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Part of The Dark Age era
Start Date 25 July 3137[1]
End Date 19–23 May 3140[2]
  • Lyran Commonwealth makes significant territorial gains in former Free Worlds space
  • Marik-Stewart Commonwealth dissolves
  • Free Worlds League reunited under Oriente's leadership
  • Clan Wolf turns against Lyran Commonwealth
Commanders and leaders

Forces involved

Operation HAMMERFALL was a mid-thirty-second century military campaign launched by the Lyran Commonwealth to weaken and prevent its neighboring former Free Worlds League states from reuniting. The Lyrans commenced operations against the Duchy of Tamarind-Abbey and Marik-Stewart Commonwealth in July 3137, capturing the former's capital and forcing Tamarind-Abbey to seek a cease-fire by the end of the year. The Lyran conquest of Marik-Stewart worlds proceeded more slowly, until the surprise arrival of their ally Clan Wolf in February 3138 heralded a surge in their advance. By mid-year the Marik-Stewart Commonwealth had fallen apart and was divided between the Lyran-Wolf conquerors and other neighboring powers.

Ironically the Lyran Commonwealth's triumphs ensured the ultimate failure of HAMMERFALL's strategic objective. The Lyran-Wolf invasion bolstered Captain-General Jessica Halas-Hughes' own efforts to re-form the Free Worlds League under Oriente's leadership, and even as the invaders continued advancing she succeeded in her goal. In July 3139 most of the former League states merged together into one nation again. Nonetheless the resurrected Successor State's resistance proved unable to halt the Lyran-Wolf advance, until Clan Wolf itself finally tired of its ill-treatment by its ally and abruptly ended HAMMERFALL by turning upon the Lyran Commonwealth.


Following Gray Monday and the HPG network collapse, the Lyran Commonwealth remained quiescent as other factions tore into the collapsing Republic of the Sphere. Archon Melissa Steiner believed that such a stance would ultimately leave her realm vulnerable to aggression as a result of perceived weakness, and chose to strike first by mounting an invasion into regions historically part of the Free Worlds League. Her long-term objective was to ensure that the former League micro-states would be unable to threaten the Commonwealth, without actually destroying those states or giving them the catalyst needed to reunite them as a single nation.[3]

To this end, Archon Steiner had her cousin Trillian and Khan Patrik Fetladral of Clan Wolf in Exile arrange an alliance with Clan Wolf. The Wolf Khan Seth Ward agreed to join in the proposed invasion, as it presented him with an opportunity to realize his own long-term goals for the Clan.[3][4]

The LCAF High Command's campaign plan, which did not take into account their alliance with Clan Wolf, called for a multi-pronged invasion taking place over three waves. Wave One would primarily target the independent worlds in-between the Duchy of Tamarind-Abbey and the Marik-Stewart Commonwealth, as well as crossing into both states. Additional strikes into the former Isle of Skye would net three ex-Republic worlds for the Commonwealth and aid their Wolf allies by denying them to the nearby Jade Falcon enclave. In Wave Two the LCAF would push deeper into the Marik-Stewart Commonwealth and isolate Tamarind before invading the Duchy's capital itself. Wave Three would conclude HAMMERFALL by isolating Marik and leaving the Lyran Commonwealth safe from any threat posed by the Free Worlds League.[5]

Clan Wolf, for its part, abandoned its Occupation Zone in early 3137 as the Wolf touman, together with much of the Clan's civilian caste members, began migrating towards their staging areas for the invasion. To divert attention from these movements, three Wolf Galaxies split off and went on a four month raiding spree throughout ex-Republic territory before vanishing once more, leaving most of the Inner Sphere in the dark as to the Clan's whereabouts.[6][7]

Operation HAMMERFALL[edit]

On 25 July 3137, Operation HAMMERFALL began with simultaneous attacks into the Duchy of Tamarind-Abbey and the Marik-Stewart Commonwealth.

"Gauntlet": the Tamarind-Abbey Campaign[edit]

Codenamed "Gauntlet," the portion of HAMMERFALL targeting Tamarind-Abbey proceeded swiftly and was concluded within five months. Lyran forces smashed through the Duchy's defenses and by the end of the year they had seized Tamarind itself. While a ceasefire went into effect, Duke Fontaine Marik refused to accept his losses in the long term and established a government-in-exile on Gibraltar. From here the Duke planned for the reclamation of his capital.[8][9]

Second Wave[edit]

Between September - early October of 3137 - Third Lyran Regulars were assisted in conquest of Marik-Stewart world of Bondurant by the 1st Hesperus Guards due to lack of reinforcements from Royals units. The campaign for Bondurant was brutal on both units, leaving the Third at only 40 percent operational. Though ending in victory, both units were damaged and needed rest and refit. The Royals regiments were deployed to old Skye of the Republic take key worlds there to deny Clan Jade Falcon forces in the Falcon's Reach from gathering more resources. They took such worlds such as Algorab. Auxiliary Battalion B1, also known as the Broken Swords Battalion were deployed to take the world of Labouchere and faced off with militia unit called Fangs of Marik. While the 5th Lyran Regulars struck the world of Niihau.

Final Wave[edit]

In November, Trillian Steiner traveled to Tamarind to meet with Duke Fontaine Marik, leader of Duchy to convince him to surrender. Broken Swords battalion, on orders by Trillian, traveled days behind her in case she needed aid. The 2nd Royals Regiment are ambushed while during their drop on Vindemiatrix. Clan Jade Falcon forces intercepted their forces as they made landing to drop zone, taking 50 percent casualties.

3rd Lyran Regulars with Fourth Royals invades Simpson Desert. While 1st Hesperus Guards deploy to aid Second Royals.

Late November through December, Broken Sword Battalion arrives and ends up fighting 1st Tamarind Regulars around capital of city of Zanzibar on Tamarind. They end up rescuing Trillian Steiner and her aide.

On Danais from 6th, Duke's Guard forces took capital city of Breckenridge. However, the city became a trap as supplies had been stripped, facilities sabotaged and population began to rally against the raiders occupying their capital city. Elements of the Silver Hawk Irregulars and planetary militia known as "Daredevils of Danais" had begun doing raids on Guard forces.

The Duke Vedet, being desperately for supplies and support, called on the reserve troops that were set aside for both the 3rd Lyran Regulars and his own forces. He felt that they would not be needed for conquest of Tamarind. Thinking that Broken Swords Battalion had damaged the defenders enough for the Third to take planet without support.

By December 14th, two battalions of the 3rd Lyrans Regulars arrive with General Nordhoff commanding, attempt to "rescue" situation on Tamarind. After arriving on Harvison Flats, where Roderick forces clashed with Tamarind's defenders, but they did not find evidence of the unit's destruction. Third Lyrans are then attacked by the 1st Tamarind Regulars entire regiment, which was not damaged as Third's commander had hoped. Broken Swords using their DropShips slipped behind 1st Tamarind's rear flank. Then Hauptmann Roderick Frost, reveals he his Steiner, he rallies both Lyran forces to slice the defending regiment in half. In midst of the battle, now knowing he had left member of the Steiner family to die, General Nordhoff flees the battle & planet with trusted several officers and warriors. Leaving Roderick Steiner in command of Third Regulars, later taking city of Zanzibar. Where Trillian Steiner brokers an armistice with Duke Fontaine Marik's advisor which ends conflict in Duchy of Tamarind-Abbey.

In March, 3138, Archon has passed word of Clan Wolf had enter the war Marik-Stewart Commonwealth and all forces were to treat them as nonhostile allies. Clan Wolf forces would begin taking worlds within the Marik-Stewart Commonwealth at time word of the announcement reach Lyran forces.

Lyran forces had become bogged down by heavy resistance within Marik-Stewart Commonwealth as well trouble with Clan Jade Falcon forces coming from the Falcon's Reach within the former Republic space.

The 1st Hesperus Guards and a Clan Wolf Cluster commanded by Star Colonel Alaric Wolf, would first see action together on Helm in April. However, Wolves & Lyran forces were not cooperating due to political, cultural, and the personal issues between commanding officers: Duke Vedet & Alaric Wolf. Clan Wolf attacked Helm's capital city of Helmsdown, but was rebuffed by heavy resistance Silver Hawk Irregulars hidden among civilian farmers.

By May 22nd, Trillian Steiner had called in 1st Steiner Strikers, led by Colonel Roderick Steiner to try move invasion of Helm. Two days later, battle for capital city resumed, with it ending all the city's defenders destroyed by Alaric Wolf heavy handedness. The destruction of the Silver Hawks units after surrendering to Lyran and Wolf forces. The battle of Helm would later be noted as the Helm Massacre.[10][11]

By June 5th: "Coalition" forces from Helm moved to relocated capital of the Commonwealth on Stewart. Lyran/Wolf forces invaded city of New Edinburgh, trying to capture Captain-General Anson Marik. Lyran & Wolf forces continued to operate as separate task forces on the ground. The invasion forces, fought Silver Hawk companies defending the city. Duke Vedet was nearly killed by bomb planted within motorcade reportedly transporting the Captain-General to safety. Vedet led forces into New Edinburgh Palace, where they try to root out Marik and some his surviving forces defending the palace. The invasion of palace ended with Anson Marik's life, effectively triggering the collapse of Marik-Stewart Commonwealth's government.[12][13]



  1. Era Report: 3145, p. 20: "Timeline of Events (cont.)" - Lyran invasion of the Duchy of Tamarind-Abbey begins
  2. Era Report: 3145, p. 21: "Timeline of Events (cont.)" - Ceasefire between Clan Wolf and Free Worlds League a week after Hammerfall resumes, followed by Wolf assault on Lyran Commonwealth.
  3. 3.0 3.1 Fire at Will, Prologue
  4. Era Report: 3145, p. 107: "Seth Ward"
  5. Fire at Will, ch. 3
  6. Era Report: 3145, p. 18
  7. Era Report: 3145, p. 17: "Masters of War"
  8. Era Report: 3145, p. 23
  9. Field Manual: 3145, pp. 17–18: "The Hammer Falls"
  10. Era Report: 3145, p. 20: Timeline of Events/April 28th - Helm Massacre Noted
  11. Era Report: 3145, p. 23: Hammerfall & Homecoming - Invasion of Helm and snapshot of events noted
  12. Era Report: 3145, p. 21: Timeline of Events - June 5th - Fall of Stewart to Lyran & Clan Wolf forces
  13. Era Report: 3145, pp. 23–24: Hammerfall & Homecoming - Invasion of Stewart and snapshot of events noted
