9th Benjamin Regulars

(Redirected from Ninth Benjamin Regulars)
9th Benjamin Regulars logo.png
Ninth Benjamin Regulars
Formed Star League era or earlier[1]
Disbanded 3062[2]
Nickname Wrath of the Common People[3]
Affiliation Draconis Combine
Parent Command Benjamin Regulars

The Ninth Benjamin Regulars were a medium BattleMech regiment in the Draconis Combine Mustered Soldiery.


Star League Era[edit]

Of the various brigades of Regulars active within the Draconis Combine Mustered Soldiery during the Star League era, the regiments of the Benjamin Regulars - including the Ninth Benjamin Regulars - were considered to be the most flexible. This was a reflection of the reality that the Regulars could at any point be called on to fight against the Armed Forces of the Federated Suns, the Lyran Commonwealth Armed Forces or the Star League Defense Force, as a result of the Benjamin Military District bordering the Federated Suns, Lyran Commonwealth and Terran Hegemony. This was even acknowledged by the Internal Security Force, who gave the Ninth and the other regiments of the Regulars more leeway than the average DCMS unit - an attitude the Benjamin Regulars repaid by limiting complaints and criticism to supply issues and local concerns, rather than anything to do with politics.[1]

First Succession War[edit]

In June of 2786, an unmarked freighter entered the Skondia system and passed through the Lyran picket lines unchallenged. Several DropShips then detached from this vessel and began a hi-gee burn toward the planet. Once the ships were in orbit, a regiment of Draconis Combine BattleMechs attacked the planet, catching the defenders by surprise. For the Ninth Benjamin Regulars, the DCMS unit responsible for the attack, the raid turned out to be a great success; having dropped near the cities of Passageway and Wurston on the Edel continent, the Ninth then began attacking the cities when the defending Ninth Arcturan Guards scrambled to protect their primary assignment, the major factories on the planet. The Arcturan Guards responded to the reports of widespread slaughter in the two cities by leaving the factories to attack the battalion the Benjamin Regulars had deployed, only for a second wave of troops from the Ninth Benjamin Regulars to assault the now-undefended factories. The Arcturan Guards contingents on the other continents scrambled to redeploy from their current locations to assist the beleaguered forces on Edel, by which time the Benjamin Regulars had already spent two days wreaking havoc. As the Benjamin Regulars withdrew to meet their DropShips in the foothills of the Lafferty mountain range, they added insult to injury by destroying three of the largest factory complexes, located at Passageway, Vorenstag, and Wursten. The DropShips then rendezvoused with their JumpShip near the orbit of Skondia III and jumped out, well ahead of pursuing Lyran WarShip forces.[4]

This defeat was a major embarrassment to the Commonwealth High Command, but it did lead to many reforms regarding system security and planetary defense. The overwhelming victory also convinced then-Coordinator Minoru Kurita to focus his efforts against the Federated Suns as it was now seen as a more dangerous foe than the Lyran Commonwealth.[5][6]

Second Succession War[edit]

On the 19th of February 2830 Coordinator Jinjiro Kurita launched simultaneous offensives against the Federated Suns - Operation AKAI KAZE or RED WIND - and the Lyran Commonwealth. While the main targets of AKAI KAZE were the Franklin, Lucerne, and Sakhara V systems, ten assorted systems were also hit by heavy raids, intended to distract and disorient the AFFS.[7]

The Ninth Benjamin Regulars was one of the regiments assigned to Tai-sho Chosokabe Motochika, who was responsible for the assaults on Franklin and Lucerne, where the AFFS forces on both worlds put up a heavy defense. In late May, Motochika requested permission for his forces to withdraw, in the face of ferocious resistance and near-suicidal attacks from the defenders, rather than seeing the units under his command destroyed for little profit. After six weeks with no response, Motochika ordered his troops to retreat, only to find that his request had never been sent. Knowing that retreating without orders would result in an order for him to atone via seppuku, Motochika decided to drive deeper into the Federated Suns and led his troops to Dahar IV.[8]

Once at Dahar IV, Motochika played an elaborate deception on the defending Twenty-third Avalon Hussars, landing with the Ninth Benjamin Regulars under a flag of truce and stating his wish to defect. Believing that lulling the enemy into a false sense of security was a legitimate stratagem of war, Motochika seemed to cooperate with the confused AFFS officers, submitting to searches and agreeing to be taken into custody; aiding his deception was his reputation as an honorable opponent in both the First and Second Succession Wars, one who eschewed the use of nuclear weapons. As the Hussars took Motochika into custody, his other forces in orbit - another three regiments, two of them 'Mech regiments - landed on Dahar IV, closing their trap on the suddenly besieged Hussars. Although Motochika committed suicide while imprisoned, his troops inflicted heavy damage on the Hussars, destroying all but a battalion of the Hussars in the initial attack and then rampaging across Dahar IV, razing what had been a pristine industrial planet. When Jinjiro Kurita received word of their success, he granted permission for the DCMS forces to withdraw, as Motochika had hoped.[8]

Third Succession War[edit]

Like most Benjamin Regulars, the Ninth Benjamin Regulars had a very poor relationship with the supply officers of the DCMS. As a result, the Ninth's 'Mechs and tanks were often less effective than they would appear.[9]

During the fighting on Mallory's World, the Ninth's most noteworthy battle was with the First Robinson Rangers outside of Harrison's Ferry. There the Ninth fought the First for several hours before receiving a retreat order. The Robinson Rangers never let up, however, pursuing the Ninth all the way to their drop zones. They then returned to their base on Proserpina to rebuild.[10]

In 3025 the unit was stationed on Proserpina.[11]

Fourth Succession War[edit]

During the early months of the Fourth Succession War Coordinator Takashi Kurita was focused on his conflict with the Wolf's Dragoons mercenary brigade, but following pleas for help from Chancellor Maximilian Liao the DCMS planned and launched additional offensives against perceived weak spots on the Federated Suns border. The Galtor Thumb region was one such weak spot, and Klathandu IV was invaded by the Ninth Benjamin Regulars[12] in November 3208.[13] The Ninth presumed that as the militia on Klathandu IV lacked BattleMechs, the planet would be an easy conquest, and their initially sloppy deployment reflected that attitude. In contrast to the Ninth's expectations, the militia forces on Klathandu had been hardened by the many raids conducted against the planet by the DCMS - and had also received additional supplies of quality equipment including Maxim troop transports manufactured in the Lyran Commonwealth, Partisans and a Sniper Artillery Piece. When the Ninth encountered the First Klathandu Infantry Regiment and Third Klathandu Tank Regiment at Gregory's Hills they were shocked by both the fierce determination of the militia and the firepower available to them.[12]

The initial attacks by the Ninth Benjamin Regulars had focused on efforts to capture the planetary capital, Klanthis, which was also the center of Klathandu IV's industry. When faced with the ferocious response from the planetary militia Tai-sho Denice Eastmoreland moved the Regulars west to regroup, and spent the lull learning the terrain and probing the militia's defenses, turning the campaign into a war of attrition. When the Regulars went back on the offensive they treated the militia as if they were front-line opponents and made better progress, defeating several militia regiments and reaching the outskirts of Klanthis by late July 3029.[13]

The change in the campaign was noted by the AFFS High Command, who grew concerned that if the Regulars were able to capture Klathandu IV, they would be able to launch further attacks deeper into the Federated Suns. Prompted by the encirclement of Klanthis, the AFFS High Command deployed the Raman Draconis March Militia to Klathandu IV in the first week of August. While the Raman DMM's efforts to lift the siege of Klanthis led to horrendous casualties on the part of the Raman DMM, it did frustrate the Regulars' efforts long enough for another wave of reinforcements to arrive, in the form of the First Federated-Commonwealth BattleMech Regiment. The First FedCom had been created by taking cadets from the New Avalon Military Academy and the Albion Military Academy who hadn't been old enough to be assigned to other regiments ahead of the war, along with their academy instructors; a quarter of the cadets were from the Lyran Commonwealth, and the unit had been equipped with a mix of Enforcers, Griffins and Valkyries. Commanded by Marshal James Sandoval, son of Duke Aaron Sandoval of the Draconis March, the First FedCom had a slow introduction to the realities of combat, as James had them first assume rear-area responsibilities in areas that the Raman DMM had secured. This meant that the first few encounters with the Regulars went well for the First FedCom, and morale skyrocketed - until the First FedCom's First Battalion encountered the Regulars' Third Battalion in the light woods at Pheasant Run, where most of the FedCom's young MechWarriors were killed or injured. Despite the casualties inflicted on them during that battle, the First FedCom survived as a unit and forced the DCMS to rein back on plans to invade Xhosa VII in favor of securing control of Klathandu IV.[13]

War of 3039[edit]

The Ninth spent the first wave of the War of 3039 garrisoning Proserpina but would see action in the DCMS counterattack. One battalion undertook a successful raid upon Cartago as part of Theodore Kurita's efforts to bluff Hanse Davion into believing the Combine stronger than it truly was. Landing on 21st September, the battalion carried out a hit-and-run campaign while giving the appearance of being a full 'Mech regiment. There they faced three regiments of infantry and combat vehicles.[14] After netting a large number of supplies and hitting several military and civilian targets the unit departed Cartago.[15]

Clan Invasion[edit]

The Ninth Benjamin Regulars were stationed on Proserpina, near the Federated Suns border. The DCMS left the unit there to protect the border as other units were rotated to the Clan front.[16]

Operation BULLDOG[edit]

The Ninth moved to Kiamba as part of Operation BULLDOG.[17]

Federated Suns Incursion[edit]

Garrisoned on Proserpina during the Combine-Dominion War, the unit was destroyed in 3062 when it was overwhelmed by the First Robinson Rangers, Eighth Crucis Lancers, and the Robinson Battle Academy Training Battalion.[2]


Rank Name Command
Commanding Officers of the 9th Benjamin Regulars
Tai-sho Shiro Weyhu 3016[9]
Tai-sa Hirushi Shotugama 3020 - 3025[18]
Tai-sho Denice Eastmoreland 3025 - 3029[11][19]
Tai-sa Mark Tomtrill 3050 - 3054[20][21]
Tai-sa Richard Rekai 3059

Other Officers[edit]


Succession Wars[edit]

In 3025 the unit has city fighting expertise.[23]

Clan Invasion[edit]

As of c.3050, the Ninth preferred attack over defense; even when defending they would strike back at the attacker. They relied upon speed and were capable of reorganizing themselves at any command level. The Ninth's aerospace wing, the Tears of Proserpina, were ground-attack experts while the Ninth's armor, consisting of hovercraft, flanked enemies while the 'Mechs attacked head-on.[3]

The Ninth was adept at city defense, pairing lances at critical spots around a city. Its attached armor and infantry operate independently, leading opposing forces into traps.[16]

Composition History[edit]


Ninth Benjamin Regulars (Regiment/Veteran/Reliable)[1]

Note: At this point in time the Regulars were stationed on Elix; attached to the Regulars were a wing of aerospace fighters, an artillery regiment, four infantry regiments, and four armored regiments.[1]


Ninth Benjamin Regulars (Regiment/Veteran/Reliable)[24]

Note: At this point in time the Ninth was a medium-weight regiment operating at full strength and based on Elix.[24] In 2821 the unit was operating at just over one-quarter of full strength and based on Galtor III.[24]


Ninth Benjamin Regulars (Regiment/Veteran/Reliable)[25]

Note: The command contains 3 medium battalions.[26] At this point in time the unit was stationed on Proserpina.[11]


9th Benjamin Regulars (Regiment/Elite/Reliable)[27]

Note: At this point in time the medium-weight unit was stationed on Baldur with an operational readiness of 56 percent.[27]


9th Benjamin Regulars (Regiment/Elite/Reliable)[27]

Note: At this point in time the heavy-weight unit was stationed on Karbala with an operational readiness of 24 percent.[27]


Ninth Benjamin Regulars (BattleMech Regiment/Veteran)[19]

  • CO/1st Battalion - Tai-sho Denice Eastmoreland


Ninth Benjamin Regulars (Regiment/Veteran/Reliable)[28]

Note: At this point in time the command was stationed on Proserpina.[28]


Ninth Benjamin Regulars (medium 'Mech Regiment/Veteran/[3]Reliable)[20][21]

  • CO: Tai-sa Mark Tomtrill[20]

Tears of Proserpina (medium Wing)[3]

Ninth Armor (combat vehicle regiment)[3]

Note: At this point in time the unit was stationed on Proserpina.[20] The Tears are ground attack experts and the Ninth Armor consists entirely of hovercraft.[3]


Ninth Benjamin Regulars (Regiment/Veteran/Reliable)[16]

Note: The unit could upgrade over 60 percent of its machines and get also 12 new IS OmniMechs. Every battalion has now an OmniMech command lance.

Tears of Proserpina (Company/Elite/Reliable)[16]

Note: The unit possesses 6 OmniFighters.

Ninth Benjamin Regulars Armor (Battalion/Veteran/Reliable)[16]

18th Reconnaissance: Special Delivery (2 Battalions/Regular/Reliable)[16]

Note: Some members are equipped with Laser rifles and SRM launchers. For scouting missions, an entire platoon use advanced stealth suit. The command includes 4 vehicles with Arrow Launchers and also hovercraft with TAG equipment for the missiles.




  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Field Report 2765: DCMS, p. 10
  2. 2.0 2.1 Field Manual: Updates, p. 106
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 Combat Manual: Kurita, p. 39: "Ninth Benjamin Regulars"
  4. First Succession War, p. 22: "The Commonwealth Incursions"
  5. House Steiner (The Lyran Commonwealth), p. 43: "The First Succession War"
  6. House Kurita (The Draconis Combine), p. 53: "The First Succession War"
  7. Second Succession War, p. 31: "The Dragon Strikes: Black Wind, Red Wind"
  8. 8.0 8.1 Second Succession War, pp. 34–35: "The Dragon Strikes: Black Wind, Red Wind"
  9. 9.0 9.1 Historical Turning Points: Mallory's World, p. 9
  10. Historical Turning Points: Mallory's World, p. 19
  11. 11.0 11.1 11.2 House Kurita (The Draconis Combine), p. 135
  12. 12.0 12.1 NAIS The Fourth Succession War Military Atlas Volume 1, pp. 80–81: "Other Actions"
  13. 13.0 13.1 13.2 NAIS The Fourth Succession War Military Atlas Volume 2, p. 29: "Klathandu IV"
  14. Combat Manual: Kurita, p. 38: "Benjamin Regulars"
  15. Historical: War of 3039, p. 116: "Carthago"
  16. 16.0 16.1 16.2 16.3 16.4 16.5 Field Manual: Draconis Combine, p. 44: "Unit Profile"
  17. The Dragon Roars, p. 10
  18. House Kurita (The Draconis Combine), p. 176
  19. 19.0 19.1 NAIS The Fourth Succession War Military Atlas Volume 2, p. 106
  20. 20.0 20.1 20.2 20.3 20 Year Update, p. 42
  21. 21.0 21.1 Objective Raids, p. 27
  22. Historical: War of 3039, pp. 113–114: "Wave Two and Counterattack - Cartago"
  23. House Kurita (The Draconis Combine), p. 144: "The Benjamin Regulars"
  24. 24.0 24.1 24.2 First Succession War, p. 136: "Draconis Combine Mustered Soldiery (DCMS)"
  25. 25.0 25.1 House Kurita (The Draconis Combine), p. 137
  26. House Kurita (The Draconis Combine), p. 146
  27. 27.0 27.1 27.2 27.3 Second Succession War, p. 96
  28. 28.0 28.1 Historical: War of 3039, p. 138
