Raju Selaj

Raju Selaj
AffiliationHouse Selaj
Title(s)Prince of Regulus[1]
Position(s)Minister of Trade[1]
ParentsHugo Selaj (father)
Marianne Marik (mother)

Raju Selaj was one of the founding members of the Free Worlds League.


Free Worlds League[edit]

In 2266, Detlev Marik was contacted by Sir George Humphreys at the behest of Tomás Allison, the head of state of the Federation of Oriente. Allison proposed a permanent alliance between their nations and the Principality of Regulus. Although he personally approved of the idea, Detlev initially balked at the offer, fearing that it was a political impossibility. Humphreys continued negotiating, however, until he persevered in 2269. During a meeting, Humphreys mentioned to Detlev that Raju Selaj collected miniature items: books, dolls, figurines, paintings, and the like. Detlev collected historic awards and trophies, and found himself intrigued by Selaj's collection. Detlev gave Humphreys a message to pass to Selaj and the pair began a correspondence that lasted for years.[2][3]


  1. 1.0 1.1 Handbook: House Marik, p. 13
  2. House Marik (The Free Worlds League), p. 11, "The Turning Point"
  3. Handbook: House Marik, p. 12, "The Hoarder Kings"
