Paul Moon

Paul Moon
Paul Moon
AffiliationClan Smoke Jaguar
RankStar Colonel

Paul Moon was a trueborn Clan Elemental warrior and officer of Clan Smoke Jaguar. He later became leader of the mysterious group of warrior-people known as the Fidelis.


Operation: REVIVAL[edit]

Paul Moon participated in Operation REVIVAL, where he fought in numerous raids, including those on Marshdale and Jeronimo. He later received a promotion and took command of the Third Jaguar Cavaliers' Assault Trinary, which he led in the conquest of Idlewind.

On that planet, Paul Moon allowed one of his subordinates, Elemental Star Commander Joal, to bid only two points of Elementals against the defenders, the Idlewind Stormtroopers. The Stormtroopers consisted of a battalion of armor and a full regiment of mechanized infantry, but were quickly slaughtered after attempting to ambush the Smoke Jaguar Elementals with a fire trap at their landing zone. Joal killed their leader, Tai-sa Marc Lutz, when he refused to order his troops to surrender, and began mop-up operations. The last Stormtroopers proved quite resilient, as they had entrenched themselves in the capital city of Breezemont, and would take time to root out. Fearing that the Jaguar advance would be delayed, Moon assumed command. Reasoning that Lutz's actions in setting fire to the forest were in violation of the Clan's code of honor and had therefore removed any protections the Stormtroopers might have had, he mobilized his full Trinary, including its 'Mechs, and razed the city, killing all of the defenders.[3]

Later, Moon took part in Operation DRAGONSLAYER, where he fought alongside his fellow Clansmen during the Battle of Luthien in 3052. Despite displaying notable personal bravery, the battle was a loss.[1]

Post-Tukayyid Years[edit]

By late 3052, Paul Moon had worked his way up the ranks to command Delta Galaxy's Third Jaguar Cavaliers, who were assigned as the garrison force of Hyner. It was there that he met the disgraced Star Commander Trent who had been assigned to the Cavaliers after he and his sibmate Jez Howell survived the carnage of Tukayyid. Paul Moon took an immediate dislike to Trent, feeling that he and warriors like him were the reason for the misfortunes of their Clan. Moon additionally believed Jez Howell's lies that she had saved Trent's life on Tukayyid and asserted that Trent's contradictions of her version of events were disgusting perversions of the truth woven by a weak coward. Jez Howell was subsequently promoted by Paul Moon to be Trent's superior after her sabotage stripped Trent of his chance at earning a Bloodname.

In 3054, guerrillas on Hyner began harassing the Cavaliers. In retaliation, Moon ordered the destruction of the settlement of Beaver Falls when he learned that the population of the village was aiding the rebels by hiding six guerrilla BattleMechs. Trent attempted to reason with Paul that the destruction was too heavy-handed but Paul dismissed him as being soft. By 3055, guerrilla activity had only increased in intensity and Paul ordered the eradication of another village in hopes of teaching the population a lesson. Yet again, the destruction only served to raise the ire of the planet's natives, who increased their resistance efforts. After Jez Howell, on Trent's guidance, managed to eradicate a sizable portion of the remaining guerillas, Paul Moon gave her the credit and ordered her unit to raze another settlement. Trent, pushed to his limit, refused to obey this order and challenged Paul Moon to a fight in the Circle of Equals, which Paul subsequently won. Paul chose to leave Trent alive, believing that the shame of defeat was worse than death.

Mercenaries hired by the Draconis Combine arrive shortly afterwards to resupply the resistance, unaware that the guerillas had been wiped out. Trent attempted to tell Paul that the mercenaries would not be aware that Smoke Jaguar forces had prevailed, but Moon again dismissed Trent out of hand. Jez Howell, seeing the opportunity to gain more favor from Paul, took Trent's advice but bid far too low, losing most of her command in the battle with the mercenaries. After the battle, Jez goaded Trent too far and subsequently refused his challenge to a Circle of Equals. Trent killed her, covering up her death to make it seem as though she fell against the mercenaries in battle and reporting back to Paul Moon. Paul Moon declared her a hero for single-handedly repulsing the mercenaries and decided to send Trent to Huntress as an honor guard for her giftake. Paul Moon additionally requested that Trent be transferred to a solahma unit, hoping to finally be rid of the aging warrior.

Unfortunately for Paul Moon, in March of 3058 Trent returned to Hyner with a Trinary full of green troops. Reluctantly, Paul gave command of the Trinary to Trent after the warrior won several Trials of Position for the posting. Months later, Paul Moon's units were ordered to attack the Draconis Combine world of Maldonado by Galaxy Commander Hang Mehta. Paul complied, dispatching a Cluster of troops to attack the planet. While in theory, it was to be a simple incursion into Combine space, in reality, Moon had given Trent's Trinary a single objective: get rid of him. He altered his overall plan to send Trent's unit into a trap and even ordered another Star Captain who was to participate in the operation to kill Trent if he somehow survived both his unit's treachery and the enemy trap.

After the departure of the raiding force, Paul received word from Hang Mehta that Trent was to be arrested for assisting a criminal on Huntress, Benjamin Howell. Paul quickly organized a unit to pursue Trent's forces to Maldonado. He arrived just as Trent's Trinary began fighting the Kuritan ground forces. Paul, leading a Star of Elementals, attacked Trent in the midst of the fight, but lost his leg while attacking his rival's Cauldron Born, which suddenly exploded.[4][1]

Operation BULLDOG and the Battle for Huntress[edit]

Paul's leg was regrown in time to fight against Operation BULLDOG's spearhead into Clan Territory, but he was forced to withdraw from Hyner in short order. He and his unit regrouped with Galaxy Commander Mehta as they fell back to Huntress. In March 3060, Paul was given the honor of leading his troops in assaulting the Eridani Light Horse. Paul contacted the Light Horse's commander, General Ariana Winston and challenged her to a fight in the plains west of the capital city of Lootera, which she accepted.

On the plains, Paul led his unit against the Light Horse defensive positions, but his troops were ravaged by artillery fire. Although they were able to use their raw anger and aggression to breach their Light Horse lines, they were eventually forced to fall back. Paul was again injured during the fight, losing his right arm and upper shoulder and was left for dead by his troops. Later, Com Guard medics found him in his wrecked elemental armor and sedated him in order to save his life. He was later made a bondsman of Eridani Light Horse Major Kris Blau.[1]

After Operation BULLDOG, additional Second Star League forces arrived and rescued Task Force Serpent's outnumbered units. Trent, who had accompanied them, visited the ComStar field hospital where Paul was resting and blamed him for their Clan's destruction, stating that his actions pushed him to become a traitor. Paul Moon requested that Trent release him from his shame by way of bondsref but Trent denied him that request and left him in his bed to wallow in his grief at what had happened.

Bondsman of the Star League and Exodus[edit]

After the fall of the Smoke Jaguars, Paul Moon struggled with the consequences of his actions. On April 23rd, he received a bionic arm from Major Kris Blau of the Eridani Light Horse, who took him as bondsmen. The next day, he was assigned to work as their technician. Reluctantly, he agreed, and found himself enjoying it. When he heard the news of Lincoln Osis's death, he felt devastated, as that meant the final death to his Clan.[5]

On May 8th, Moon attended an officer's meeting. They were discussing about the apparition of a guerrilla force on Huntress, lead by a man called himself the Jaguar. When they asked Moon about his opinion on the matter, he gave it, pointing out that there were too many former Jaguar warriors. Eventually, after talking with Shane, another Elemental, Moon realized he must do something and after sharing his idea to enlist some former Jaguars to fight for the Star League, it was approved. Moon became the first commander of the all-Elemental unit, calling themselves the Ghosts, with a female Elemental serving as second-in-command. Shane.[6]

With time, Paul sought to preserve what was left of his Clan's legacy. For this, he meet with the Jaguar in the jungle, realizing it was his former subordinate, Russou Howell. Moon expected that he had some plan to restore the Jaguars, but Howell did not, and so refused to join the Jaguar, considering his efforts doomed.[7]

When a force of Clan Goliath Scorpion arrived to Huntress, launching a Trial of Possession for a factory, the Ghosts fought in the Trial, suffering some losses. Moon survived after being saved by the intervention of a Nova Cats named Baldur.[8] Soon afterwards, Moon worked with Baldur and the Nova Cat Inanna, to evacuate restless Smoke Jaguar civilians and former warriors to Wayside V to form a hidden colony. During a Trial of Possession, Baldur revealed than he was, in fact, Trent himself, and managed to defeat Moon, though reluctantly, he agreed to work with him.[9]

After negotiating with the Nova Cat's Khan, Santin West and Russou Howell, Moon informed his superiors about an imminent attack of the Jaguar, and while the SLDF garrison was distracted, his people departed on August 24th.[10]

After arriving to Wayside V, Moon was surprised to find a Binary of Jaguars on planet, forgotten by the conflict. He managed to convince his leader, Star Captain Av Weaver, about the necessity to change to save his Clan.[11]

When the Scorpions' Galaxy Commander, Rik Myers arrived on Wayside, on May 25th, intending to claim the Jaguars for his Clan. Moon led his Ghosts into a flanking position during the Battle of the Straits, helping to crush the Scorpions. Trent was fatally wounded in the fight, and died in a hospital thereafter, an event which hurt Moon deeply. Later, he spoke with Myers, telling him than his people must work to obtain food before returning to Clan space. The furious Moon wanted to kill Myers initially, but he allowed him to live. After gathering the colony's population, he informed them than he would take the title of Custos, and explained to his people about Trent's history, to honor his memory.[12]

Custos of the Fidelis[edit]

Later, Paul organized the Jaguars' survivors into a warrior-people simply known as the Fidelis. On 10 January 3077, during the Jihad, a Word of Blake force arrived on Wayside to attempt to force the Jaguars to fight for them. Moon, which meantime had married Inanna, refused and lead the annihilation and capture of the Blakists, and swore revenge. Seven months later, Moon received Devlin Stone and Victor Davion on Wayside, brokening a secret alliance to allow his people to fight the Blakists. He demanded to talk in private with Victor, and explained him Trent's history, forcing him to understand what he had done to his friend.[13]

The Fidelis acted during the Jihad as special forces. Elements fighting the conflict would come to know these mysterious soldiers as "Stone's Shadows." As part of the deal with Stone, they must pledge themselves to service of Stone and the Republic until they pay the debt owed. As part of the deal, he and a team landed on Terra on 22 August, spreading Trent's ashes on Terra's soil to give his dead friend a posthumous tribute.[14]

After the conclusion of the war, Paul arranged for his people to resettle Mopelia Island on New Earth. There, he leads his people as "Custos," where for a generation they end up training. Paul is sustained over the years with medical technology they have acquired over the decades. His people are kept in total isolation during this period with only brief visits by high-end Republican officials, namely Stone and his successor Damien Redburn.

In July 3135, Redburn meets with Paul again, this time as Shadow Paladin, for Exarch Jonah Levin. He tells Paul he needs to call Fidelis into service, giving them the opportunity to pay the debt to Stone and the Republic. Paul releases a Century worth of troops for the Republic's operation Fortress Republic. This duty requires his people to operate outside of the Fortress walls, which included the use of the Fidelis' WarShip.[15]

On 3149, the Fidelis remained the most elite fighting force for the Republic Remnant, fighting against several enemies. But when Redburn, on 22 August, engaged Fortress Republic forces on Callison, Moon wasn't able to support him. On 4 august, he talked with the captive Knight-Errant Lady Synd, telling him than Stone was alive.[16] On 29 August, when another Republic larger force arrived, Redburn ordered Moon to fight them, ignoring his reservations. When a battle ensued, the same day, the Fidelis under Moon's orders, engaged Damien's Black Knight, with his Elementals, including him, downing it and capturing him. His capture put an end to the civil war and forced the unification of both Republic states. Jonah Levin freed Moon and his people of his debt with the Republic, which put an end to the Fidelis service to the state.[17][18]

By 3150, When Wolf Empire's forces attacked New Earth, the Fidelis home, they surrendered the planet without firing a single shot, for unknown reasons. The Fidelis leader was an aging warrior, which it is implied to be Paul.[19]

Dealing with Alaric[edit]

On 20 October, when Alaric landed on the planet where Paul Moon and his Fidelis had resided, Paul would reveal secrets to Alaric about him and his people. The first bit of knowledge that he revealed to Alaric was that the reason his people were out of their pledge to Stone, was due to the sudden betrayal of the Republic. The second revelation that Paul told him was that he and his people were actually the survivors of Clan Smoke Jaguar, who fought for Stone during the Jihad and the Dark Ages. Paul Moon, seeking an opportunity to resurrect his Clan would propose a deal to Alaric. It involved his people to help Alaric become ilClan by defeating the Jade Falcons and the Republic on Terra in order to become the new ilKhan. Paul Moon stated the reason for doing so was due to the past actions of his Clan and wanting to redeem themselves. He even acknowledged that the destruction of Turtle Bay and the harsh rule of the Smoke Jaguars as prime examples of why they were chosen to be eliminated by the Second Star League.[20] Alaric, known for his love of symbolism, saw the potential of the deal: not only showing how the Second Star League was a false alliance, but also that the actions that lead to their fate were non-existent to history. Alaric would agree to his terms stating that it would be done as long as he serves his people during the battle against the Jade Falcons for control of Terra. In agreement, Alaric would announce that every warrior of the Fidelis, including Paul were now declared as bondsmen of Clan Wolf until they become ilClan.[21]

After the ilClan Trial with the Jade Falcons concluded, Paul Moon's faith was rewarded when he was invited by ilKhan Alaric Ward himself to witness the resurrection of his Clan. However, Moon didn't see it directly: as he told Ward that those Fidelis unable or unwilling to become jaguars again, would depart New Earth, seeking work as mercenaries or serving whatever remained of the Republic, including him, as he owed that much to his people and considering he was a burden to the jaguars.[22]

Philosophical and political views[edit]

Originally he was a Clan member of Smoke Jaguar, during which he was known to be a diehard Crusader. He condemned the warriors who lost on Tukayyid. He was a harsh and arrogant trueborn in his early years.

After the destruction of the Smoke Jaguars, he reflected on the consequences of his actions and became more introspective on his limits and potential for improvement. While originally reluctant to take on civilian work, he came to enjoy his time working with technicians and used that experience when molding the Fidelis as a new society.

In his later years as Custos of the Fidelis, he developed a sense of humor and nostalgia while maintaining the sharpness of his warrior mind. He also was respectful of those he deemed allies while acting as Custos but had little tolerance for manipulation or treachery. It was the infighting between the Republic Remnant and the Fortress Republic that caused him and the Fidelis to sever ties with the Republic before the IlClan Trial.


  • Paul Moons' legacy amongst the Jaguars was undeniable: it was not an accident that his genedaughter, Prohaska Moon became unanimously voted as the Jaguars' new Khan.[23]
  • The original epilogue of Surrender Your Dreams, which prominently featured Paul Moon, was made non-canon; see the Surrender Your Dreams page for more details. In this epilogue, Paul Moon announced the freeing of the Fidelis, handed the role of Custos over to Adamans, and gave the latter both his true name and his "Unopened Work".



  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Twilight of the Clans, p. 16: "Personalities - Star Colonel Paul Moon
  2. Children of Kerensky, ch. 38
  3. The Flames of Idlewind, pp. 33–42
  4. Exodus Road, p. ??: thumbnail history of Paul's actions during post-Tukayyid years[citation needed]
  5. Forever faithful, chs. 4–6
  6. Forever faithful, ch. 14
  7. Forever faithful, ch. 1
  8. Forever faithful, chs. 20–22
  9. Forever faithful, chs. 25–26
  10. Forever faithful, chs. 28–30
  11. Forever faithful, ch. 33
  12. Forever faithful, chs. 34–36
  13. Forever faithful, ch. 38
  14. Forever faithful, Epilogue
  15. Surrender Your Dreams, pp. 172–174
  16. Rock of the Republic ch. 8
  17. Shatered Fortress p. 71
  18. Rock of the Republic ch. 9
  19. Divided We Fall, p. 11
  20. Children of Kerensky, p. 175
  21. Children of Kerensky, p. 176
  22. Children of Kerensky, ch. 13
  23. IlClan, p. 104
