
Species information


The Naranji is a Terran purple citrus tree fruit with a rind, similar to an orange.[1][2][3] Since the development of FTL it proliferated across the Inner Sphere, reaching as far away as the Magistracy of Canopus.[4] It is described as having a sweet taste like strawberries and orange mixed together.[5]

On the world of Liao it was popularly used to create "sweetened cola" by adding the pulp to a soft drink.[6] Other common usages are to mix it with grapefruit[7] or to create a sauce and combine with chicken and noodles.[8]

Kai Allard Liao liked his naranji juice with mixed with a bit of lime.[9]

Daoshen Liao enjoyed scrambled eggs in naranji sauce.[10]


  1. MechWarrior, 3rd Edition, p. 178: "Food and Drink"
  2. By Temptations and By War, ch. 17
  3. Lethal Heritage, ch. 14
  4. Fall From Grace Part 3, ch. 7, 9
  5. By Temptations and By War, ch. 2
  6. By Temptations and By War, ch. 7
  7. By Temptations and By War, ch. 2
  8. Blood Legacy, ch. 14
  9. Malicious Intent, ch. 22
  10. By Temptations and By War, ch. 32
