Streak LRM-20

BattleTech Community Ads

Streak LRM 20
Production information
Type Missile
Tech Base Clan Experimental
Year Availability 3057[1]
Technical specifications
Heat 6
Damage 1/Missile (20)
Minimum Range 0
Short Range 1-7
Medium Range 8-14
Long Range 15-21
Extreme Range 22-28
Tons 10
Critical Slots 5
Space Slots 1
Ammo Per Ton 6
Cost (unloaded) 600,000
Ammo Cost (per ton) 60,000
BV (1.0) n/a
BV (2.0) 345(launcher)
43 (ammo)[2]


The Streak LRM 20 marries the Streak guidance system with a standard LRM-20 launcher. Developed by Clan Coyote technicians as part of Khan Sullivan Koga's revitalization plan, the Streak LRM combines the original Streak's ammunition conservation with LRM range. Though successful, the Streak LRM launcher weighs twice as much as the standard Clan LRM launcher (as much as a standard Inner Sphere launcher). The Streak LRM cannot make use of any alternate ammunition types or enhanced guidance systems. Since the Streak LRM requires line of sight to lock on to a target it also lost the ability to make indirect fire attacks. (Given the requirements of zellbrigen, these restrictions were not considered important.)


As this weapon is produced only by the Clans, there are no Inner Sphere models.


  1. Tactical Operations, pp. 408-409
  2. Tactical Operations, p. 385
