Sarna News: Bad 'Mechs - Rook

Nova Cat Irregulars (Clan Nova Cat)

Insignia of Xi Provisional Galaxy
Nova Cat Irregulars
Affiliation Clan Nova Cat
Parent Command Xi Provisional Galaxy



The unit was stationed on Port Arthur as of 3067.[1]


The unit participated in the Jihad war when it was traveled with parent Xi Galaxy to assault the world of Luthien in July 3072.[2] The Galaxy was taking revenge against the WoB unit, Forty-Second Shadow Division for its assault against Irece.

The Irregulars dropped on top of the Forty-Second Division position where they tore into the unit without mercy. The Irregulars attempted to push past the Blakist battle lines to enter the city. Later on, the Xi Galaxy Commander Jal Steiner rallied his troops to Waseda Hill area out the city. There, Blakist conducted surprised attack of six tactical nuclear missiles that shattered Galaxy. It's unclear if the Nova Cat Irregulars were among the Cluster worth of troops that were able to withdraw to the DropShips and leave the system.[3]


Rank Name Command
Commanding Officers of the Nova Cat Irregulars
Star Colonel Stabb 3067[1]



Composition History[edit]



  1. 1.0 1.1 Field Manual: Updates[citation needed]
  2. Jihad Hot Spots: 3072, p. 96: Date News Flash - 24 July 3072
  3. Jihad Turning Points: Luthien, p. 7: Profile of 42nd & 9th WoB Divisions
