Naval Autocannon/40

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< Naval Autocannon(Redirected from NAC/40)
Naval Autocannon/40
Production information
Type Capital Ballistic (Direct Fire)
Tech Base Inner Sphere
Year Availability 2200[1]
Technical specifications
Heat 135 [2]
Damage 40 (Capital)
400 (Standard) [3]
Minimum Range N/A
Short Range 1-6[4]
Medium Range 7-12
Long Range 13-18
Extreme Range 19-24
Tons 4,500
Ammo Per Ton 0.83 (5 rounds weigh 6 tons)[5]
Cost (unloaded) 18,000,000 [6]
Ammo Cost (per ton) 120,000 [7]
BV (1.0) 5668
BV (2.0) 5664
708 (Ammo)[8]


The Naval Autocannon 40 is the largest of the naval autocannons. It fires a massive shell at DropShips, WarShips, and planets (orbital bombardment). The damage done by this weapon is the most of any capital weapon (with the exception of the Word of Blake's Mass Drivers) and can destroy even Assault DropShips and Pocket WarShips with a single hit. The massive size means it is typically found on the largest of WarShips, such as the McKenna.


The Naval Autocannon/40 is manufactured in the following systems:

Brand Planet Company
Winchester-Boeing Autocannon[9] ?? ??
Zeus-40 Series Naval Autocannon[10] ?? ??


  1. Tactical Operations, p. 331
  2. AeroTech 2, p. 101
  3. AeroTech 2, p. 101
  4. Strategic Operations Record Sheets and Compiled Tables, p. 31
  5. Tactical Operations, p. 408
  6. AeroTech 2, p. 54
  7. AeroTech 2, p. 54
  8. Tactical Operations, p. 384
  9. Technical Readout: 2750, p. 144, Texas class armament
  10. Technical Readout: 2750, p. 146, McKenna class armament