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SwiftStar FD GoO.png
Production information
Model Mk. 20 Fighter Drone[1]
Class Light aerospace fighter[2]
Tech Base Inner Sphere[3]
Technical specifications
Mass 30 tons
Structural Integrity
Frame SWF-606 Swift
Power Plant 240-rated fusion engine[1]
Armor Ferro-Aluminum
Fuel 400
Communications System
Tracking & Targeting System
Heat Sinks 10 single
BV (2.0) 529[1]


The SwiftStar robotic interceptor is an aerospace fighter-sized drone unit in use by the Terran Hegemony at the beginning of the twenty-eighth century. Based on Caletra Fighters' Swift fighter, and largely replaced by the BlackWasp and VoidSeeker, the SwiftSeeker nonetheless was a capable interceptor, able to defeat many contemporary foes of its day. The SwiftStar was often paired with the Model 96C 'Howdah' tugs, and squadrons of these vessels were deployed throughout the Star League era.[4] Poor Robotic Control Systems and poor performance in the atmosphere ensured the SwiftStar gave way to larger, sturdier, and smarter drones of the BlackWasp line.[2]

Weapons and Equipment[edit]

The drone fighter's primary weapon is upgraded from the Swifts paltry loadout. Four medium pulse lasers, with two mounted in the nose of the fighter and one mounted in each of the wings, give the drone the attack ability of a larger frame.[1]




  • The SwiftStar reuses the art of the Swift on its record sheet.


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Ghosts of Obeedah, p. 82: "SwiftStar Mk. 20 Fighter Drone Record Sheet"
  2. 2.0 2.1 Ghosts of Obeedah, p. 55: "New Manei Domini Units"
  3. MUL entry for the SwiftStar
  4. Historical: Liberation of Terra Volume 1, p. 171: "Model 96C 'Howdah' SDS Command Ship"
