
Tatsumaki-class Warship TRO3067.jpg
Production information
Manufacturer Stellar Trek[1]
Introduced 3059
Production Year 3058[2]
Use Destroyer
Tech Base Star League
Cost 13,831,884,000 C-Bills[2]
Technical specifications
Mass 514,000 tons
Length 585 meters
Sail Diameter 1,100 meters
Fuel 4,000 tons
Burn Rate 39.52
Safe Thrust 2 g
Top Thrust 3 g
Sail Integrity 4
KF Drive Integrity 11
LF Battery Yes
Armor 380 tons Ferro-Carbide
DropShip Capacity 2
Crew 240[3]
  • 40 Officers
  • 200 Enlisted

Marines: 108

Grav Decks 2 x 200 meters diameter
Escape Pods/Life Boats 45/0
Heat Sinks 542 double
Structural Integrity 50
BV (1.0) 62,319[4]
BV (2.0) 88,075[citation needed]


Originally named as an allusion to the whirlwind of weapon fire it can unleash, the name of the Tatsumaki-class (Japanese for "Tornado") destroyer was viewed by many in the DCMS as more aptly referring to the endless storm of technical problems that plague the design.[5]

The fourth design in the Draconis Combine's resurgent post–Succession Wars WarShip fleet, the Tatsumaki problems stemmed from the extremely hasty and rushed design and construction at Stellar Trek's much-maligned Dieron yards, with only the Combine's dire need for WarShips even allowing the design to enter service. Requiring a doubling of the number of the technical crew carried by each vessel, problematic systems including faulty turrets and K-F Drive coolant leaks were expected to require drydock overhauls through 3067,[5] and the Draconis Combine Admiralty halted procurement at two ships already constructed.[3]

Designed primarily to escort JumpShip fleets, the Tatsumaki featured a large array of primarily short-ranged anti-fighter and capital-grade weaponry, placing it on par with other destroyers of similar size. The vessel also served as the ideal platform for boarding actions, carrying a full battalion of battle armor troops.[5]

While one Tatsumaki-class ship was reported lost during Operation BULLDOG,[6] the DCS Lair of Mighty Wyrms was able to be repaired and returned to service.[7] Both vessels were later lost due to combat with the same vessel, the Ghost Bear's Nightlord-class battleship Ursa Major, one in each of the two Combine-Dominion wars.[8][9]


Mounting an array dominated by Pulse Lasers and Naval Autocannons, the Tatsumaki was a deadly, if short-ranged, combatant. The nose bays mounted a single Heavy N-Gauss and two NAC/20s supported by ten Medium Pulse Lasers, while each fore and aft angle carries five Gauss rifles and Artemis IV FCS enhanced LRM-20s in support of a Heavy NPPC and NAC/20. Both of the Tatsumakis broadsides feature two Medium NPPCs and single NAC/20, with ten ER Large Lasers and ten Medium Pulse Lasers for anti-fighter defense. Directly aft, twin Heavy NPPCs and five LRM-20s discourage attack from the rear.

Two hundred tons of Heavy Naval Gauss ammunition, a hundred rounds' worth, and Naval autocannon munitions, five hundred rounds, give the design's capital weapons impressive endurance, a feature likewise shared with its anti-fighter weapons carrying sixty tons of 'Mech gauss reloads and hundred and twenty-five of LRM missiles. To try and protect the vessel against missile attacks, the Tatsumaki mounted an anti-missile system on all angles (save the broadsides), with a shared eighteen tons of ammunition.


With two Docking collars and a respectable cargo capacity, the Tatsumaki also featured berths for eighteen aerospace fighters and fifteen small craft to allow its marines to board enemy vessels.[3][5]

See Also[edit]



  1. Handbook: House Kurita, p. 162: "Stellar Trek Enterprises"
  2. 2.0 2.1 MUL entry for the Tatsumaki
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 Technical Readout: 3067, p. 200: Tatsumaki (Destroyer)
  4. AeroTech 2 Record Sheets, p. 286
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 Field Manual: Draconis Combine: Tatsumaki Class Destroyer, p. 165
  6. The Dragon Roars, p. 61: "Final Words"
  7. Re: Fate of a Warship[dead link]
  8. Era Report: 3062, p. 25: "The Combine-Dominion War"
  9. Historical: Wars of the Republic Era, p. 35: "The Fall"
