Night Stalkers

Night Stalkers
Formed 3020
Disbanded 3069[1][2]
Affiliation Draconis Combine
Parent Command DCMS

Early History[edit]

The Night Stalkers were formed in 3020 by Tai-sa Lloyd McGavin after he was forced to retire from the Draconis Combine Mustered Soldiery due to age and injuries sustained in service to the Dragon. Despite that, and assuming he'd fail, the High Command still honored him with permission to raise a new regiment. He went to private commercial entities throughout the Combine and raised money to form two regiments, McGavin's Regiment and Johiro's Regiment. He filled the officer corps with only retired MechWarriors like himself[3] and the lower billets with failed MechWarrior school dropouts, proving ground graduates, or those destined for less-than-prestigious units. They were considered Free-Floating Regiments, which added to their "dishonor" among the elite of the DCMS.[4]

The unit became known for its raiding tactics, utilizing light BattleMechs and specialized in raids against enemy-held worlds, with most of their success at the expense of the Lyran Commonwealth Armed Forces. Their defensive capabilities had also been praised, especially after the regiments played a vital part defending Yori 'Mech Works at Al Na'ir.[5] Their experienced leadership allowed them to capture objectives that other, younger regiments could not.

However, due to the colonel's affection for his men, he would not use risky tactics which he believed couldn't work. At least twice he refused to sacrifice his "used-up" warriors for marginal gain.[6] This upset a number of officers and the Coordinator, who split the brigade's two regiments into two separate districts. Also, the Coordinator made sure only limited supplies would be sent to the two units as part of their punishment for disobeying orders.[7]

In late 3022 a battalion of the Night Stalkers transported by an Overlord-class DropShip and escorted by large numbers of AeroSpace Fighters landed near Hanse Davion's winter palace on New Avalon with the mission to capture or kill him. A regiment of the Davion Guards came to defend Hanse and finally forced the Night Stalkers to retrear without its price. The Overlord sustained severe damage and the fighter escort was down more than 90 percent.[8]


The First Regiment was disbanded sometime prior to 3050. They had survived the Fourth Succession War on Basiliano[9], the Ronin War on Heiligendreuz and Halesowen[10], and the War of 3039 on Matamoras[11], but did not see the return of the Clans.[12]

Clan Invasion, Jihad, and Annihilation[edit]

Unlike his father, Theodore Kurita respected the Night Stalkers' philosophy of refusing to sacrifice itself blindly or stupidly and when confronted by the desperate need to rebuild the DCMS from the losses suffered during the initial Clan Invasion, the Coordinator authorized the creation of the new Third Night Stalkers.[13]

The Word of Blake Jihad would prove to be the final death knell of the Night Stalkers, with the Second and Third both shattered after taking heavy losses against the Blakists. The Second Night Stalkers did not take a side when the Black Dragon Society coup erupted, preferring to guard Cebalrai against "outside aggression." In 3069, the Word of Blake did so, leaving only a quarter of the regiment to escape to Ningxia. The remains chose to join the Kokuryu-kai and were subsequently destroyed by the Ryuken-roku.[14]

The Third Night Stalkers garrisoned Lyons and Yorii at the outbreak of the Jihad. The survivors of the reeducation camps would receive the honor of postings to the Otomo.


Rank Name Command
Commanding Officers of the Night Stalkers
Tai-sa Lloyd McGavin 3020 - 304?[12]

Only retired DCMS warriors are allowed officer ranks above tai-i in the Night Stalkers. Younger warriors who deserve promotion are transferred to other DCMS units but are welcomed back once they reach mandatory retirement age. Hopeful retirees number more than open officer positions, and more than 40 percent of the Night Stalkers are voluntarily demoted to chu-i to continue their service. Their higher "honorary" titles continue to be used in informal situations, with a pin recognizing their past service.[15]

Other Officers[edit]


Different per Unit.

Units of the Night Stalkers[edit]

Color Schemes and Insignia[edit]

The Night Stalkers favor dark colors. They have no brigade insignia. Instead, each regiment displays a unique insignia.[17] The symbol of McGavin's Regiment is a large black cat against a big white moon, and the insignia for Johiro's Regiment is a skeleton wearing a black cloak.[5]


  1. Field Report: DCMS, p. 18
  2. Total Chaos, pp. 160–161: "Yorii"
  3. Field Manual: Draconis Combine, p. 104: "Command"
  4. House Kurita (The Draconis Combine), p. 146
  5. 5.0 5.1 House Kurita (The Draconis Combine), p. 147: "The Night Stalkers"
  6. Field Manual: Draconis Combine, p. 104
  7. House Kurita (The Draconis Combine), p. 149: "Night Stalker" brigade profile - Colonel won't risk his men doing stupid tactics and units are punished for it
  8. Technical Readout: 3025, p. 172 "OVERLORD CLASS DROPSHIP"
  9. NAIS The Fourth Succession War Military Atlas Volume 1, p. 47: "Basiliano"
  10. Historical: Brush Wars, p. 113: "The Ronin War"
  11. Historical: War of 3039, p. 139
  12. 12.0 12.1 20 Year Update, pp. 40–43: "DCMS (Deployment as of 3050)"
  13. Field Manual: Draconis Combine, p. 106: "Third Night Stalkers"
  14. Field Report: DCMS, p. 18
  15. Field Manual: Draconis Combine, p. 105
  16. Technical Readout: 3039, p. 286: "PXH-1 Phoenix Hawk - Notable MechWarriors"
  17. Field Manual: Draconis Combine, p. 104: "Colors and Insignia"
