Star Seeds

Insignia of the Star Seeds
Star Seeds
Formed 3068
Affiliation Mercenary
Parent Command Independent


A rare example of a mercenary unit formed after the start of the Jihad, they are also unusual in being an infantry only outfit. The Star Seeds were first registered as a mercenary unit on Galatea in 3068. The entire unit is trained in zero-g operations and they are all experts in marine boarding actions.[1]

The origins of this group is unknown, but many have speculated that they may be former Word of Blake ROM, DEST, or Black Warriors. [1]


Rank Name Command
Commanding Officers of the Star Seeds
Captain Marcel Webb 3068[1]



Dragoon Ratings[edit]


Dragoon Rating: B

Composition History[edit]

Companies are broken up into 6 man squads, with roughly half of the soldiers trained in battle armor use. While the Purifier is the most common model used, they field many other Inner Sphere styles of armor including Raiden, Achileus, Void, Kanazuchi, Cavalier, and Fa Shih.[1]


Star Seeds [1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Mercenaries Supplemental Update, p. 109: "Star Seeds Unit Profile"
