Operation RIPOSTE

Operation RIPOSTE
Conflict details
Part of Fourth Succession War
Start Date December 3028
Planet(s) Algot
New Aragon
Halloran V
Result Capellan Confederation defeat
Territorial Changes No changes
Attacking Forces
Affiliation Capellan Confederation
Commanding Officer(s) Chancellor Maximilian Liao
Defending Forces
Affiliation Federated Suns
Commanding Officer(s) First Prince Hanse Davion
Other Forces

Operation RIPOSTE was a counterattack launched by the Capellan Confederation during the end of Operation RAT's Wave Four, with the intent of destroying six Armed Forces of the Federated Suns supply depots on planets left relatively lightly-guarded due to the efforts of their offensive. Unbeknownst to the Capellan planners, however, these supposedly juicy targets were intentionally baited traps, their locations revealed by false intelligence as part of Operation AMBUSH.


As the Armed Forces of the Federated Suns launched the fourth wave of Operation RAT, their troops noticed that they were not encountering any of the frontline Capellan Confederation Armed Forces units they had been expecting. In response to RAT's third wave, Chancellor Maximilian Liao had ordered these units withdrawn, partially to prevent them from being cut off from the rest of the Confederation and partially to use them in a ambitious scheme to cripple the Davion offensive that he code-named Operation RIPOSTE. [1] [2]

Information supplied by traitorous Capellan March Duke Michael Hasek-Davion supposedly revealed to the Chancellor that all the supplies for the AFFS forces involved in the invasion moved through only six worlds, which had now been stripped of their BattleMech garrisons as the invasion ceaselessly drove deeper into the Confederation. The loss of these depots, it seemed, would cripple the Davion offensive in the Confederation and with luck the Draconis Combine's drive into the Terran Corridor would force the AFFS to grind to a halt. The Chancellor believed that this would buy the CCAF vital months to rest, regroup, and counterattack. Desperate to regain the initiative and with the Maskirovka verifying Hasek-Davion's intelligence as seemingly accurate, the Chancellor committed his last remaining frontline units, along with his reserve DropShips and JumpShips, to the task. These forces consisted of some six BattleMech regiments with twice as many support units. An additional seventh world was added to RIPOSTE's target list after Capellan agents uncovered evidence pointing to a New Avalon Institute of Science laboratory on Axton that was on the brink of breakthrough in myomer strength. Though some officers within the Confederation, such as Pavel Ridzik, doubted the leaked information, the Chancellor's trust in Hasek-Davion was so total that he refused to consider any other options.[1] [2]

Unfortunately for the Capellans, First Prince Hanse Davion and the MIIO had been aware of Hasek-Davion's traitorous behavior since at least 3026, opting to feed him limited and false intelligence rather than eliminate him. During the planning stages of Operation RAT, the First Prince also set in motion Operation AMBUSH, a plan to lure the Confederation into a rash strike. At first the information flowing to Duke Hasek-Davion merely played up the importance of the six worlds and underplayed their defenses, but by end of Operation RAT's third wave these leaked reports were almost completely fabricated. In truth, while the six planets were actually supply points, the AFFS had spread its logistical train wide and deep, with six additional supply points and numerous regional distribution depots emplaced on Capellan worlds captured in the invasion's initial waves. And, far from being empty and unguarded, the worlds hinted at by Operation AMBUSH were defended by seventeen 'Mech regiments and forty infantry and armor regiments.[1] [2]

When Davion troops striking deeper fourth wave targets began to report increasingly less resistance, the First Prince knew that the Chancellor had taken his bait. The hidden garrisons on the six Operation AMBUSH worlds were placed under strict radio silence, the contents of the targeted supply depots were relocated and cached well away from anticipated engagement areas, and defenses were ready for the Capellans' arrival.[1] [2]

Planets attacked during Operation RIPOSTE[edit]


Attackers: Third Battalion, Second Ariana Fusiliers, two hovertank regiments, one jump infantry regiment
Defenders: Davion Light Guards RCT, Alpha Regiment, Twelfth Vegan Rangers
Outcome: Upon landing, the Fusiliers split their forces to attack two sites, Cassol and Lake Ochiba, which they believed were defended by a single infantry regiment. On approach to Cassol, the smaller northern supply site, the Fusiliers were engaged by elements of the Davion Light Guards RCT, who succeeded in stripping them of their hovertank support. After they were pinned in place by artillery, the Fusiliers were quickly surrounded and destroyed by the Light Guards' swarm of lighter 'Mechs, despite fighting fiercely until the end. The other element of Fusiliers, lead by their maddened commanding officer, Major Stark, pushed on the Lake Ochiba. Stark ordered his units to split and pincer the depot, catching the Davion Light Guards units there out of position. The Fusiliers seized the depot, only to find its warehouses empty and the AFFS forces closing in on them. Stark and his troops fought furiously, destroying many Light Guards 'Mechs, but were eventually overwhelmed when the 12th Vegan Rangers arrived and ground them down with a methodical advance. Stark refused to surrender and died with the last of his men charging the AFFS lines. [3]


Attackers: First Battalion, Fourth Tau Ceti Rangers, one platoon of Death Commandos
Defenders: Second NAIS Training Cadre, four regiments of infantry and tanks
Outcome: The Fourth Tau Ceti and their Death Commando reinforcements took the defenders of Axton by complete surprise, dropping north of Fort Vanders, the NAIS Training Cadre's base of operations. The Capellan troops found the base defended by only a company of cadets, which they swiftly killed or routed before moving to ransack the NAIS lab that was their objective. Out on maneuvers and on the back foot, the Training Cadre assembled a quick response company formed of the unit's instructors and best cadets, who moved to block the Fourth Tau Ceti Rangers' retreat to their DropShips. The Cadre attempted to use the buildings surrounding the DropShips' landing zone for cover, but the Fourth screened their movements and escaped off-world, killing the Cadre's commander and recovering the secrets hidden within the lab for the Confederation.[4]


Attackers: One battalion, Warrior House Hiritsu; one battalion, 3rd Confederation Reserve Cavalry; one battalion and one company, Trimaldi's Secutors; one company, Lothar's Fusiliers; two companies, Laurel's Legion
Defenders: Twenty-first Striker Regiment, Eridani Light Horse, Third Crucis Lancers, First Davion Guards, three regiments of infantry and armor
Outcome: The CCAF designated three targets for their forces on Kawich: warehouse complexes near the cities of Samanan, Jamou, and Datara. As Warrior House Hiritsu made landfall outside Samanan and began to advance on their objective, they were continuously ambushed by elements of the Eridani Light Horse's Twenty-first Striker. The Light Horse 'Mechs moved fast and hit hard, destroying a full company of Hiritsu 'Mechs before surrounding them. During the final fight, the Twenty-first Striker lost only its commanding officer while completely destroying the Capellans, who fought fanatically to the death. The Jamou task force, consisting of the Reserve Cavalry, parts of Trimaldi's Secutors, and Lothar's Fusiliers, initially moved for their objective but discovered the entrenched First Davion Guards. Their commander, realizing that this was not a fight they could win, ordered a retreat back to the DropShip rendezvous point but was ignored by some of his troops, who charged the fortified battalion. Despite falling back with the surviving remnants, the commander was quickly cut off, surrounded, and forced to surrender. The final task force, consisting of the rest of Trimaldi's Secutors and the disgruntled Laurel's Legion, suffered from infighting. Knowing the Legion was not happy about being removed from their homeworld, the commander of the Secutors ordered them to lead the advance as scouts. When the Legion began to come into contact with the Third Crucis Lancers, most surrendered or ran away, prompting the trailing Secutors to open fire on them. Distracted by killing each other, the Capellan troops were enveloped and forced to surrender. Laurel's Legion survivors pledged themselves to the AFFS and were sent to Tigress with the remains of their unit for review.[5]


Attackers: One company, Kerr's Intruders; one company, McCrimmon's Light Cavalry; one company, MacGregor's Armored Scouts; five companies, First New Hessen Irregulars; 18 'Mechs, Warrior House Ijori; three infantry and four armor regiments
Defenders: Fourth Davion Guards RCT, Fourth Crucis Lancers
Outcome: A combined taskforce made of the remnants of Kerr's Intruders, McCrimmon's Light Cavalry, and MacGregor's Armored Scouts set out to capture or destroy a supply depot located near Zander's Delight. Thanks to inclement weather conditions, their advance became confused, and they were stymied by the Fourth Davion Guards. Despite setbacks and casualties, the band of misfits managed to push to the perimeter of the warehouse complex, where they were met by the body of the Fourth Davion Guards' 'Mechs and their commander, who gave them a chance to surrender. Honor-bound to at least attempt their objective, the Capellan commander respectfully declined. The Guards' commander responded by allowing her a clear shot at the complex, which she took. Once the CCAF troops realized the supply depot was an empty decoy, they surrendered.

The other taskforce, which had targeted a facility near Controssa, conducted an "avalanche drop"— whereby the attackers land directly on top of their objective— and successfully secured the depot. Incensed on finding the warehouses empty, the CCAF troops chose to take the fight to the defending Fourth Crucis Lancers rather than fall back to the spaceport. While they initially overwhelmed the Lancers, they continued to pursue them further and further away from their DropShips until the AFFS commander was able to cut them off from their evacuation and surround them with reinforcements. The Lancers' offer of surrender was ignored and the Capellan units fought to the death before being destroyed.[6]

New Aragon[edit]

Attackers: Chesterton Voltigeurs, four infantry and two heavy tank regiments
Defenders: Davion Heavy Guards RCT, New Avalon Crucis March Militia, First Aragon Borderers, six infantry and tank regiments
Outcome: Once fielding three full regiments, the Voltigeurs could save only four battalions from the slaughterhouse that was Tikonov. After spending some time recovering, what was left of the brigade was tasked to secure or destroy the three supply bases that CCAF intelligence had located on New Aragon: Fort McMichael, Grahamsville, and Fort Ellison. The Fort McMichael task force initially encountered two companies of Davion Heavy Guards, which they hoped to lure into a trap. However, the Heavy Guards' fast hovertanks and aerospace fighters quickly boxed the Capellan column in and destroyed all but a handful of them.
When reviewed on CCAF maps, Grahamsville was deemed an easy target situated next to a gentle river. The Grahamsville column had not anticipated flooding caused by seasonal rain, nor that all bridges would be destroyed by AFFS combat engineers, and the CCAF units struggled crossing the swollen river. They were set upon while crossing by the New Avalon CMM, who managed to whittle the Voltigeurs down to just three lances. These survivors promptly surrendered.
The Fort Ellison task force had slightly better luck, as despite the defending Aragon Borderers launching numerous hit-and-fade attacks, they managed to push the AFFS unit back almost to the depot itself. The Borderers were joined at the last moment by aerospace assets from the Heavy Guards, who had finished supporting their own command and provided crucial support. Using the ferocious air cover to their advantage, the Borderers regrouped and counterattacked, routing the Voltigeurs. Unfortunately for the Voltigeurs, their DropShips were destroyed before they could make it to their rendezvous point. Now marooned, their commander ordered the survivors to surrender.[7]


Attackers: Third Battalion, First McCarron's Armored Cavalry; one battaltion, Confederation Reserve Cavalry; one battalion, Warrior House Lu Sann, Prefectorate Guard
Defenders: Beta Regiment, Twelfth Vegan Rangers, Crater Cobras, First Ceti Hussars RCT
Outcome: Tasked with securing a rumored logistics center at White Hall, the First MAC's Third Battalion conducted an avalanche drop right into the middle of the complex but were immediately set upon by the waiting assault 'Mechs of the Twelfth Vegan Rangers' Beta Regiment. In the fierce fighting that followed, the MAC's commander was taken out of action and the remainder of the battalion chose to break contact with the Rangers and go to ground. From the surrounding hills, the surviving MAC troops mounted a guerilla campaign for the next several months, raiding and stealing supplies as needed.

The Crater Cobras, tasked with defending the city of Grinsanders, managed to ambush and destroy the Confederation Reserve Cavalry force that blundered in from the east. Ignoring the hastily-transmitted warnings from the Reserve Cavalry that the Crater Cobras greatly outnumbered the whole task force, Warrior House Lu Sann's MechWarriors elected to nobly proceed with their attack. Despite a fierce last stand, they were cut off and wiped out by the Cobras near Becker's Creek. The last attack, which targeted the spaceport and command centers located in Cocula, was more evenly matched. The Prefectorate Guard, supported by a few conventional infantry and armor regiments, crossed swords with the First Ceti Hussars, an AFFS unit they blamed for the death of Chancellor Ilsa Liao during the Second Succession War. Empowered by this old hatred, the Prefectorate Guard scored several initial victories against the Ceti Hussars, but were ultimately lured into an unwinnable battle where they were cut off from their air cover, heavily engaged by two 'Mech battalions, and enveloped by AFFS conventional forces. The arrival of the Hussars' third battalion signaled the end for the Guard, who were forced to surrender after an hour of bloody fighting.[8]

Halloran V[edit]

Attackers: Remaining Freemont's Cuirassiers, two armor and infantry regiments
Defender: Second New Ivaarsen Chasseurs RCT; Second Regiment, Screaming Eagles
Outcome: The Cuirassiers dropped just south of the capital city of Vanders, where they promptly collided with a company of Chasseurs assault 'Mechs. Captain Freemont ordered his troops to fall back, but ran into elements of the Chasseurs' first battalion, who was trying to pincer the Capellan troops. The Cuirassiers charged, surprising the Chasseurs and using the rough terrain to their advantage. The Screaming Eagles' second regiment was requested to reinforce the foundering AFFS troops and succeeded in destroying the remaining Cuirassiers, who fought to the last man.[9]


Thanks to the false intelligence supplied to the traitor, the Capellan forces were wholly unprepared for the considerable opposition on the six worlds targeted by RIPOSTE, with virtually all of the CCAF forces taking part wiped out entirely. A near complete debacle, RIPOSTE's only success was the Fourth Tau Ceti Rangers' discovery and plundering of a minor New Avalon Institute of Science facility on Axton. Though the Axton laboratory contained nothing with any military application, its files revealed the existence of a major NAIS facility on Bethel researching advanced myomers which would result in Operation INTRUDERS COMMUNION. [1] [10]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 BattlePack: Fourth Succession War, pp. 20-21 "Scenario 5: Operation Intruders Communion"
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 NAIS The Fourth Succession War Military Atlas Volume 1, pp. 88-89 "Operations Riposte and Ambush"
  3. NAIS The Fourth Succession War Military Atlas Volume 1, pp. 89-91 "Algot"
  4. NAIS The Fourth Succession War Military Atlas Volume 1, pp. 91, "Axton"
  5. NAIS The Fourth Succession War Military Atlas Volume 1, pp. 92-93, "Kawich"
  6. NAIS The Fourth Succession War Military Atlas Volume 1, p. 94, "Basalt"
  7. NAIS The Fourth Succession War Military Atlas Volume 1, pp. 97-98, "New Aragon"
  8. NAIS The Fourth Succession War Military Atlas Volume 1, pp. 99 - 100, "Nopah"
  9. NAIS The Fourth Succession War Military Atlas Volume 1, pp. 100, "Halloran V"
  10. NAIS The Fourth Succession War Military Atlas Volume 1, pp. 101 "Overview"
