Mitch Felspar

Mitch Felspar
AffiliationLyran Commonwealth

Mitch Felspar was the aide to the commanding officer of the Lyran Commonwealth's Tamar Theater as of 3025.[1]


Kommandant-General Felspar, serving under General Nondi Steiner, was executive officer of the Lyran Commonwealth's Tamar Theater in 3025.[1]

During the Fourth Succession War's Operation Gotterdammerung, Felspar continued to serve under General Steiner as one of her three regional commanders and was expected to lead a portion of the frontline fighting personally.[2]

In 3029, Felspar arrived at Tamar's ruling palace following a raid on the planet by the Thirteenth Rasalhague Regulars. During the course of that battle, Colonel Dennis Merwin of the Grave Walkers mercenary group had knocked Duke Selvin Kelswa III unconscious for ordering his men to suicidally charge their foe. After the battle concluded with the Grave Walkers' victory, Duke Kelswa regained consciousness and immediately had Colonel Merwin arrested for treason and scheduled for execution. Felspar met with the Duke and made it apparent—while sharply criticizing Kelswa's military talents—that any action taken against Merwin would result in Kelswa being court-martialed for gross incompetence. The Duke, understanding the sheer loss of face Felspar's threat represented, quietly released Merwin from captivity.[3]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 House Steiner (The Lyran Commonwealth), p. 118 (PDF Version): "Unit Deployment Table"
  2. NAIS The Fourth Succession War Military Atlas Volume 1, p. 43: "Operation Gotterdammerung"
  3. NAIS The Fourth Succession War Military Atlas Volume 2, pp. 67–68: "Tamar"
