2nd Legion of Vega

(Redirected from Second Legion of Vega)

Insignia of the Legion of Vega
2nd Legion of Vega
Nickname The Pillagers (3025);[1]
The Dragon's Raiders
Affiliation Draconis Combine
Parent Command Legion of Vega



First Succession War[edit]

Quentin was in Davion hands for a brief period of time. The planet's defenders, the Forty Second Avalon Hussars were caught off guard by the attacking DCMS forces lead by the Second Legion of Vega which made an impressive use of their Panther 'Mechs to take the only major city and its spaceport. Things turned sour for the attackers after the death of Minoru Kurita. When Jinjiro Kurita took command of the Draconis Combine he borrowed troops and supplier from several units, the Second Legion of Vega included to fuel his rage which ended in the Kentares Massacre. On the other side, the Forty Second Avalon Hussars got reinforced by the Fourth Deneb Light Cavalry and pushed though the city finally breaking the Kuritan lines defenses forcing them to withdrawal.[2] The actions of Captain Ted "Red Beard" Henry saw confusion in the AFFS lines with his Panthers holding the AFFS Marauders and Warhammers allowing the safe withdrawal of the Second.[3] The planet though was in Kuritan the same 2797.[4]

Third Succession War[edit]

In 3025, the unit was stationed on Vega.[5]

Fourth Succession War[edit]

War of 3039[edit]


On July 12th the Second engaged arrived at a pirate jump point and commenced recapturing Vega from the occupying Federated Commonwealth forces, with the assistance of the 14th Legion of Vega the planet was recaptured by August 16th.[6]

Ronin War[edit]

Clan Invasion[edit]

Battle of Luthien[edit]

The Second Legion of Vega fought in the Battle of Luthien.[7]

Operation Bulldog[edit]

As of 3059, the unit was stationed on Luthien, though even this apparent honor could not move the low-prestige unit up the priority list for new equipment.[8][9]

Dominion War[edit]

Clan Ghost Bear's Omega Galaxy laid siege to the Second Legion on Schuyler for four months until the 6th Ghost were sent to reinforce the beleaguered unit and hold the planet.[10]

Federated Suns Incursion[edit]


The Second Legion is the only Vegan regiment to survive the Jihad. Early in 3076 the Second was transferred to Kimball III. There they defended the DropShip production plants on the world from several Word of Blake Shadow Divisions. Though the Second Legion drove the Blakists off-world, they suffered serious losses and were unable to stop the Blakists from raiding a Star League warehouse.[11]

Republic Era[edit]

Despite the modicum of respect the Second had obtained for their performance against Inner Sphere and Clan opponents in recent years and the formation of the Seventh Legion after the Jihad, the various Warlords within the DCMS began once more sending their discipline cases and problem children to the Legion of Vega. This practice continued into the 3080s. The Second's valiant defense of Kimball was rendered a pyrrhic victory when the Kimball system was subsequently incorporated into the Republic of the Sphere, leaving the Second to be redeployed; assigned to the world of Camlann, the Second was once again forced to lean heavily on conventional forces to make up for the lesser warriors assigned to the regiment.[12]

Since taking up station on Camlann the Second had faced a number of Ghost Bear raiding parties; while the Ghost Bears may have intended the raids to be some form of blooding process for new warriors, the Second responded with reckless aggression, throwing their forces against the Ghost Bears in an effort to earn redemption through the blood of the Dragon's enemies. This aggressive defense meant that despite rebuilding efforts, the Second had failed to substantially increase in size by 3085 because of the losses taken in combat, particularly among the newer Legion members.[12]

Dark Age[edit]

The second raided Port Moseby shortly after the Blackout. They were forced to withdraw by the 3rd Lyran Guards.[13]

Being the only Legion of Vega to take part in the invasion of the Federated Suns, they assaulted Xhosa VII in 3143 taking only minor casualties and are tentatively assigned Exeter. After facing little more than militia defenders, the Second will be put to the test facing off against the First New Ivaarsen Chasseurs on Exeter.[14][15]

In 3147 the Legion jumped into Clovis to reinforce against an AFFS attack, but the Operation PERCEVAL forces retreated before the Legion could engage them.[16]


Rank Name Command
Commanding Officers of the 2nd Legion of Vega
Tai-sho Michael Heise 3025 - 3039[17][18]
Tai-sa Tikov Recardni 3050 - 3085[19][20][8][9][21][22]
Tai-sa Youta Nakahara 3099[23]
Tai-sa Miyoko Tsukamoto 3145[24]

Other Officers[edit]


In 3025, the unit had no spec specialization.[1]

The 2nd is forced to fight with inferior equipment, so prefers to fight at point-blank range. They excel in urban and mountainous terrain. They usually put their heavy and assault units in the front of an advance, pinning the main forces in place. The Legion's light units then break through the line and wreak havoc in the enemy's rear areas. The high number of C3 computers available to the Legion make this tactic particularly devastating.[8]

Composition History[edit]


2nd Legion of Vega (Regiment/Regular/Questionable)[17]

  • CO: General Michael Heise
Note: The 2nd Legion of Vega was a medium 'Mech unit.[1] At this point in time the unit was stationed on Vega.[5]


2nd Legion of Vega (Regiment/Regular/Questionable)[31]

Note: At this point in time the command was stationed on Vega.[31]


2nd Legion of Vega (Regiment/Veteran/Questionable)[19]

Note: At this point in time the unit was stationed on Vega.[19]


2nd Legion of Vega (Regiment/Veteran/Questionable)[32]

  • CO: Tai-sa Tikov Recardni


2nd Legion of Vega (BattleMech Regiment/Veteran/Reliable)[8]

CO/1st Battalion
Tai-sa Tikov Recardni
2nd Battalion
Chu-sa Ieyasu Hiyama
3rd Battalion
Chu-sa Keigo Miyazaki
- These unit includes some advanced technology, which is supported by a lance of light Inner Sphere OmniMechs. The regiment received some C3 systems.

53rd Vegan Lancers (2 Battalions/Veteran/Reliable)[8]

- The unit has medium to heavy vehicles with an equal proportion in both battalions.

241st Vegan Regulars (Infantry Regiment/Regular/Questionable)[8]

- The Regulars includes 12 veteran crewed artillery pieces with good loyalty rating.


2nd Legion of Vega (Regiment/Veteran/Reliable)[21]

53rd Vegan Lancers (2 Battalion/Veteran/Reliable)[21]

Armor Commander: Chu-sa Kenny Raime

241st Vegan Regulars (Regiment/Regular/Questionable)[21]

Troop Commander: Chu-sa Leonard Pattel


Second Legion of Vega (Regiment/Veteran/Reliable)[33]

Note: At this point in time the unit was stationed on Kimball III.[33] The losses sustained by the Second Legion on Kimball III reduced them to 60% of their pre-Jihad strength.[33]


2nd Legion of Vega (Veteran/Reliable)[22]

  • CO: Tai-sa Tikov Recardni

53rd Vegan Lancers (2 Battalions/Regular/Reliable)[22]

241st Vegan Regulars (Veteran/Questionable)[22]


2nd Legion of Vega (2 Battalions/Veteran/Reliable)[24]

  • CO: Tai-sa Miyoko Tsukamoto

53rd Vegan Lancers (Veteran/Fanatical)[24]

241st Vegan Regulars (Veteran/Reliable)[24]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 House Kurita (The Draconis Combine), p. 147: "Legion of Vega"
  2. Technical Readout: 3025 Revised, p. 30
  3. 3.0 3.1 Technical Readout: 3025, p. 30: "Panther"
  4. First Succession War, p. 95: "Federated Suns Counteroffensives 2801–2818"
  5. 5.0 5.1 House Kurita (The Draconis Combine), p. 133
  6. Historical: War of 3039, pp. 77–78
  7. Luthien, p. 25
  8. 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 Field Manual: Draconis Combine, p. 122: "2nd Legion of Vega Unit Profile"
  9. 9.0 9.1 Luthien, p. 25
  10. Field Manual: Updates, pp. 114–115: "6th Ghost mini-profile update & 2nd Legion of Vega"
  11. Field Report: DCMS, p. 16
  12. 12.0 12.1 Field Manual: 3085, p. 47: "Legions of Vega and Ryuken"
  13. Technical Readout: 3145 Lyran Commonwealth, p. 42
  14. Technical Readout: 3145 Draconis Combine, p. 36
  15. Field Manual: 3145, p. 61: "Second Legion of Vega"
  16. Shattered Fortress, p. 33: "Operation PERCEVAL Round Two"
  17. 17.0 17.1 House Kurita (The Draconis Combine), p. 135: "Unit Deployment Table"
  18. Historical: War of 3039, p. 9
  19. 19.0 19.1 19.2 20 Year Update, p. 40
  20. Luthien, pp. 25, 85
  21. 21.0 21.1 21.2 21.3 Field Manual: Updates, p. 119
  22. 22.0 22.1 22.2 22.3 Field Manual: 3085, p. 49: "DCMS Deployment Table - 3085"
  23. Historical: Wars of the Republic Era, p. 28: "The Dragon Strikes - Orestes"
  24. 24.0 24.1 24.2 24.3 Field Manual: 3145, p. 64: "DCMS Deployment Table - 3145"
  25. Era Report: 3145, p. 145: "TOUCHPOINT: REPUBLIC ROUNDABOUT"
  26. Technical Readout: 3145, p. 104: "RK-4T Rokurokubi"
  27. Recognition Guide: ilClan, vol. 6, p. 8: "Marauder - Notable 'Mechs and MechWarriors"
  28. Technical Readout: 3145 Draconis Combine, p. 36: "Wendigo - Notable Units"
  29. Technical Readout: 3039, p. 22: "Packrat Long Range Patrol Vehicle - Notable Crews"
  30. Combat Manual: Kurita, p. 44: "Chu-sa Rafael Espinoza"
  31. 31.0 31.1 Historical: War of 3039, p. 139
  32. Objective Raids, p. 28
  33. 33.0 33.1 33.2 Field Report: DCMS, p. 17
