Sevi Lwa

Sevi Lwa
Organization Profile
TypeReligious Organizations
Parent OrganizationFree Worlds League

Sevi Lwa is a belief system based out of the Free Worlds planet of Siendou. Little is known of the faith. Evidence—including its name and the numerous Haitian Creole terms used by its practitioners—points towards Sevi Lwa having its roots in Haitian Vodou. Practitioners are known to pay respects to Olorun and Obatala at local Hounfours.[1]

Siendou, referred to as the heartland of the religion, is governed by a constitutional theocracy; Sevi Lwa is the planet's global faith. Followers of Sevi Lwa cannot serve in a national military. This, however, does not prevent adherents to the faith from serving in mercenary forces. The planet's native mercenaries, Ogoun's Machete, were known to have at least a lance of Black Hawk 3s at their disposal in 3140.[2]

A secretive branch of the Sevi Lwa, based out of the Coeur du Vodun ("Heart of the Spirit") were responsible for an attack on Jessica Marik's children in 3137, killing Janos Marik IV and crippling Julietta Marik.[3]


  1. To Ride the Chimera, ch. 8
  2. Technical Readout 3145: Mercenaries, p. 34
  3. To Ride the Chimera, ch. 28
