Record Sheets: 3058 Unabridged (Inner Sphere)

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Record Sheets 3058 Upgrades Unabridged Inner Sphere.jpg
Record Sheets: 3058 Unabridged (Inner Sphere Vehicles and BattleMechs)
Product information
Type Record Sheets (PDF)
Development Jason Tighe
Pages 300
Cover Artwork Franz Vohwinkel
Illustrations Chris Lewis
Duane Loose
Publication information
Publisher Catalyst Game Labs
Product code BC-203B
First published 2010
Era Succession Wars era
Clan Invasion Era
Civil War era
Jihad era


Record Sheets: 3058 Unabridged (Inner Sphere) is a PDF-exclusive record sheet book produced by Catalyst Game Labs. It was created as a replacement for Record Sheets: 3058 Upgrade, which features units from Technical Readout: 3058 Upgrade. The book differs from RS:3058u which includes Total Warfare–style record sheets & new variants from different ranges of eras from centuries past as well, up to the Jihad. Included among the variants of vehicle & equipment which utilize Advanced Technology.


Also See[edit]


  • This book is meant as a replacement for BattleCorps' RS3058 Upgrade, due to the large number of errors found.
  • The trademark is BattleTech Record Sheets: 3058 Upgrade Unabridged, with no subtitle.