Policy:Original research

BattleTechWiki operates within the unique context of documenting a fictional universe. Unlike nonfictional wikis, where strict reliance on verified, standalone facts is paramount, fictional settings like BattleTech often require the synthesis of incomplete or fragmented information to create cohesive and accurate articles. This sometimes necessitates the use of what is termed "original research" under controlled circumstances.


As a wiki dedicated to a fictional universe, BattleTechWiki allows limited use of original research in cases where strict adherence to rules against assumption would hinder documenting the material.

Guiding Principles[edit]

Such original research must:

  • Be based entirely on official or apocryphal sources.
  • Use clear and logical reasoning to connect the information.
  • Be explicitly documented within the article, with notes explaining the reasoning or cross-references.
  • Avoid introducing unsupported speculation or extrapolation.

Fictional Content[edit]

  • All main space articles must focus exclusively on content from official (primarily canon and apocryphal) BattleTech sources, including core materials such as rulebooks, novels, and officially approved supplementary content. Apocrypha must be clearly labeled.
  • Articles documenting the in-universe BattleTech lore may, in many cases, require connecting information across multiple sources. This is necessary due to the nature of fictional settings, where details are often dispersed or implied rather than directly stated.
  • In cases where official sources provide incomplete or fragmented information, logical reasoning may be used to synthesize details. Such connections should be clearly explained within the article, and must remain rooted in official or apocryphal material. Speculative interpretations or extrapolations that go beyond what is supported by the sources are not allowed. There is usually some risk involved here, to a varying degree. Act with care.
    • For example, one source may name the JumpShip Kit Carson without stating its class, while another source states the class without naming the ship. Connecting these details involves logical inference but is necessary for completeness.
    • However, for another example, while Hollis Incorporated has been listed as operating a Highlander assembly facility, no source indicates which, if any, of its components the firm manufactured itself. Readers sometimes assume all parts are made on site, but various sources have shown that many 'Mech parts are shipped to the plants using them from abroad. Assuming Hollis manufactures all parts locally is an unsafe assumption.

Nonfictional Content[edit]

Articles about the real-world aspects of BattleTech must adhere strictly to traditional standards of verifiability. Claims must be supported by reliable, external sources, with no room for interpretation or assumption.

  • Events and Releases: Document relevant real-world events, such as product launches, promotional campaigns, conventions, and announcements, provided they are verifiable.
  • Cultural Impact: Discussions of BattleTech’s influence or reception must rely on credible sources and be presented objectively.
  • Community Contributions: While the wiki encourages the documenting of BattleTech's vast community, content related to community contributions must be limited to documenting its notability as it relates to BattleTech.
  • Development History: Articles may include well-documented accounts of the creation, development, and production of the BattleTech universe, including insights into the decisions, challenges, and evolution of the franchise. However these entries must be based on verifiable sources, such as interviews, design notes, or official statements. Unofficial or ambiguous sources (e.g. drafts, conflicting interviews) should be handled with care and, when used, clearly and properly labeled and given context.
  • Unrealized Material: Information about material such as scrapped projects, unused designs, and canceled storylines must be verifiable and, when possible, presented with context, such as the reason for its exclusion or the stage it reached in development.

Evidence and Attribution[edit]

From other BattleTechWiki:Policies and guidelines:

  • Personal interpretations and Essays: Personal interpretations, fan theories, and headcanon are not permitted in regular articles. Instead, they must be confined to "Essays," which are designated as user-created pages. These essays must be clearly labeled as non-official and provide appropriate context for their content. They must be rooted in canon or apocryphal material and distinguish speculation from established lore.
  • Conflicting Interpretations: When official material is ambiguous or contradictory, disputes should be discussed on talk pages. Consensus will guide how the content is presented, with a focus on clarity for readers.
  • Verifiability: Contributions without evidence or proper context may be removed or revised for accuracy.
  • Fanon Exclusion: Original creations, such as fanfiction, custom 'Mechs, speculative timelines, or other non-canonical expansions, are not allowed in any part of the wiki. This includes both main articles and supplemental sections.