Small X-Pulse Laser

Small X-Pulse Laser
Production information
Type Energy (Pulse)
Tech Base Inner Sphere[1]
Year Availability 3057[1] (FC)[2]
Technology Rating E[1]
Availability Ratings X[1]/X[1]/E[1]
Technical specifications
Heat 3[3]
Damage 3[3] + 2D6 vs. Infantry[4]
Minimum Range 0[3]
Short Range 2[3]
Medium Range 4[3]
Long Range 5[3]
Tons 1[1]
Critical Slots 1[1]
Ammo Per Ton N/A
Cost (unloaded) 31,000[1]
Ammo Cost (per ton) N/A
BV (1.0) 21[citation needed]
BV (2.0) 21[5]


X-Pulse lasers are an attempt by Inner Sphere technicians to increase the range of pulse lasers to compete with the longer ranges of similar Clan models. X-Pulse lasers are not a new weapon per se, but an upgrade that is separately added to the weapon for an additional cost. X-Pulse lasers also build up tremendous heat but technicians have considered this as a necessary drawback.[2]

The small X-Pulse laser is the smallest of these weapons. It has good damage potential for its heat and boasts almost as much range as an Inner Sphere medium pulse laser or a Clan small pulse laser. Like all pulse lasers, the higher rate of fire allows for increased accuracy.



Manufactured on Manufactured by Typically used in References
El Dorado General Motors Battlemaster [6]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 Tactical Operations, p. 407: "Heavy Weapons and Equipment Construction Data"
  2. 2.0 2.1 Tactical Operations, p. 321: "X-Pulse Laser"
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 Tactical Operations, p. 406: "Heavy Weapons and Equipment Combat Data"
  4. Tactical Operations: Advanced Units Equipment, p. 133: "X-Pulse Lasers Rules Box"
  5. Tactical Operations, p. 382: "Inner Sphere Weapons and Equipment Battle Value Table"
  6. BattleTech Recognition Guide Vol.1: Classics, p. 93
