Mitchell DuKirl

Mitchell DuKirl
AffiliationTerran Hegemony
Position(s)President of the Terran Congress
Director-General Pro Tem

Mitchell DuKirl served as Director-General Pro Tem of the Terran Hegemony for about two months in 2388.[1]


Mitchell DuKirl was the nephew of Sonya DuKirl and President of the Terran Congress in 2388. When controversy surrounding Raymond Cameron's death and his son Brian Cameron's potential involvement—as well as his affair with Katherine McQuiston—caused some to question whether Brian should be allowed to succeed Raymond as Director-General, the Star League High Council swore in Mitchell DuKirl as Director-General Pro Tem, freeing them up to prosecute Brian Cameron as a tactic. As the Council expected, the Supreme Court threw out the case, and the Council proceeded to publish unflattering information on Raymond's behavior. This had the intended effect of flipping enough votes for Brian Cameron to be elected, if only by a slim majority, as the next Director-General.[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 The Star League, p. 25: "Brian Cameron"
