Sif Star (Rasalhague Dominion)

Sif Star
Affiliation Rasalhague Dominion
Parent Command Clan Ghost Bear touman


The Dark Age[edit]

The Sif Star was a naval Star in the military or touman of the Rasalhague Dominion in the thirty-second century.[1]

In the mid-thirty-second century a Clan Jade Falcon force consisting of the Fredasa-class corvette CJF Jade Tornado and an escorting Carrier-class DropShip clashed with the Sif Star in the Symington system. The Sif Star included a pair of Nagasawa-class DropShips among other vessels, and the two forces contained a comparable number of aerospace fighters, which promptly began engaging each other to try and win aerospace superiority.[1][2]

The two Nagasawas immediately moved to engage the Jade Tornado. The Jade Tornado found itself forced to concentrate on the two Nagasawas because of the heavy fire they were each dealing out, which allowed the other Dominion heavy DropShips to fire on the corvette with little risk of receiving return fire. Even a direct hit on one of the Nagasawas from the Jade Tornado didn't disable the DropShip, which continued to attack the larger WarShip; after ten minutes of combat the Jade Tornado fled the battle, leaving its fighters with no choice other than to try and rendezvous with the Ninth Falcon Velites on the surface of Symington.[1]


Rank Name Command
Commanding Officers of the Sif Star (Rasalhague Dominion)



Composition History[edit]



  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Technical Readout: 3145 Mercenaries, p. 52, "Nagasawa-class DropShip"
  2. Field Manual: 3145, p. 164
