Star Crusader

Star Crusader
Star Crusader
Production information
Manufacturer Imperial BattleMechs
Production Year 3146[1]
Model Prime
Class Assault
Technical specifications
'Mech type Clan OmniMech
Mass 80 tons
Chassis Imperial 4a Endo
Armor Forging SE09B Ferro-Fibrous with CASE II
Engine Antwerp 320 XL
Communications System CGS-Comm-4
Targeting Tracking System CGS-TTS-VIIa
Heat Sinks 12 Double Heat Sinks
Speed 64 km/h

Prime Configuration

BV (2.0) 3,325[2]


The Star Crusader is an assault OmniMech developed by the Scorpion Empire based off of Blakist Grand Crusader schematics found on the world Braunschweig. While the Star Crusader visually appears similar to its progenitor, it is constructed entirely from ClanTech. The cavernous torso bays are retained, and they house the Star Crusader's primary weapons. Durable and proven technology was used in an effort to avoid stressing the Scorpion's supply chains.[3] Its 42.5 tons of OmniPod space has given this powerful assault 'Mech a home in the Scorpion's frontline forces. Alongside the Nexus-derived Star Python, the adoption of the Mech in spite of its Blakist origins demonstrate the Clan's pragmatism on using available resources to stave off any existential threat from the Clan Homeworlds.

Weapons and Equipment[edit]

Clocking in at a respectable 64 km/h, the Primary Configuration is an agile assault 'Mech designed to engage enemies at range. Dual ER Large Lasers augmented by an advanced Targeting Computer along with twin Streak LRM-20 racks give the Star Crusader accurate long-range firepower. Two ER medium lasers provide respectable back-up weaponry should the enemy close into shorter ranges. An anti-missile system defends against return missile fire, while CASE II protects the missile bays. Jump jets allow the assault 'Mech to find firing perches or to maneuver around challenging terrain. [2]

Alternate Configurations[edit]

  • Alternate Configuration A 
    A brawler, the A's primary weaponry is its agility. Six improved jump jets give this configuration impressive maneuverability. An ER PPC and Gauss rifle allow the A Configuration to exploit the enemy's flanks, while twin Medium Pulse Lasers and a Streak SRM-6 pack provide accurate close-range firepower. BV (2.0) = 2,904[2]
  • Alternate Configuration B 
    The B Configuration mounts twin Large Pulse Lasers and HAG-20s. These weapons give the B Configuration accurate and deadly anti-air capabilities. Eight tons of Gauss ammo provide ample endurance. An ER Small Laser is mounted in the head, almost as an afterthought. BV (2.0) = 2,551[2]

Notable Pilots[edit]

See: Category:Notable Star Crusader (Grand Crusader) Pilots

Related Designs[edit]

  • Grand Crusader - The Grand Crusader served as the progenitor to the Star Crusader with the latter based off the OmniMech schematics that the Word of Blake failed to completely develop before the eruption of the Jihad.[3]


  1. MUL profile for the Star Crusader
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 Recognition Guide: ilClan, vol. 23, p. 11
  3. 3.0 3.1 Recognition Guide: ilClan, vol. 23, p. 10
