Oscar Mason

Oscar Mason
Also known as"Ox"
AffiliationLyran Commonwealth

Oscar "Ox" Mason was the executive officer of Winfield's Regiment.[1]


Early Life and Career[edit]

Oscar attended and graduated from the Blackjack School of Conflict.[2]

Fourth Succession War[edit]

During the Fourth Succession War, was with Winfield`s Brigade when the Brigade was assigned to invade the world of Liezen, which was garrisoned by a veteran Combine 'Mech-Regiment, the First Altenmarkt Militia. Winfield's Brigade quickly seized control of the capital and other major cities. However, the larger Altenmarkt Militia 'Mech-Regiment faded away and staged a guerrilla war. Unfortunately, Winfield's Brigade lacked the manpower to garrison the cities and to hunt down the First Altenmarkt Militia at the same time. Thus, the Brigade was reinforced by the Fourth Donegal Guards. Shortly afterwards, the Altenmarkt Militia had to retreat and Liezen was ultimately considered secured.[3][4]

Clan Invasion[edit]

Oscar was taken as a bondsman by Diane Anu for his combination of strategies used in the failed defense of Winfield.[5]


  1. The Field is Lost, p. 2 (BattleCorps PDF version)
  2. The Field is Lost, p. 3 (BattleCorps PDF version)
  3. NAIS The Fourth Succession War Military Atlas Volume 2
  4. The Field is Lost, p. 4 (BattleCorps PDF version)
  5. The Field is Lost, p. 10 (BattleCorps PDF version)
