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Critical slot allocation[edit]

From Game Rules:

"An Inner Sphere Endo-Composite structure occupies 7 critical slots, while the Clan equivalent occupies 4 slots. These slots are allocated like standard Endo-Steel critical slots and treated identically."[1]

However, the Endo-Steel article does not include how the critical slots are allocated. Should critical slot allocation rules be added? (I don't have a primary reference available myself). (Archangel13 (talk) 00:17, 12 March 2022 (EST))

The wiki is purposefully moving away from rules because it is extremely difficult to be 100% true to the rules without resorting to plagarism, but in answer to your question. The Endo-Steel is allocated on the units Record Sheet.--Dmon (talk) 03:26, 12 March 2022 (EST)
  1. Tactical Operations, p. 342, "Endo-Composite Structure"