Neil Kesler

Neil Kesler
AffiliationFree Rasalhague Republic
Ice Giants Stables


Neil Kesler handles light and medium class 'Mech training. He is a veteran of the KungsArmé and hates the Clans to his heart. The Ghost Bear Dominion has pressed charges against him accusing him of being a terrorist, which have been forcefully denied by him. No proof of those claims though has been produced by the Dominion, so he can still pass his knowledge and anger to his students.[1] He drives his MechWarriors hard, demanding perfection in everything they do. His burn scars, covering his arms and some of his face, showing he has already seen Hell, help him making his trainees never resent his manners. He can be rated as a Veteran MechWarrior.[2]


  1. Stable Report: Ice Giants, p. 3: "Instructors"
  2. Stable Report: Ice Giants, p. 4: "Neil Kesler"
