Solaris Stable Owners Association
Solaris Stable Owners Association | |
Organization Profile | |
Type | Trade Association |
Parent Organization | Independent |
The Solaris Stable Owners Association was an informal meeting table where the strongest Stables held informal meetings about the Solaris Games status trying to keep politics out of the equation, centering only in the Games and its related incidents.
Proposals can be raised in order for the Stables to reach an agreement, but the vote binds the Stables, not necessarily their fighters.[1]
- The Compensation Committee, in 3056 it was formed by Thomas DeLon (from DeLon Stables), Roger Tandrek (from Tandrek Stables), and Winslow Kindt (from Skye Tigers Stables). The Committee had the power to suspend a stable's license if they find and verify corrupt activity relating to compensation of arena fighters the can suspend the Stables License. The compensation distribution formula is their most known active, and takes in all income from purses, endorsements, and other bonuses and optional compensation plans to be factored in together to determine the compensation paid to the lower-echelon fighters within a Stable. The formula was put in place to guarantee that the warriors who don't rank interstellar media attention can still profit from the Stables' compensation by the broadcasting networks.[2]
Known Meetings[edit]
- Several related to the hard times stable owners had after the Feeding Frenzy days of the Clan Invasion.[1]
- One of the most known meetings was the one conducted during the Civil War, trying to decide if to keep the Games themselves out of the politics or to help pacifying the situation. They were unable to reach an agreement and preferred to keep things as they were going.[1]
- A vote trying to put Kai Allard-Liao and Cenotaph Stables out of business by a technicality in 3056, by abusing The compensation distribution formula.[2]
Usually the seat at the table was taken by the stablemasters themselves, though some of them had specific middlemen going to the meetings instead of them. Some representatives of the Solaris City districts were sometimes invited / formed part of the system.
Known Members[edit]
This is a list of members who were representing some party but were not stablemasters themselves.
- Spokesman Andreas Turturro during the Civil War.[3]
- Nicole Singh, the Lion City Stables representative in 3067, acting as right hand of his father, Vernon Singh.[1][4]
- There is a SSOA mid-tournament lunch, held before the Day Five matches of the Grand Tournament when the playing field has been narrowed to the final eight, and usually only with those stablemasters or representatives that had Arena Gladiators still in the tournament.[1]