocco | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1999-2000 | Lead-free pewter | |||
20-648 | DMO-1K | Daimyo | R. Kyde | 5 | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1996(-1999) | Lead-free pewter |
20-649 | BHK-K305 | Battle Hawk | J. Johnson | 2 | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1996(-1997) | Lead-free pewter |
20-649 | Wyvern IIC | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1999-2000 | Lead-free pewter | |||
20-650 | BNDR-010 | Bandersnatch | C. Atkin | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1996(-1997) | Lead-free pewter | |
20-651 | Hunchback IIC | D. Summers | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1996(-1999) | Lead-free pewter | ||
20-651 | Snow Fox | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1999-2000 | Lead-free pewter | |||
20-652 | Kraken | R. Kyde | 5 | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1996(-1999) | Lead-free pewter | |
20-652 | Mandrill | J. Winter | 2 | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1999-2000 | Lead-free pewter | |
20-653 | SCB-9A | Scarabus | J. Wilhelm | 1 | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1996(-1997) | Lead-free pewter |
20-654 | Watchman | C. Atkin | 2 | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1996(-1997) | Lead-free pewter | |
20-655 | DAI-01 | Daikyu | D. Summers | 2 | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1996(-1997) | Lead-free pewter |
20-655 | Fire Scorpion | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1999-2000 | Lead-free pewter | |||
20-656 | APL-1M | Apollo | R. Kyde | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1997(-1999) | Lead-free pewter | |
20-656 | Thunder Stallion | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1999-2000 | Lead-free pewter | |||
20-657 | ALM-7D | Fireball | B. Bugge | 2 | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1997(-1997) | Lead-free pewter |
20-658 | Shadow Hawk IIC | J. Wilhelm | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1996(-1999) | Lead-free pewter | ||
20-659 | NG-C3A | Naginata | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1996 | Lead-free pewter | ||
20-660 | Kodiak | 4 | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1996 | Lead-free pewter | ||
20-661 | Vixen | C. Atkin | 2 | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1997 | Lead-free pewter | |
20-662 | Battle Cobra | J. Wilhelm | 3 | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1997 | Lead-free pewter | |
20-663 | Viper | D. Summers | 4 | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1997 | Lead-free pewter | |
20-664 | Omnimech Linebacker | R. Kyde | 7 | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1997 | Lead-free pewter | |
20-665 | SP1-0 | Sunder | C. Atkins | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1997 | Lead-free pewter | |
20-666 | Grizzly | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1997 | Lead-free pewter | |||
20-667 | Tokugawa Hvy Tank (2) | J. Wilhelm | 6 | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1997 | Lead-free pewter | |
20-668 | DRT-35 | Dart | R. Kyde | 1 | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1997 | Lead-free pewter |
20-669 | ANV-3M | Anvil | C. Atkin | 4 | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1997 | Lead-free pewter |
20-670 | GRN-D-01 | Grand Crusader | J. Wilhelm | 1 | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1997 | Lead-free pewter |
20-671 | Regulator Hovertank | C. Atkins | 6 | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1997 | Lead-free pewter | |
20-672 | Shadow Cat (Omni) | R. Kyde | 5 | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1997(-1999) | Lead-free pewter | |
20-673 | STY-3C | Starslayer | J. Wilhelm | 3 | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1997 | Lead-free pewter |
20-674 | FLC-8R | Falconer | C. Atkin | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1997 | Lead-free pewter | |
20-675 | NSR-9J | Nightstar | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1997 | Lead-free pewter | ||
20-676 | Pirahna | R. Kyde | 1 | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1997 | Lead-free pewter | |
20-677 | Grendel | J. Wilhelm | 2 | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1997 | Lead-free pewter | |
20-678 | Typhoon (2) | J. Wilhelm | 4 | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1997 | Lead-free pewter | |
20-679 | RTX1-0 | Raptor | C. Atkin | 3 | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1997 | Lead-free pewter |
20-680 | GAL-1GLS | Gallowglas | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1997 | Lead-free pewter | ||
20-681 | LGB-7Q | Longbow | J. Wilhelm | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1997 | Lead-free pewter | |
20-682 | Komodo | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1998 | Lead-free pewter | |||
20-683 | Hankyu | C. Atkin | 3 | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1998 | Lead-free pewter | |
20-684 | ST-8A | Shootist | J. Wilhelm | 3 | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1997 | Lead-free pewter |
20-685 | Bandit Hovercraft (2) (2 variants shown) | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1998 | Lead-free pewter | |||
20-686 | MSK-6S | Mackie | J. Wilhelm | 4 | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1998 | Lead-free pewter |
20-687 | TDK-7X | Thunder Hawk | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1998 | Lead-free pewter | ||
20-688 | Baboon | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1998 | Lead-free pewter | |||
20-689 | NXS1-A | Nexus | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1997 | Lead-free pewter | ||
20-690 | OW-1 | Owens (Omni) | D. Summers | 3 | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1998 | Lead-free pewter |
20-691 | Peregrine | R. Kyde | 1 | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1998 | Lead-free pewter | |
20-692 | HRC LS-9000 | Hercules | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1998 | Lead-free pewter | ||
20-693 | NKA-1K | No-Daichi | J. Wilhelm | 2 | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1998 | Lead-free pewter |
20-694 | TYM-1A | Toyama | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1998 | Lead-free pewter | ||
20-695 | Fire Falcon | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1998 | Lead-free pewter | |||
20-696 | Supernova | R. Kyde | 5 | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1998 | Lead-free pewter | |
20-697 | CLN-7V | Chameleon | J. Winter | 3 | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1998 | Lead-free pewter |
20-698 | BCN-3R | Buccaneer | J. Winter | 2 | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1998 | Lead-free pewter |
20-699 | EMP-6A | Emperor | J. Wilhelm | 3 | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1998 | Lead-free pewter |
20-701 | SPR-H5 | Sparrowhawk | T. Meier | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1988(-1999) | Depends on Year | |
20-702 | CSR-V12 | Corsair | T. Meier | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1988 | Depends on Year | |
20-703 | STU-K5 | Stuka | T. Meier | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1988(-1999) | Depends on Year | |
20-704 | F-10 | Cheetah | W. Vail | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1991(-1995) | Depends on Year | |
20-705 | F-90 | Sting Ray | W. Vail | 4 | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1991 | Depends on Year |
20-706 | CHP-W5 | Chippewa | C. Bell | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1991(-1997) | Depends on Year | |
20-707 | F100 | Riever | D. Summers | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1991(-1997) | Depends on Year | |
20-708 | SYD-21 | Seydlitz | W. Vail | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1991(-1995) | Depends on Year | |
20-709 | LCF-R15 | Lucifer | D. Summers | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1991(-1995) | Depends on Year | |
20-710 | SL-25 | Samurai | T. Meier | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1988(-1999) | Depends on Year | |
20-711 | SL-21 | Sholagar | J. Guthrie | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1989(-1995) | Depends on Year | |
20-712 | SL-17 | Shilone | J. Guthrie | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1989 | Depends on Year | |
20-713 | SL-15 | Slayer | J. Guthrie | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1989 | Depends on Year | |
20-714 | Batu (Omni) Fighter | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1998 | Lead-free pewter | |||
20-715 | Jagatai | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1998 | Lead-free pewter | |||
20-720 | TR-7 | Thrush | J. Guthrie | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1989(-1995) | Depends on Year | |
20-721 | TR-10 | Transit | J. Guthrie | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1989(-1995) | Depends on Year | |
20-722 | TR-13 | Transgressor | J. Guthrie | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1989(-1995) | Depends on Year | |
20-722 | Anhur Transport Plane | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1999-2000 | Lead-free pewter | |||
20-723 | Warrior | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1993 | Depends on Year | |||
20-724 | Mechbuster | J. Wilhelm | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1993 | Depends on Year | ||
20-725 | Cavalry Attack Helicopter | J. Wilhelm | 4 | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1997 | Lead-free pewter | |
20-726 | Yellow Jacket Gunboat | J. Wilhelm | 5 | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1997 | Lead-free pewter | |
20-727 | Karnov UR Transport | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1998 | Lead-free pewter | |||
20-729 | Ares Med. Tank | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1999-2000 | Lead-free pewter | |||
20-730 | Matador | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 2000 | Lead-free pewter | |||
20-731 | Tai-Sho | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1999-2000 | Lead-free pewter | |||
20-732 | Bloodkite | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1999-2000 | Lead-free pewter | |||
20-733 | Oro Heavy Tank | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 2000 | Lead-free pewter | |||
20-734 | Orion IIC | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 2000 | Lead-free pewter | |||
20-735 | Bushwacker | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1999-2000 | Lead-free pewter | |||
20-739 | Ontos Heavy Tank (2) | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1999-2000 | Lead-free pewter | |||
20-740 | Behemoth Heavy Tank (2) | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1998 | Lead-free pewter | |||
20-741 | J-27 Tow Vehicle and Thumper Gun | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1998 | Lead-free pewter | |||
20-742 | MASH Unit (2) | J. Wilhelm | 4 | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1998 | Lead-free pewter | |
20-743 | Mobile HQ | J. Wilhelm | 3 | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1998 | Lead-free pewter | |
20-744 | Badger Tracked Transport (2) | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1998 | Lead-free pewter | |||
20-745 | Skulker Wheeled Scout (2) | J. Grace | 2 | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1998 | Lead-free pewter | |
20-746 | Alacorn Mk. VI Heavy Tank (2) | J. Wilhelm | 4 | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1998 | Lead-free pewter | |
20-747 | Zhukov Heavy Tank (2) | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1998 | Lead-free pewter | |||
20-748 | Challenger X M.B.T. | J. Wilhelm | 6 | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1998 | Lead-free pewter | |
20-749 | Goblin Infantry Support Vehicle (2) | C. Atkin | 4 | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1998 | Lead-free pewter | |
20-750 | Rommel/Patton (2) | D. Summers | 4 | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1991 | Depends on Year | |
20-751 | Long Tom Artillery | D. Summers | 3 | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1991 | Depends on Year | |
20-752 | Galleon (2) | J. Wilhelm | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1992(-1999) | Depends on Year | ||
20-752 | Canis | P. Lewis | 3 | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1999-2000 | Lead-free pewter | |
20-753 | Schrek (2) | S. L. Garrity | 4 | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1992 | Depends on Year | |
20-754 | KW1-LH2 | Lineholder | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1998 | Lead-free pewter | ||
20-755 | SPT-N2 | Spartan | C. Atkins | 3 | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1998 | Lead-free pewter |
20-756 | AKU-1X | Akuma | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1998 | Lead-free pewter | ||
20-757 | SR1-0 | Strider | J. Winter | 4 | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1998 | Lead-free pewter |
20-758 | Cauldron-Born (Omni) | J. Winter | 4 | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1998 | Lead-free pewter | |
20-759 | Turkina | D. Summers | 3 | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1998 | Lead-free pewter | |
20-760 | Black Lanner (Omni) | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1998 | Lead-free pewter | |||
20-761 | DVS-2 | Devastator | D. Summers | 4 | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1998 | Lead-free pewter |
20-762 | PLG-32 | Pillager | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1998 | Lead-free pewter | ||
20-763 | MTR-5K | Maelstrom | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1998 | Lead-free pewter | ||
20-764 | SPR-5F | Spector | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1998 | Lead-free pewter | ||
20-765 | END-6Q | Enfield | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1998 | Lead-free pewter | ||
20-766 | LNX-9Q | Lynx | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1998 | Lead-free pewter | ||
20-767 | TLN-5W | Talon | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1998 | Lead-free pewter | ||
20-768 | Night-Gyr (Omni) | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1998 | Lead-free pewter | |||
20-769 | EXC-B2 | Excalibur | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1998 | Lead-free pewter | ||
20-770 | AXM-1M | Axeman | B. Charrette | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1992(-1999) | Depends on Year | |
20-771 | CTF-3D | Cataphract | B. Charrette | 2 | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1992(-1997) | Depends on Year |
20-772 | CES-3R | Caesar | B. Charrette | 3 | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1992(-1999) | Depends on Year |
20-773 | GLT-3N | Guillotine | B. Charrette | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1992(-1997) | Depends on Year | |
20-774 | Black Knight | S. Garrity | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1993(-1999) | Depends on Year | ||
20-775 | Wyvern | J. Wilhelm | 3 | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1993(-1995) | Depends on Year | |
20-776 | Coolant Truck (2) | J. Wilhelm | 3 | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1993(-1995) | Depends on Year | |
20-777 | FLC-4P | Falcon | J. Wilhelm | 3 | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1993(-1995) | Depends on Year |
20-778 | Crockett | J. Johnson | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1993(-1995) | Depends on Year | ||
20-779 | Manticore (2) | J. Wilhelm | 7 | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1993 | Depends on Year | |
20-780 | Hussar | D. Summers | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1993 | Depends on Year | ||
20-781 | Kintaro | S. Garrity | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1993(-1995) | Depends on Year | ||
20-782 | Packrat LRPV (2) | J. Wilhelm | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1993(-1997) | Depends on Year | ||
20-783 | J. Edgar Hover (2) | S. L. Garrity | 6 | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1993 | Depends on Year | |
20-784 | THE-N | Thorn | R. Kerr | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1994(-1995) | Depends on Year | |
20-784 | Myrmidon Medium Tank (2) | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1999-2000 | Lead-free pewter | |||
20-785 | HER-3S | Hermes | D. Summers | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1994(-1995) | Depends on Year | |
20-785 | Demolisher II Heavy Tank | P. Lewis | 2 | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1999-2000 | Lead-free pewter | |
20-786 | FLS-8K | Flashman | J. Wilhelm | 4 | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1994(-1995) | Depends on Year |
20-786 | Hachiman Fire Support (2) | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1999-2000 | Lead-free pewter | |||
20-787 | CHP-1N | Champion | J. Wilhelm | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1994(-1995) | Depends on Year | |
20-787 | Ishtar Heavy Fire Support (2) | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1999-2000 | Lead-free pewter | |||
20-788 | STN-3M | Sentinel | D. Summers | 2 | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1994(-1995) | Depends on Year |
20-789 | ZPH-1A | Tarantula | J. Johnson | 5 | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1994 | Depends on Year |
20-790 | PPR-5S | Salamander | D. Summers | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1994 | Depends on Year | |
20-791 | Rifleman IIC | J. Wilhelm | 4 | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1994(-1997) | Depends on Year | |
20-792 | Behemoth | J. Wilhelm | 5 | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1994 | Depends on Year | |
20-793 | BSK-F3 | Hollander | R. Kerr | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1994 | Depends on Year | |
20-794 | ALB-3A | Albatross | D. Summers | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1994 | Depends on Year | |
20-795 | Jenner IIC | R. Kerr | 5 | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1994 | Depends on Year | |
20-796 | Warhammer IIC | R. Kerr | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1994(-1996) | Depends on Year | ||
20-797 | WR-DG-02FC | Wardog | R. Kyde | 3 | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1996(-1999) | Lead-free pewter |
20-798 | HMR-3M | Hammer | C. Atkin | 4 | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1996(-1999) | Lead-free pewter |
20-799 | Flight Bases (6) | T. Meier | 6 | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1989 | Depends on Year | |
20-800 | Hex Bases (4) | J. Wilhelm | 4 | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1985 | Depends on Year | |
20-801 | THG-11E | Thug | T. Meier | 2 | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1990 | Depends on Year |
20-802 | MON-66 | Mongoose | D. Summers | 3 | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1990 | Depends on Year |
20-803 | HOP-4C | Hoplite | D. Summers | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1990(-1994) | Depends on Year | |
20-804 | CRB-27 | Crab | W. Vail | 5 | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1990 | Depends on Year |
20-805 | FLE-15 | Flea: A, B, or C Variant | J. Guthrie | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1985(-1999) | Depends on Year | |
20-806 | Hunter, 35 Ton Missile Tank (2) | T. Meier | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1987(-1999) | Depends on Year | ||
20-807 | Striker Armored Car (2) | T. Meier | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1987(-1999) | Depends on Year | ||
20-808 | Pegasus Lt. Hover Tank (2) | T. Meier | 5 | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1987(-1999) | Depends on Year | |
20-809 | MAL-1R | Mauler | R. Charrette | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1991(-1999) | Depends on Year | |
20-810 | HTM-27T | Hatamoto-Chi | R. Charrette | 2 | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1991(-1999) | Depends on Year |
20-811 | WFT-1 | Wolftrap | R. Charrette | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1991(-1996) | Depends on Year | |
20-812 | RVN-3L | Raven | R. Charrette | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1991(-1999) | Depends on Year | |
20-813 | MCY-99 | Mercury | J. Guthrie | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1992(-1997) | Depends on Year | |
20-813 | Guillotine | P. Lewis | 2 | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1999-2000 | Lead-free pewter | |
20-814 | LNC-25-01 | Lancelot | J. Guthrie | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1992(-1995) | Depends on Year | |
20-814 | Zeus | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1999-2000 | Lead-free pewter | |||
20-815 | ARC-4R | Archer | R. Charrette | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1985(-1990) | Contains Lead | |
20-815 | BMB-12D | Bombardier | J. Guthrie | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1990(-1995) | Depends on Year | |
20-815 | Jagermech (new version) | P. Lewis | 3 | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1999-2000 | Lead-free pewter | |
20-816 | Vedette (2) | T. Meier | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1987(-1997) | Depends on Year | ||
20-817 | Condor (2) | F. Barnum | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1989(-1995) | Depends on Year | ||
20-818 | Drillson (2) | F. Barnum | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1989(-1995) | Depends on Year | ||
20-819 | Maxim Transport (2) | F. Barnum | 7 | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1989 | Depends on Year | |
20-820 | MHL-X1 | Marshall | J. Wilhelm | 2 | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1998 | Lead-free pewter |
20-821 | Clan Elemental Infantry (30) | T. Meier | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1990 | Depends on Year | ||
20-822 | Demolisher (2) | T. Meier | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1987(-1999) | Depends on Year | ||
20-823 | Kurita Infantry (84) | T. Meier | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1989 | Depends on Year | ||
20-824 | Davion Infantry (84) | T. Meier | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1989 | Depends on Year | ||
20-825 | Bulldog (2) | F. Barnum | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1989 | Depends on Year | ||
20-826 | Pike Support (2) | F. Barnum | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1989(-1994) | Depends on Year | ||
20-827 | Ontos (2) | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1989(-1995) | Depends on Year | |||
20-828 | Savannah Master (4) | R. Charrette | 4 | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1990(-1999) | Depends on Year | |
20-829 | Hetzer (2) | R. Kerr | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1990(-1994) | Depends on Year | ||
20-830 | Von Luckner (2) | D. Summers | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1990 | Depends on Year | ||
20-831 | STG-3R | Stinger | R. Charrette | 2 | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1986(-1995) | Depends on Year |
20-832 | WSP-1A | Wasp | R. Charrette | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1986(-1995) | Depends on Year | |
20-833 | PXH-1 | Phoenix Hawk | R. Charrette | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1986(-1995) | Depends on Year | |
20-834 | CRD-3R | Crusader | R. Charrette | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1986(-1995) | Depends on Year | |
20-835 | GRF-1N | Griffin | R. Charrette | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1986(-1999) | Depends on Year | |
20-836 | SHD-2H | Shadow Hawk | R. Charrette | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1986(-1999) | Depends on Year | |
20-837 | WVR-6R | Wolverine | R. Charrette | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1986(-1999) | Depends on Year | |
20-838 | BLR-1G | BattleMaster | R. Charrette | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1986(-1999) | Depends on Year | |
20-839 | TDR-5S | Thunderbolt | R. Charrette | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1986(-1999) | Depends on Year | |
20-840 | WHM-6R | Warhammer | R. Charrette | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1986(-1995) | Depends on Year | |
20-841 | RFL-3N | Rifleman | R. Charrette | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1986(-1995) | Depends on Year | |
20-842 | ARC-3R | Archer | R. Charrette | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1986(-1995) | Depends on Year | |
20-843 | MAD-3R | Marauder | R. Charrette | 5 | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1986(-1995) | Depends on Year |
20-844 | LCT-1V | Locust | R. Charrette | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1986(-1999) | Depends on Year | |
20-845 | AS-7D | Atlas | T. Meier | 1 | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1987(-1999) | Depends on Year |
20-846 | GOL-1H | Goliath | T. Meier | 4 | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1987(-1999) | Depends on Year |
20-847 | AWS-8Q | Awesome | T. Meier | 3 | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1987 | Depends on Year |
20-848 | ON1-K | Orion | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1987(-1999) | Depends on Year | ||
20-849 | CN9-A | Centurion | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1987(-1999) | Depends on Year | ||
20-850 | FS9-H | Firestarter | T. Meier | 1 | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1987(-1999) | Depends on Year |
20-851 | VLK-QA | Valkyrie | 1 | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1987(-1996) | Depends on Year | |
20-852 | CPLT-C1 | Catapult | R. Charrette | 4 | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1987(-1999) | Depends on Year |
20-853 | PNT-9R | Panther | 1 | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1987(-1999) | Depends on Year | |
20-854 | HBK-4G | Hunchback | T. Meier | 1 | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1987(-1999) | Depends on Year |
20-855 | OTL-4D | Ostsol | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1987(-1995) | Depends on Year | ||
20-856 | ZEU-6S | Zeus | T. Meier | 1 | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1987(-1999) | Depends on Year |
20-857 | UMR-60 | UrbanMech | P.D.S. | 1 | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1987(-1999) | Depends on Year |
20-858 | CDA-2A | Cicada | R. Charrette | 3 | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1987(-1997) | Depends on Year |
20-859 | SCP-1N | Scorpion | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1987(-1999) | Depends on Year | ||
20-860 | VTR-9B | Victor | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1987(-1999) | Depends on Year | ||
20-861 | JM6-S | JagerMech | T. Meier | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1988(-1999) | Depends on Year | |
20-862 | STK-3F | Stalker | T. Meier | 2 | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1988(-1999) | Depends on Year |
20-863 | CP10-Z | Cyclops | T. Meier | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1988(-1999) | Depends on Year | |
20-864 | HCT-3F | Hatchetman | 1 | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1988(-1999) | Depends on Year | |
20-865 | COM-2D | Commando | P. Lewis | 1 | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1988(-1999) | Depends on Year |
20-866 | JVN-10N | Javelin | R. Charrette | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1988(-1999) | Depends on Year | |
20-867 | ENF-4R | Enforcer | R. Charrette | 1 | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1988 | Depends on Year |
20-868 | DRG-1N | Dragon | 2 | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1988(-1999) | Depends on Year | |
20-869 | JR7-D | Jenner | 2 | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1988(-1999) | Depends on Year | |
20-870 | WTH-1 | Whitworth | J. Guthrie | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1988(-1995) | Depends on Year | |
20-871 | VND-1R | Vindicator | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1988(-1999) | Depends on Year | ||
20-872 | QKD-4G | Quickdraw | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1988(-1994) | Depends on Year | ||
20-873 | SPR-5V | Spider | R. Charrette | 2 | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1988 | Depends on Year |
20-874 | OTT-7J | Ostscout | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1988(-1993) | Depends on Year | ||
20-875 | ASN-21 | Assassin | 1 | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1988(-1999) | Depends on Year | |
20-876 | DV-6M | Dervish | 1 | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1988(-1999) | Depends on Year | |
20-877 | OSR-2C | Ostroc | T. Meier | 2 | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1988(-1999) | Depends on Year |
20-878 | STG-A5 | Stinger LAM | R. Charrette | 2 | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1988(-1995) | Depends on Year |
20-879 | CLNT-2-3T | Clint | B. Charrette | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1988(-1994) | Depends on Year | |
20-880 | BJ-1 | Blackjack | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1988(-1994) | Depends on Year | ||
20-881 | CGR-1A1 | Charger | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1988(-1997) | Depends on Year | ||
20-882 | BNC-3E (BNC-S) | Banshee | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1988(-1999) | Depends on Year | ||
20-883 | WSP-105 | Wasp LAM | R. Charrette | 2 | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1988(-1995) | Depends on Year |
20-884 | PHX-HK2 | Phoenix Hawk LAM | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1988(-1995) | Depends on Year | ||
INFOCOM Special | PHX-HK2 | Phoenix Hawk LAM | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | Contains Lead | |||
20-885 | HER-2S | Hermes II | J. Guthrie | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1988(-1994) | Depends on Year | |
20-886 | VL-2T | Vulcan | R. Charrette | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1988(-1994) | Depends on Year | |
20-887 | TBT-5N | Trebuchet | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1988(-1997) | Depends on Year | ||
20-888 | GHR-5H | Grasshopper | P. Lewis | 2 | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1988(-1999) | Depends on Year |
20-889 | LGB-0W | Longbow | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1988(-1995) | Depends on Year | ||
20-890 | HNT-151 | Hornet | R. Charrette | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1990(-1994) | Depends on Year | |
20-891 | WLF-1 | Wolfhound | R. Charrette | 2 | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1990 | Depends on Year |
20-892 | SHG-2E | Shogun | R. Charrette | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1990(-1993) | Depends on Year | |
20-893 | MAD-4A | Marauder II | R. Charrette | 6 | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1990(-1996) | Depends on Year |
20-894 | FFL-4A | Firefly | J. Guthrie | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1990(-1993) | Depends on Year | |
20-895 | EXT-4D | Exterminator | J. Guthrie | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1990(-1997) | Depends on Year | |
20-896 | HGN-732 | Highlander | J. Guthrie | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1990(-1999) | Depends on Year | |
20-897 | ANH-1A | Annihilator | 1 | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1990(-1999) | Depends on Year | |
20-898 | IMP-3E | Imp | T. Meier | 1 | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1990(-1995) | Depends on Year |
20-899 | KGC-000 | King Crab | T. Meier | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1990 | Depends on Year | |
20-900 | Cicada | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1998 | Lead-free pewter | |||
20-901 | TBT-5N | Trebuchet | 3 | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1998 | Lead-free pewter | |
20-902 | CGR-1A1 | Charger | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1998 | Lead-free pewter | ||
20-903 | BKW-7R | Blackwatch | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1998 | Lead-free pewter | ||
20-904 | OBK-M10 | O'Bakemono | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1998 | Lead-free pewter | ||
20-905 | BJ2-0 | Blackjack (Omni) | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1998 | Lead-free pewter | ||
20-906 | RJN101-A | Rajin | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1998 | Lead-free pewter | ||
20-907 | BHKU-0 | Black Hawk-Ku (Omni) | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1998 | Lead-free pewter | ||
20-908 | Thresher | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1998 | Lead-free pewter | |||
20-909 | DRG-3F | Dragon Fire | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1998 | Lead-free pewter | ||
20-910 | Nobori-Nin (Omni) | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1998 | Lead-free pewter | |||
20-911 | Crossbow (Omni) | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1998 | Lead-free pewter | |||
20-912 | Kingfisher (Omni) | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1998 | Lead-free pewter | |||
20-913 | P1 | Perseus (Omni) | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1998 | Lead-free pewter | ||
20-914 | Cougar (Omni) | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1998 | Lead-free pewter | |||
20-915 | AV1-0 | Avatar (Omni) | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1998 | Lead-free pewter | ||
20-916 | MLN-1A | Merlin | S. Saunders | 2 | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1998 | Lead-free pewter |
20-917 | Nova Cat (Omni) | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1998 | Lead-free pewter | |||
20-918 | Stalking Spider | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1998 | Lead-free pewter | |||
20-919 | Stooping Hawk (Omni) | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1998 | Lead-free pewter | |||
20-920 | Centaur ProtoMech (5) | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1998 | Lead-free pewter | |||
20-921 | Roc ProtoMech (5) | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1999 | Lead-free pewter | |||
20-922 | Gorgon ProtoMech (5) | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1999 | Lead-free pewter | |||
20-923 | Minotaur ProtoMech (5) | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1999-2000 | Lead-free pewter | |||
20-924 | Satyr ProtoMech (5) | D. Summers | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1999-2000 | Lead-free pewter | ||
20-925 | Harpy ProtoMech (5) | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1999-2000 | Lead-free pewter | |||
20-926 | Siren ProtoMech (5) | D. Summers | 5 | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1999-2000 | Lead-free pewter | |
20-927 | Hydra ProtoMech (5) | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1999 | Lead-free pewter | |||
20-928 | Corvis | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1999 | Lead-free pewter | |||
20-929 | Ursus | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1999 | Lead-free pewter | |||
20-930 | CPLT-C4 | Catapult | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1999 | Lead-free pewter | ||
20-931 | UrbanMech IIC | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1999 | Lead-free pewter | |||
20-932 | VND-3L | Vindicator | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1999 | Lead-free pewter | ||
20-933 | VKG-2F | Viking | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1999 | Lead-free pewter | ||
20-934 | Pack Hunter | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1999-2000 | Lead-free pewter | |||
20-935 | AXM-2N | Axeman | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1999-2000 | Lead-free pewter | ||
20-936 | Highlander IIC | R. Kyde | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1999-2000 | Lead-free pewter | ||
20-937 | Beowulf | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1999-2000 | Lead-free pewter | |||
20-938 | Mars Assault Vehicle | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1999 | Lead-free pewter | |||
20-939 | Cobra | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1999 | Lead-free pewter | |||
20-940 | Great Wyrm | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1999 | Lead-free pewter | |||
20-941 | Menshen | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1999 | Lead-free pewter | |||
20-942 | Atlas | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1999 | Lead-free pewter | |||
20-943 | Arctic Wolf | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1999 | Lead-free pewter | |||
20-944 | YMN-6Y | Yeoman | J. Wilhelm | 1 | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1999 | Lead-free pewter |
20-945 | Chevalier Light Tank (2) | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1999 | Lead-free pewter | |||
20-946 | BTZ-3F | Blitzkrieg | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1999 | Lead-free pewter | ||
20-949 | HEL-3D | Helios | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1998-2000 | Lead-free pewter | ||
20-951 | Basic Inner Sphere Battle Armor (24) | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1998 | Lead-free pewter | |||
20-952 | Kanazuchi Battle Armor (4) | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1998 | Lead-free pewter | |||
20-953 | Longinus Battle Armor (24) | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1998 | Lead-free pewter | |||
20-954 | Achileus Light Battle Armor (24) | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1998 | Lead-free pewter | |||
20-955 | Gray Death Legion Battle Armor (24) | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1998 | Lead-free pewter | |||
20-956 | Tessen | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 2000 | Lead-free pewter | |||
20-957 | Lao Hu | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 2000 | Lead-free pewter | |||
20-958 | Vanquisher | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 2000-2001 | Lead-free pewter | |||
20-959 | Templar | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 2000-2001 | Lead-free pewter | |||
20-960 | Savage Coyote | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 2000 | Lead-free pewter | |||
20-961 | Sha Yu | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 2000 | Lead-free pewter | |||
20-962 | Undine Battle Armor (24) | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 2000-2001 | Lead-free pewter | |||
20-963 | Gnome Battle Armor (24) | P. Lewis | 8 | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 2000-2001 | Lead-free pewter | |
20-964 | Salamander Battle Armor (24) | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 2000-2001 | Lead-free pewter | |||
20-965 | Purifier Battle Armor (24) | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 2000-2001 | Lead-free pewter | |||
20-966 | Falcon Hawk | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 2000-2001 | Lead-free pewter | |||
20-967 | Hauptman | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 2000-2001 | Lead-free pewter |
BattleTech MechWarrior Miniatures[edit]
This table reports the figures Ral Partha produced for MechWarrior: The BattleTech Role Playing Game, which was published in 1986. These use a larger scale, with the Clan elemental specifically identified as using 25mm scale in 2000. Apart from the Clan elemental, production of these was discontinued prior to Ral Partha's conversion from lead alloy to lead-free pewter.
Catalog Number | Model | Name | Sculptor | Pieces | Manufacturer | Year | Material |
20-900 | MechWarriors: Steiner (3) | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1988 (-1993) | Contains Lead | |||
20-901 | Ground Troopers: Steiner (3) | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1988 (-1993) | Contains Lead | |||
20-902 | Aerospace Pilot: Steiner | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1988 (-1993) | Contains Lead | |||
20-903 | Security Guard: Steiner | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1988 (-1993) | Contains Lead | |||
20-920 | MechWarriors: Kurita (3) | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1988 (-1993) | Contains Lead | |||
20-921 | Ground Troopers: Kurita (3) | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1988 (-1993) | Contains Lead | |||
20-922 | Special Forces -- Death Squad Assassin: Kurita | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1988 (-1993) | Contains Lead | |||
20-923 | Mech Tech: Kurita | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1988 (-1993) | Contains Lead | |||
20-940 | MechWarriors: Liao (3) | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1989 (-1993) | Contains Lead | |||
20-941 | Ground Troopers: Liao (3) | R. Charrette | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1989 (-1993) | Contains Lead | ||
20-942 | Death Commando: Liao | R. Charrette | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1989 (-1993) | Contains Lead | ||
20-943 | Aerospace Pilot: Liao | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1989 (-1993) | Contains Lead | |||
20-950 | Clan Elemental | R. Kerr | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1990 | Depends on Year | ||
20-960 | MechWarriors: Marik (3) | R. Charrette | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1989 (-1993) | Contains Lead | ||
20-961 | Ground Troopers: Marik (3) | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1989 (-1993) | Contains Lead | |||
20-962 | Security Guard: Marik | R. Charrette | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1989 (-1993) | Contains Lead | ||
20-963 | DropShip Crewman: Marik | R. Charrette | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1989 (-1993) | Contains Lead | ||
20-980 | MechWarriors: Davion (3) | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1989 (-1993) | Contains Lead | |||
20-981 | Ground Troopers: Davion (3) | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1989 (-1993) | Contains Lead | |||
20-982 | Aerospace Fighter Pilot: Davion | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1989 (-1993) | Contains Lead | |||
20-983 | JumpShip Crewman: Davion | R. Charrette | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1989 (-1993) | Contains Lead |
Museum Scale Miniatures[edit]
In 2000, Ral Partha introduced some miniatures having museum scale, which are reported in the table below.
Catalog Number | Model | Name | Sculptor | Pieces | Manufacturer | Year | Material |
10-101 | Atlas (Museum Scale) | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 2000 | Lead-free pewter | |||
10-102 | Zeus (Museum Scale) | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 2000 | Lead-free pewter | |||
10-103 | Mad Cat (Museum Scale) | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 2000 | Lead-free pewter | |||
10-104 | Vulture (Museum Scale) | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 2000 | Lead-free pewter |
Boxed Sets[edit]
This table reports the lance packs and boxed sets produced by Ral Partha.
Catalog Number | Model | Name | Sculptor | Pieces | Manufacturer | Year | Material |
10-801 | Recon Lance | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1988 (-1996) | Depends on Year | |||
10-802 | Light Lance | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1988 (-1996) | Depends on Year | |||
10-803 | Medium Lance | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1988 (-1996) | Depends on Year | |||
10-804 | Fire Lance | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1988 (-1996) | Depends on Year | |||
10-804P | Fire Lance (Plastic & Ralidium) | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1996 (-1996) | Resin & Lead-free pewter | |||
10-805 | Heavy Lance | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1988 (-1996) | Depends on Year | |||
10-805P | Heavy Lance (Plastic & Ralidium) | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1996 (-1996) | Resin & Lead-free pewter | |||
10-806 | Assault Lance | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1988 (-1996) | Depends on Year | |||
10-806P | Assault Lance (Plastic & Ralidium) | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1995 (-1996) | Resin & Lead-free pewter | |||
10-807 | Regimental Command Lance | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1989 (-1997) | Depends on Year | |||
10-808 | Pursuit Lance | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1989 (-1997) | Depends on Year | |||
10-840 | Light Omni Mechs | David Summers | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1992 (-1999) | Depends on Year | ||
10-840P | Light Omni Mechs (Plastic & Ralidium) | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1995 (-1995) | Resin & Lead-free pewter | |||
10-841 | Medium Omni Mechs | Jeff Wilhelm | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1992 (-1999) | Depends on Year | ||
10-841P | Medium Omni Mechs (Plastic & Ralidium) | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1995 (-1995) | Resin & Lead-free pewter | |||
10-842 | Heavy Omni Mechs | John M. Garrity & Richard Kerr | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1991 (-1999) | Depends on Year | ||
10-842P | Heavy Omni Mechs (Plastic & Ralidium) | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1994 (-1995) | Resin & Lead-free pewter | |||
10-843 | Assault Omni Mechs | Walter Vail | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1991 (-1999) | Depends on Year | ||
10-843P | Assault Omni Mechs (Plastic & Ralidium) | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1995 (-1995) | Resin & Lead-free pewter | |||
10-844 | Mechwarrior Box #1 "Clan Mechs" | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1999-2000 | Lead-free pewter | |||
10-845 | Mechwarrior Box #2 "Inner Sphere" | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1999-2000 | Lead-free pewter | |||
10-846 | Mech Commander Box #1 "Clan Mechs" | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1999 | Lead-free pewter | |||
10-847 | Mech Commander Box #2 "Inner Sphere" | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1999 | Lead-free pewter | |||
10-850 | BattleTroops: Kurita Machine Gun Assault Platoon | Bob Charrette and Richard Kerr | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1990 (-1993) | Contains Lead | ||
10-851 | BattleTroops: Steiner Laser Rifle Platoon | Bob Charrette and Richard Kerr | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | 1990 (-1993) | Contains Lead |
Spare Part Packs[edit]
Ral Partha also sold blister packs of various spare parts. These were not reported in any of the Ral Partha catalogs. Given that their catalog codes were used for specific units starting in 1998, it appears that these were produced in some years prior to 1998. Images of these packs can be found at Lost Minis Wiki.
Catalog Number | Model | Name | Sculptor | Pieces | Manufacturer | Year | Material |
20-744 | Mixed Auxiliary Weapons | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | |||||
20-745 | Heavy & Assault Mech Arms | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | |||||
20-746 | Light & Medium Mech Arms | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | |||||
20-747 | Shoulder Socket Weapons | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | |||||
20-748 | Missiles | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. | |||||
20-749 | Jump Jets & Fins | Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. |
- Ral Partha Catalogs: This is a source for nearly all tabular data, except for sculptor and piece count data, plus the sculptor data for figures introduced in 1985 and 1986.
- Iron Wind Metal Website (archived) (2002-2003) Web Archive ( This provides some release announcements with date of release for some figures.
- Ral Partha Europe Website (archived) (2001-2003) Web Archive ( This provides show some dates availability (and so an upper bound for release dates) for some figures.
- Military Simulations Website (archived) (2000-2003) Web Archive ( This provides show some dates availability (and so an upper bound for release dates) for some figures.
- Lost Minis Wiki: BattleTech page: This provides an extensive gallery of blister pack images which help establish the sculptor and piece count data for several figures.
- Charrette Collection Facebook Page, Battledroids Post: This provides a gallery of the Battledroid blister packs.
- Ye Olde Infocomme Shoppe, BattleTech: The Crescent Hawk's Inception by Infocom (Ral Partha Phoenix Hawk LAM figure)
- Battletech Museum Facebook Page
- Other assorted blister pack images: Some sculptor and piece count data have been incorporated from various blister pack images as well as an earlier partial compilation based on such info.