Swedenborg Heavy Industries

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Swedenborg Heavy Industries
Swedenborg Heavy Industries.jpg
Corporation Profile
HeadquartersJamtland (Kirchbach III)[1]

Swedenborg Heavy Industries was a Clan Hell's Horses facility located on the planet of Kirchbach. Former owners included the Draconis Combine, Free Rasalhague Republic, and Clan Wolf.[2][3]


Swedenborg Heavy Industries was originally an IndustrialMech manufacturer that was constantly in debt during Combine control. After being transferred to FRR control, its factories more than tripled its output.[3] A BattleMech construction facility was being built but was unfinished when Clan Wolf seized Kirchbach during the Clan Invasion. By the time of the Hell's Horses takeover, the facility manufactured ballistic and missile weapons. The Horses started expanding and building up the site with lines for other components like engines, armor, energy weapons, and electronics. They also started production of vehicles and battle armor at the site, followed by limited ProtoMech manufacturing. Later, the site included orbital facilities for zero-g manufacturing.[2] It suffered no losses of personnel in the Jihad and was operating at 95% of its maximum output in 3079.[4]


Swedenborg Heavy Industries has a manufacturing center on the following planet:


Components produced on Kirchbach:[1][5][6][7][8][9][10]
Component Type
Battle Armor
Elemental[1] Medium battle armor
Gnome[1] Heavy battle armor
Combat Vehicles
Aithon Assault Transport[8] Tracked Vehicles - (As of 3084)[11]
Athena Combat Vehicle[1] Tracked Vehicles
Enyo Strike Tank[1] Tracked Vehicles
Enyo (ER Pulse)[7] Tracked Vehicles - (As of 3083)[12]
Eurus MBT[13] Tracked Vehicles - (As of 3146)[14]
Hachiman Fire Support Tank[1] Tracked Vehicles
Mars Assault Vehicle[1] Tracked Vehicles
Anat APC[9] Wheeled Vehicles - (As of 3092)[15]
Ishtar Heavy Fire Support Tank[1] Wheeled Vehicles
Ku Wheeled Assault Tank[1] Wheeled Vehicles
Zephyros Infantry Support Vehicle[6] Wheeled Vehicles - (As of 3084)[16]
Svartalfa[10] ProtoMech
SVA-14 Glider Svartalfa[10]
Fuel cell
180 Fuel Cell Anat[9]
Fusion Engine
60 Fusion Svartalfa[10]
180 Fusion Zephyros[6]
275 Fusion Enyo[7]
Extralight Fusion Engine
300 Fusion Aithon[8]
Armor (BattleMechs & Combat Vehicles)
Composite Alpha-V1 Ferro-Lamellor Aithon[8]
Forging H-Delta Hardened Enyo[7]
UltraProto Standard Svartalfa[10]
Ferro-fibrous Armor
Magnum Ferro-fibrous Composite Anat[9] & Zephyros[6]
Communications System
Build 1685 Tacticom w/ECM Anat[9] , Aithon[8] & only the Zephyros is equipped with the ECM system[6]
Build 1750/4 Tacticom Enyo[7]
Proto-Type 4 Svartalfa[10]
Targeting-Tracking System
SAT-PM 1 Svartalfa[10]
Series VI Integrated TTS Anat[9], Aithon[8] & Zephyros[6]
Series XLII TLS Enyo[7]
Medium Pulse Laser
Series 14a Aithon[8]
ER Medium Pulse Laser
Series 2Ph Enyo[7]
Micro Pulse Laser
Raid Anat[9]
Long Tom Cannon
Model LT-Max Aithon[8]
Machine Gun
ScatterGun Light Vedette[5]
Defiance Type J Zeus[5]
Defiance Killer Type T Hatchetman and Patton[5]
Defiance Mechhunter AC/20 - Rommel[5]
Coventry Five-Tube Rommel and Patton[5]
FarFire 15 Archer[5][17]
Telos Four-Shot Panther[5]
Pattern J7 Enyo[7]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 Objectives: The Clans, p. 9: "Swedenborg Heavy Industries"
  2. 2.0 2.1 Masters and Minions: The StarCorps Dossiers, p. 142: "Corporations of the Hell's Horses Occupation Zone - [Swedenborg Heavy Industries]
  3. 3.0 3.1 20 Year Update, p. 50: "Major Industries"
  4. Objectives: The Clans, p. 7: "State of the Industry at a Glance (Dec 3079)"
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 Objective Raids, p. 115: "Produced Swedenborg Heavy Industries Components"
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 Technical Readout: 3085, p. 134: "Produced Zephyros Components"
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 7.7 Technical Readout: Prototypes, p. 74: "Produced Enyo Components"
  8. 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 8.7 Technical Readout: Prototypes, p. 81: "Produced Aithon Components"
  9. 9.0 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 9.6 Technical Readout: 3145 The Clans, p. 14: "Anat APC"
  10. 10.0 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 10.5 10.6 Technical Readout: Prototypes, p. 90: "Produced Svartalfa Components"
  11. Master Unit List's Aithon profile listing shows intro date for vehicle.
  12. Master Unit List's Enyo ER Pulse variant profile listing shows intro date for vehicle.
  13. Recognition Guide: ilClan, vol. 29, p. 8: "Eurus MBT"
  14. Master Unit List's Eurus MBT Prime profile listing shows intro date for vehicle.
  15. MUL Profile for the Standard model of the Anat APC which includes Year of Introduction.
  16. Master Unit List's Zephyros Standard model profile listing show intro date for vehicle.
  17. Technical Readout: 3039, p. 296: "ARC-2R Archer - Variants"
