Miniatures - Ral Partha (Uncategorized)

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Ral Partha Miniatures not Documented by Ral Partha Catalogs[edit]

A list of Ral Partha miniatures, with certain additional details compiled from individual blister packs, was compiled several years ago. An updated list, incorporating information from Ral Partha Catalogs (up to and including 2000), is posted under Miniatures - Ral Partha.

Any information not incorporated into the updated list is posted here for purposes of preservation and potential further research. These include miniatures that were made but not appearing in a Ral Partha catalog (such as any created near to the time of Ral Partha's conversion to Iron Wind Metals or those created for special purpose). These also include entries with possible discrepancies that may require further examination.

Reported lead alloy miniatures needing confirmation of material[edit]

The following entries are miniatures reported as containing lead for which confirmation is currently lacking. Research into Ral Partha catalogs (up to and including 2000) suggests that these were created only using lead-free pewter as they did not appear in a catalog prior to 1995. [The transition from lead-free alloy to lead-free pewter appears to have been completed by Ral Partha sometime in 1994.] The source list for these was compiled from individual reports from sources such as blister packs. The most likely explanation is an error in the stated material, but any documented exception would prove interesting. Further research of these entries is advised.

Catalog Number Model Name Sculptor Pieces Manufacturer Year Material
20-634 LOCUST IIC Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Contains Lead
20-636 BUSHWACKER Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Contains Lead
20-645 MARAUDER IIC R. Kyde 8 Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Contains Lead
20-697 CLN-7V CHAMELEON J. Winter 3 Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Contains Lead
20-742 MASH UNITS (2) J. Wilhelm 4 Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Contains Lead
20-743 MOBILE HEADQUARTERS J. Wilhelm 3 Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Contains Lead
20-745 SCULKER SCOUT J. Grace 2 Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Contains Lead
20-820 MHL-XI MARSHAL J. Wilhelm 2 Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Contains Lead

Not present in catalogs 2003 or earlier[edit]

These are miniatures reported as being crafting from lead-free pewter or for which material was unknown. (See Miniatures - Ral Partha for a summary of miniatures available prior to 1993. Some of these entries may represent entries not corresponding to established entries due to typographical errors in the name or catalog code. [Update: Entries that appear to deviate from researched entries by a simple typo have been removed.]

Some further notes: The 'D' suffix is used on the catalog by some (notably Ral Partha Europe) to denote discontinued models that returned. When models were discontinued, their catalog codes were reused. In order to avoid conflicts when those models returned to the catalog, they were given the suffix to the code or a new code entirely.

Catalog Number Model Name Sculptor Pieces Manufacturer Year Material
20-658 GRIM REAPER P.D.S. 2 Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Lead-free pewter
20-672D SHADOW CAT R.Kyde Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
77-742 AXM-2N AXEMAN 1 Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Lead-free pewter

Potential (but Uncertain) Pre-Transition Miniatures[edit]

This table reports figures that Ral Partha may possibly have produced prior to its conversion to Iron Wind Metals. These figures were not present in the 2000 catalog but did appear in the 2003 Iron Wind Metals catalog. Also these did not appear in FASA's online site in mid 2001 even though some of those immediately preceding in order of catalog did appear on FASA's webstore. But those immediately following these catalog numbers were posted as new releases on Iron Wind Metals website. So these currently fall in the undocumented in-between.

Some of these were mentioned on FASA's website under forthcoming releases, but with different catalog numbers than ultimately used by IWM. FASA was generally in a process of selling off its inventory through 2001 and Ral Partha's future was uncertain at this time. So it is a reasonable hypothesis that these were under development by Ral Partha while part of FASA yet were commercially released until Ral Partha's spin-off as Iron Wind Metals. Further investigation may clarify.

Side Note: Some BattleTech blister packs (that appear after the origin of Iron Wind Metals) show Ral Partha on the front but list Iron Wind Metals as both the ordering contact and copyright holder on the back. So some care is needed in assessing whether or not a miniature was produced by Ral Partha prior to this conversion.

Table Note: Year denotes the year (or range of possible years) of first release as implied by catalog information and information from archived retailer websites from that period.

Catalog Number Model Name Sculptor Pieces Manufacturer Year Material
20-968 Argus 2000-2002 Lead-free pewter
20-969 Banshee 2000-2002 Lead-free pewter
20-970 Osiris 2000-2002 Lead-free pewter
20-971 Thanatos 2000-2002 Lead-free pewter
20-972 Uziel 2000-2002 Lead-free pewter
20-973 Fa-Shih Battle Armor (30) 2000-2002 Lead-free pewter

The original 2007/2014 list[edit]

This the original list of Ral Partha miniatures that was a work in progress. This appears to have been created in 2007 with some possible edits in 2014. Please see the talk for the background on this list. Please see Miniatures - Ral Partha for an updated list based on Ral Partha Catalogs.

Ral Partha occasionally reused catalogue numbers when issuing a new miniature. The text in the following table is as it appeared printed on the blister packs released by Ral Partha.

Catalogue Number Model Name Sculptor Pieces Manufacturer Year Material
10-023 JENNER (BEGINNER SET 3) Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. 2001 Lead-free pewter
10-023 SPIDER (BEGINNER SET 3) Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. 2001 Lead-free pewter
10-023 DRAGON (BEGINNER SET 3) Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. 2001 Lead-free pewter
10-023 JAGER MECH (BEGINNER SET 3) Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. 2001 Lead-free pewter
10-101 Atlas Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
10-102 Zeus Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
10-103 Mad Cat Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
10-104 Vulture Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
10-801 Recon Lance Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
10-802 Light Lance Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
10-803 Medium Lance Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
10-804 Fire Lance Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
10-805 Heavy Lance Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
10-806 Assault Lance Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
10-807 Regimental Command Lance Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
10-808 Pursuit Lance Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
10-840 Clan Light Omni Mechs Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
10-841P Clan Medium Omni Mechs Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
10-842P Clan Heavy Omni Mechs Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
10-843P Assault Heavy Omni Mechs Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
10-844 BattleTech Clan Boxed Set Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
10-845 BattleTech Inner Sphere Boxed Set Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
10-846 Mech Commander Clan Mechs Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
10-847 Mech Commander Inner Sphere Mechs Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-223 SALADIN HOVER TANK (2) C Lynch 6 Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Lead-free pewter
20-600 VULTURE Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-601 LOKI Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-602 THOR Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-603 MADCAT Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-604 MAN O'WAR Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-605 BLACKJACK Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Lead-free pewter
20-605 MASAKARI Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-606 GLADIATOR Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-607 DAISHI Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-608 DRAGONFLY Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-609 FENRIS Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-610 BLACKHAWK Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-611 RYOKEN Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-612 DASHER Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-613 KOSHI Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-614 ULLER Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-615 PUMA Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-616 GRAND TITAN Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-617 TEMPEST Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-618 HELLFIRE MECH R. Kyde 4 Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Lead-free pewter
20-618 HITMAN Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-619 THOR SELF PROPELLED ARTILLERY Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-620 GUNSLINGER Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-621 WRAITH Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-622 NIGHTSKY Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-623 SRM CARRIER (2) J. Wilhelm 4 Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. 1994
20-624 GALAHAD Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-625 HURON WARRIOR Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-626 PHOENIX HAWK IIC Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-627 LRM CARRIER (2) J. Wilhelm 4 Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. 1994 Lead-free pewter
20-628 ATHENA COMBAT VEHICLE Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Lead-free pewter
20-628 THR-1L THUNDER Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-629 PHANTOM Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-629 TI TS'ANG Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Lead-free pewter
20-630 POUNCER Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-630 Y-H9G YU HUANG Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Lead-free pewter
20-631 MARKSMAN SELF PROPELLED ARTILLERY Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-632 CLAN PREDATOR P. Lewis 2 Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Lead-free pewter
20-632 GRM-R-PR29 GRIM REAPER Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-633 NAGA Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-634 EPONA PURSUIT TANK (2) Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Lead-free pewter
20-634 LOCUST IIC Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Contains Lead
20-635 PUMA 95 TON TANK Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-636 BISHAMON Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Lead-free pewter
20-636 BUSHWACKER Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Contains Lead
20-637 GOSHAWK Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-637 MANTIS VTOL Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Lead-free pewter
20-638 RAKSHASA Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-639 KANGA AFV (2) Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-640 BLOOD ASP Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Lead-free pewter
20-640 STEALTH Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-641 CERBERUS Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-641 INITIATE Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Lead-free pewter
20-642 BERSERKER J. Wilhelm 3 Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. 1998 Lead-free pewter
20-643 HELLHOUND Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-644 BARGHEST Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Lead-free pewter
20-644 PENETRATOR Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-645 HA-OTOKO Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-645 MARAUDER IIC R. Kyde 8 Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Contains Lead
20-646 JINGGAU Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-646 VENOM D.Summers 3 Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Lead-free pewter
20-647 RHINO AFV (2) Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-647 SIROCCO Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-648 DAIMYO Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-649 BATTLE HAWK Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-649 WYVERN IIC Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Lead-free pewter
20-650 BANDERSNATCH Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-651 HUNCHBACK IIC Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-651 SNOW FOX Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-652 KRAKEN Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-652 MANDRIL Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Lead-free pewter
20-653 SCARABUS Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-654 WATCHMAN Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-655 DAIKYO Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-655 FIRE SCORPION Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Lead-free pewter
20-656 APOLLO Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-656 THUNDER STALLION Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Lead-free pewter
20-657 DAIKYU MECH D. Summers 2 Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. 1991
20-657 FIREBALL Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-658 GRIM REAPER P.D.S. 2 Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Lead-free pewter
20-658 SHADOW HAWK IIC Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-659 NAGINATA Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-660 KODIAK 4 Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. 1995
20-661 VIXEN Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-662 BATTLE COBRA Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-663 VIPER Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-664 LINEBACKER Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-665 SUNDER Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-666 GRIZZLY Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-667 TOKUGAWA HEAVY TANK (2) Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-668 DRT-35 DART Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-669 ANVIL Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-670 GRAND CRUSADER Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-671 REGULATOR HOVERTANK Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-672D SHADOW CAT R.Kyde Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-673 STARSLAYER Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-674 FALCONER Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-675 NIGHTSTAR Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-676 PIRANHA R.Kyde Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-677 GRENDL Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-678 TYPHOON Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-679 RAPTOR Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-680 GALLOWGLAS Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-681 LONGBOW Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-682 KOMODO Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-683 HANKYO Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-684 SHOOTIST Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-685 BANDIT HOVERCRAFT Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-686 MSK-65 MACKIE J. Wilhelm 4 Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Lead-free pewter
20-687 THUNDER HAWK Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-688 BABOON Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Lead-free pewter
20-689 NEXUS Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-690 OWENS Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-691 PEREGRINE Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-692 HERCULES Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-693 NO-DACHI Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-694 TOYAMA Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-695 FIRE FALCON Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-696 SUPERNOVA Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-697 CLN-7V CHAMELEON J. Winter 3 Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Contains Lead
20-698 BCN-3R BUCCANEER J. Winter 2 Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Lead-free pewter
20-699 EMPEROR Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-700 Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-701 SPARROWHAWK Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-702 CORSAIR Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-703 STUKA Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-704 F-10 CHEETAH Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-705 F-90 STINGRAY Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-706 Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-707 RIEVER Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-708 SYD-21 SEYDLITZ Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-709 LCF-R15 LUCIFER Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-710 SAMURAI Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-711 SL-21 SHOLAGAR Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-712 SHILONE Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-713 SLAYER Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-714 BATU Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-715 JAGATAI Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-716 Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-717 Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-718 Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-719 Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-720 TR-7 THRUSH Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-721 TR-10 TRANSIT Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-722 ANHUR TRANSPORT PLANE Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Lead-free pewter
20-722 TR-13 TRANSGRESSOR Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-723 WARRIOR HELICOPTER Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-724 MECHBUSTER FIGHTER Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-725 CAVALRY ATTACK HELICOPTER Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-726 YELLOW JACKET GUN BOAT Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-727 KARNOV TRANSPORT Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-728 Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-729 ARIES MEDIUM TANK Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-730 MATADOR Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Lead-free pewter
20-731 TAI-SHO Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Lead-free pewter
20-732 BLOOD KITE Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Lead-free pewter
20-733 ORO HEAVY TANK Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Lead-free pewter
20-734 ORION IIC Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Lead-free pewter
20-735 BUSHWACKER Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Lead-free pewter
20-736 Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-737 Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-738 Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-739 ONTOS HVY TANK (2) Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-740 BEHEMOTH HEAVY TANK (2) Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. 1998 Lead-free pewter
20-741 J-27 TOW THUMPER GUN Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-742 MASH UNITS (2) J. Wilhelm 4 Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Contains Lead
20-743 MOBILE HEADQUARTERS J. Wilhelm 3 Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Contains Lead
20-744 BADGER TRACKED TRANSPORT Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-745 SCULKER SCOUT J. Grace 2 Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Contains Lead
20-746 ALACORN MK V1 HEAVY TANK Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-747 ZHUKOV HEAVY TANK Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-748 CHALLENGER Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-749 GOBLIN INFANTRY SUPPORT VEHICLE (2) C. Atkin 4 Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. 1997 Lead-free pewter
20-750 ROMMEL / PATTON 65 TON TANK (2) D. Summers 4 Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-751 LT-MOB 25 LONG TOM ARTILLERY D. Summers 3 Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Lead-free pewter
20-752 CANIS BATTLEMECH P. Lewis 3 Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Lead-free pewter
20-752 GALLEON LIGHT TANK (2) Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-753 SCHREK PPC CARRIER (2) S. L. Garrity 4 Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. 1992 Lead-free pewter
20-754 LINEHOLDER Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-755 SPT-N2 SPARTON C. Atkins 3 Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Lead-free pewter
20-756 AKU-1X AKUMA Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-757 SR1-O STRIDER Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-758 CAULDRON-BORN Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-759 TURKINA Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-760 BLACK LANNER Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-761 DVS-2 DEVASTATOR Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-762 PLG-32 PILLAGER Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-763 MTR-5K MAELSTROM Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-764 SPR-5F SPECTOR Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-765 ENFIELD Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-766 LNX-9Q LYNX Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-767 TLN-SW TALON D. Summers 3 Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-768 NIGHT GYR Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-769 EXC-B2 EXCALIBUR D. Summers 3 Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-770 AXEMAN Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-771 CATAPHRACT P.D.S. 2 Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Lead-free pewter
20-772 CAESAR Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-773 GUILLOTINE Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-774 BLACK KNIGHT Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-775 WYVERN J.Wilhelm 3 Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Lead-free pewter
20-776 COOLANT TRUCK (2) J. Wilhelm 2 Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. 1992
20-777 FLC-4P FALCON J. Wilhelm 3 Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. 1992 Contains Lead
20-778 CROCKETT Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Lead-free pewter
20-779 MANTICORE Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-780 HUSSAR Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-781 KINTARO Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-782 PACKRAT VEHICLES (2) Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-783 J. EDGAR HOVER TANK (2) S. L. Garrity 6 Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. 1992 Lead-free pewter
20-784 MYRMIDON MEDIUM TANK Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Lead-free pewter
20-784 THE-N THORN Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-785 DEMOLOSHER II HEAVY TANK P. Lewis 2 Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. 1999 Lead-free pewter
20-785 HER-3S HERMES Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-786 FLS-8K FLASHMAN J. Wilhelm 4 Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Contains Lead
20-786 KACHIMAN FIRE SUPPORT Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Lead-free pewter
20-787 CHP-1N CHAMPION Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Lead-free pewter
20-787 ISHTAR HEAVY FIRE SUPPORT Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Lead-free pewter
20-788 STN-3M SENTINEL P.D.S. 2 Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Lead-free pewter
20-789 ZPH-1A TARANTULA Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Contains Lead
20-790 PPR-5S SALAMANDER Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-791 RIFLEMAN IIC J. Wilhelm 4 Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Contains Lead
20-792 BEHEMOTH J. Wilhelm 5 Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. 199 Lead-free pewter
20-793 HOLLANDER Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-794 ALBATROSS Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-795 JENNER IIC R. Kerr 5 Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. 1993 Contains Lead
20-796 WARHAMMER IIC R. Kerr 3 Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Contains Lead
20-797 WAR DOG Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-798 HAMMER Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-799 FLIGHT BASES (6) Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-800 HEX BASES (4) J. Wilhelm 4 Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. 1998 Lead-free pewter
20-800 HEX BASES (4) 4 Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. 1985 Contains Lead
20-801 Hornet HRN-7T* R. Charrette Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. 1985 Contains Lead
20-801 THG-11E THUG 2 Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Lead-free pewter
20-802 Falcon FLC-4N* R. Charrette Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. 1985 Contains Lead
20-802 MONGOOSE 3 Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Lead-free pewter
20-803 Gladiator GLD-3R* R. Charrette Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. 1985 Contains Lead
20-803 HOPLITE Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-804 Fire Bee R. Charrette Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. 1985
20-804 CRB-27 CRAB W. Vail 5 Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Contains Lead
20-805 FLE-15 FLEA R. Charrette Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. 1985 Contains Lead
20-806 HUNTER 35 TON MISSILE TANK (2) Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. 1987 Contains Lead
20-807 STRIKER LIGHT TANK (2) Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. 1987 Contains Lead
20-808 PEGASUS LT. HOVER TANK (2) Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. 1987 Contains Lead
20-809 MAL-1R MAULER Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-810 HTM-27T HATAMOTO-CHI R. Charrette 2 Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Lead-free pewter
20-811 Battleax BTX-7K* R. Charrette Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. 1985 Contains Lead
20-811 MERCURY P.D.S. 2 Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. 1991 Lead-free pewter
20-812 Vulcan VLC-6N* R. Charrette Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. 1985 Contains Lead
20-812 RVN-3L RAVEN Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Contains Lead
20-813 Crossbow XBW-9J* R. Charrette Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. 1985 Contains Lead
20-813 GUILLOTINE P. Lewis 2 Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Lead-free pewter
20-813 MERCURY Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Contains Lead
20-814 Cestus CST-3S* R. Charrette Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. 1985 Contains Lead
20-814 LANCELOT Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Contains Lead
20-814 LANCELOT Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Lead-free pewter
20-814 ZEUS Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Lead-free pewter
20-815 ARC-4R ARCHER R. Charrette Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. 1985 Contains Lead
20-815 BOMBARDIER Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-815 JAGER MECH III P. Lewis 3 Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Lead-free pewter
20-816 VEDETTE, 50 TON TANK (2) Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. 1987 Contains Lead
20-817 CONDOR HOVER TANK (2) 6 Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-818 DRILLSON HOVER TANK F. Barnum 7 Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-819 MAXIM, 50 TON HOVER TRANSPORT Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-820 MHL-XI MARSHAL J. Wilhelm 2 Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Contains Lead
20-820 MHL-XI MARSHAL Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Lead-free pewter
20-821 Behemoth BHN-7H* R. Charrette Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. 1985 Contains Lead
20-821 CLAN ELEMENTAL INFANTRY (30) 30 Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-822 DEMOLISHER, SUPER HEAVY TANK Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. 1987 Contains Lead
20-823 KURITA INFANTRY 84 Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Contains Lead
20-823 KURITA INFANTRY Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Lead-free pewter
20-824 DAVION INFANTRY 84 Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Contains Lead
20-824 DAVION INFANTRY Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Lead-free pewter
20-825 BULLDOG TANK F. Barnum 2 Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-826 PIKE SUPPORT VEHICLE (2) F. Barnum 4 Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-827 ONTOS TANK (2) Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Lead-free pewter
20-828 SAVANNAH MASTER HOVERCRAFT (4) R. Charrette 4 Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Lead-free pewter
20-829 Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-830 VON LUCKNER HEAVY TANK (2) Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-831 STG-3R STINGER R. Charrette Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. 1986 Contains Lead
20-832 WSP-1A WASP R. Charrette Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. 1986 Contains Lead
20-833 PXH-1 PHOENIX HAWK R. Charrette Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. 1986 Contains Lead
20-834 CRD-3R CRUSADER R. Charrette Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. 1986 Contains Lead
20-835 GRF-1N GRIFFIN R. Charrette Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. 1986 Contains Lead
20-836 SHD-2H SHADOW HAWK R. Charrette Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. 1986 Contains Lead
20-837 WVR-6R WOLVERINE R. Charrette Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. 1986 Contains Lead
20-838 BLR-1G BATTLEMASTER R. Charrette Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. 1986 Contains Lead
20-839 TDR-5S THUNDERBOLT R. Charrette Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. 1986 Contains Lead
20-840 WHM-6R WARHAMMER R. Charrette Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. 1986 Contains Lead
20-841 RFL-3N RIFLEMAN R. Charrette Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. 1986 Contains Lead
20-842 ARC-3R ARCHER R. Charrette Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. 1986 Contains Lead
20-843 MAD-3R MARAUDER R. Charrette Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. 1986 Contains Lead
20-844 LCT-1V LOCUST R. Charrette Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. 1986 Contains Lead
20-845 AS-7D ATLAS T. Meier 1 Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. 1987 Contains Lead
20-846 GOL-1H GOLIATH T. Meier 4 Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. 1987 Contains Lead
20-847 AWS-8Q AWESOME Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. 1987 Contains Lead
20-847 AWS-8Q AWESOME 3 Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Lead-free pewter
20-848 ON1-K ORION Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. 1987 Contains Lead
20-849 CN9-A CENTURION Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. 1987 Contains Lead
20-849 CN9-A CENTURION Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Lead-free pewter
20-850 FS9-H FIRESTARTER 1 Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. 1987 Contains Lead
20-851 VLK-QA VALKYRIE 1 Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. 1987 Contains Lead
20-852 CPLT-C1 CATAPULT R. Charrette 4 Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. 1987 Contains Lead
20-853 PNT-9R PANTHER 1 Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. 1987 Contains Lead
20-853 PANTHER 1 Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Lead-free pewter
20-854 HBK-4G HUNCHBACK T. Meier 1 Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. 1987 Contains Lead
20-855 OTL-4D OSTSOL Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. 1987 Contains Lead
20-856 ZEU-6S ZEUS T. Meier 1 Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. 1987 Contains Lead
20-857 UMR-60 URBANMECH P.D.S. 1 Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. 1987 Contains Lead
20-858 CDA-2A CICADA 3 Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. 1987 Contains Lead
20-859 SCP-1N SCORPION Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. 1987 Contains Lead
20-860 VTR-9B VICTOR Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. 1987 Contains Lead
20-860 VTR-9B VICTOR Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Lead-free pewter
20-861 JM6-S JAGER MECH Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Contains Lead
20-862 STK-3F STALKER T. Meier 2 Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Contains Lead
20-863 CP10-Z CYCLOPS P. Lewis 2 Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Lead-free pewter
20-864 HCT-3F HATCHETMAN 1 Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Contains Lead
20-864 HCT-3F HATCHETMAN Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Lead-free pewter
20-865 COM-2D COMMANDO P. Lewis 1 Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Lead-free pewter
20-865 COM-2D COMMANDO 1 Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Contains Lead
20-866 JVN-10N JAVELIN Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Contains Lead
20-866 JVN-10N JAVELIN Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Lead-free pewter
20-867 ENF-4R ENFORCER Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Contains Lead
20-867 ENF-4R ENFORCER 1 Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Lead-free pewter
20-868 DRG-1N DRAGON 2 Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Lead-free pewter
20-868 DRG-1N DRAGON Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Contains Lead
20-869 JR7-D JENNER 2 Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Contains Lead
20-869 JR7-D JENNER Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Lead-free pewter
20-870 WTH-1 WHITWORTH P.D.T. 1 Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. 1987 Lead-free pewter
20-870 WTH-2 WHITWORTH J.Guthrie 1 Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. 1987 Lead-free pewter
20-871 VND-1R VINDICATOR Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Contains Lead
20-872 QKD-4G QUICKDRAW Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Contains Lead
20-873 SDR-5V SPIDER R. Charrette 2 Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Lead-free pewter
20-873 SDR-5V SPIDER Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Contains Lead
20-874 OTT-7J OSTSCOUT Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Contains Lead
20-875 ASN-21 ASSASSIN 1 Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Contains Lead
20-875 ASN-21 ASSASSIN Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Lead-free pewter
20-876 DV-6M DERVISH 1 Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Contains Lead
20-877 OSR-2C OSTROC 1 Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Contains Lead
20-878 STG-A5 STINGER LAM 2 Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Contains Lead
20-879 CLNT-23T CLINT Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Contains Lead
20-879 CLNT-2-3U CLINT B.Charrette Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Lead-free pewter
20-880 BJ-1 BLACKJACK Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Contains Lead
20-881 CGR-1A1 CHARGER Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Contains Lead
20-882 BNC-3E BANSHEE Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. 1987 Contains Lead
20-883 WSP-105 WASP LAM 2 Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Contains Lead
20-884 PHX-HK2 PHOENIX HAWK LAM Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Contains Lead
20-885 HER-2S HERMES II D.Summers Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Contains Lead
20-886 VL2T VULCAN Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Contains Lead
20-887 TBT-5N TREBUCHET Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Contains Lead
20-888 GRASSHOPPER MECH P. Lewis 2 Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Lead-free pewter
20-888 GRASSHOPPER MECH Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Contains Lead
20-889 LGB-OW LONGBOW Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. 1987 Contains Lead
20-890 HNT-151 HORNET Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Contains Lead
20-891 WLF-1 WOLFHOUND R. Charrette 2 Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Lead-free pewter
20-891 WLF-1 WOLFHOUND Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Contains Lead
20-893 MAD-4A MARAUDER II Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Contains Lead
20-892 SHOGUN Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Lead-free pewter
20-894 FFL-4A FIREFLY Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Contains Lead
20-895 EXT-4D EXTERMINATOR Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Contains Lead
20-896 HGH-732 HIGHLANDER Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Contains Lead
20-897 ANH-1A ANNIHILATOR 1 Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Contains Lead
20-898 IMP P.D.S 1 Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. 1991 Lead-free pewter
20-899 KING CRAB Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-900 CICADA Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-901 TREBUCHET 3 Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Lead-free pewter
20-902 CHARGER MECH Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Lead-free pewter
20-903 BLACKWATCH Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-904 O'BAKEMONO 2 Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-906 RJN1O1-A RAIJIN MECH Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Lead-free pewter
20-907 BHKU-O BLACKHAWK-KU Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Lead-free pewter
20-908 THRESHER Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Lead-free pewter
20-909 DRG-3F DRAGON FIRE Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Lead-free pewter
20-910 NOBORI-NIN MECH Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Lead-free pewter
20-911 CROSSBOW Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Lead-free pewter
20-912 KINGFISHER Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Lead-free pewter
20-913 PERSEUS P1 Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Lead-free pewter
20-914 COUGAR Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Lead-free pewter
20-915 AVATAR OMNIMECH Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Lead-free pewter
20-916 MLN-1A MERLIN S. Saunders 2 Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. 1998 Lead-free pewter
20-917 NOVA CAT Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Lead-free pewter
20-918 STALKING SPIDER Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Lead-free pewter
20-919 STROOPING HAWK Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Lead-free pewter
20-920 CENTAUR PROTOMECHS (5) Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Lead-free pewter
20-921 ROC PROTOMECHS (5) Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Lead-free pewter
20-922 GORGON PROTOMECHS (5) Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Lead-free pewter
20-923 MINOTAUR PROTOMECHS (5) Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Lead-free pewter
20-924 SATYR PROTOMECHS (5) D.Summers Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Lead-free pewter
20-925 HARPY PROTOMECHS (5) Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Lead-free pewter
20-926 SIREN PROTOMECHS (5) Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Lead-free pewter
20-927 HYDRA PROTOMECHS (5) Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Lead-free pewter
20-928 CORVIS Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Lead-free pewter
20-929 URSUS Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Lead-free pewter
20-930 CPLT-C4 CATAPULT Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Lead-free pewter
20-931 URBANMECH IIC Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Lead-free pewter
20-932 VND-3L VINDICATOR Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Lead-free pewter
20-933 VKG-2F VIKING Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Lead-free pewter
20-934 PACK HUNTER Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Lead-free pewter
20-935 AXM-2N AXEMAN Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Lead-free pewter
20-936 HIGHLANDER IIC R.Kyde Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Lead-free pewter
20-937 BEOWULF Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Lead-free pewter
20-938 MARS ASSAULT VEHICLE Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Lead-free pewter
20-939 COBRA Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Lead-free pewter
20-940 GREAT WRYM Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Lead-free pewter
20-941 MENSHEN Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Lead-free pewter
20-942 ATLAS Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Lead-free pewter
20-943 ARCTIC WOLF Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Lead-free pewter
20-944 YMN-6Y YEOMAN J. Wilhelm 1 Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Lead-free pewter
20-945 CHEVALIER LIGHT TANK Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Lead-free pewter
20-946 BLITZKRIEG Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Lead-free pewter
20-947 Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-948 Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-949 HELIOS J. Grace 4 Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. 1998
20-950 CLAN ELEMENTAL Infantry (25mm Scale) Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. 1991 Lead-free pewter
20-951 INNERSPHERE BATTLE ARMOR Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Lead-free pewter
20-952 KANAZUCHI BATTLE ARMOR Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Lead-free pewter
20-953 LONGINUS BATTLE ARMOR Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Lead-free pewter
20-954 ACHILEUS BATTLE ARMOR Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Lead-free pewter
20-955 GRAY DEATH BATTLE ARMOR Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Lead-free pewter
20-956 TESSEN Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Lead-free pewter
20-957 LAO HU Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Lead-free pewter
20-958 VANQUISHER Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Lead-free pewter
20-959 TEMPLAR Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Lead-free pewter
20-960 SAVAGE COYOTE Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Lead-free pewter
20-961 SHA YU Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Lead-free pewter
20-962 Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-963 GNOME BATTLE ARMOR P. Lewis 8 Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-963 DROPSHIP CREWMAN MARIK R. Charrette Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-964 Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-965 Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-966 Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-967 Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-968 ARGUS Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Lead-free pewter
20-969 BANSHEE Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Lead-free pewter
20-970 OSIRUS Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Lead-free pewter
20-971 THANATOS Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Lead-free pewter
20-972 UZIEL Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Lead-free pewter
20-973 FA-SHIN BATTLE ARMOR Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Lead-free pewter
20-974 Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-975 Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-976 Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-977 CESTUS D. Williams 5 Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Lead-free pewter
20-978 CHIMERA B. Hubbuch 6 Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-979 Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-980 MECHWARRIORS (3) DAVION R. Charrette 3 Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-981 Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-982 AEROSPACE FIGHTER PILOT-DAVION R. Charrette 1 Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-983 JUMPSHIP CREWMAN DAVION R. Charrette 1 Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-984 BOWMAN B.Hubbuch 5 Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-985 HER-2S HERMES II J. Guthrie 1 Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-986 Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-987 LOCUST D. Williams 5 Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-988 PHOENIX HAWK D. Williams 5 Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Lead-free pewter
20-989 Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-990 Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-991 Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-992 RAVEN 3 Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-993 Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-994 Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-995 Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-996 Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-997 Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-998 Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
20-999 Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc.
77-742 AXM-2N AXEMAN 1 Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Lead-free pewter
INFOCOM Special PHX-HK2 PHOENIX HAWK LAM Ral Partha Enterprises, Inc. Contains Lead
*Original BattleDroid miniature.