Ted Detweiler

Ted Detweiler
Ted Detweiler
AffiliationHouse Brossard; Lyran Alliance


Ted Detweiler was, as of 3073, a retired veteran of the LCAF who, alongside Nelson Berchon, Erik Cliett, and Guy Bebout, had settled in the House Brossard landhold on Ormstown.[1] Detweiler, Berchon, Cliett, and Bebout had worked together in a number of missions, clandestine and otherwise, including one on La Grave.[2]

Detweiler also served alongside Malcolm Brossard, who he developed a long-lasting friendship with. This gave Detweiler a safe and comfortable place to retire after a false accusation of bank robbery interrupted his post-LCAF mercenary career.[3]

In February 3073, Detweiler helped defend Brossard Manor from a House Mair assault. The results of this battle are unknown.[2]


  1. A Time of War: Quick-Start Rules (Free RPG Day 2012), p. 26, "Swift Plans"
  2. 2.0 2.1 A Time of War: Quick-Start Rules (Free RPG Day 2012), p. 25, "Swift Plans"
  3. A Time of War: Quick-Start Rules (Free RPG Day 2012), p. 19, "Ted Detweiler"
