This template uses Lua :
This template uses Lua :
This template will allow manipulation or retrieve properties of an array list with a designated separator. It handles three functions: count, get and pos.
{{Array|<Function>|<Array items>|<Separator>|<Property>|Parameters (optional)}}
5th parameter only valid with pos function when limiting multiple outputs to a single position.
Functions [ edit ]
Will count the total number of items in the array using the designated separator. Leading or trailing separators will be stripped out.
{{Array |count|This is my array| }}
→ 4
{{Array |count|An,array,separated,by,commas|,}}
→ 5
{{Array |count|,An,array,with,trailing,commas,|,}}
→ 5
Will get the Nth item in the array.
{{Array |get|My,wiki,test,array|,|3}}
→ test
{{Array |get||.|2}}
→ list
{{Array |get|A sentence of typical words| |5}}
→ words
Will retrieve the Nth position of the search item. If duplicates are found, will output all results with the designated separator. Output can be limited by specifying a 5th parameter. Can be used as true or false if output exists to determine if a match exists.
Do not use the ^ character as this is used as a placeholder.
{{Array |pos|A sentence of typical words| |sentence}}
→ 2
{{Array |pos||.|unmatched}}
{{Array |pos||.|test}}
→ 3.7
{{Array |pos|Position,of,the,second,test,in,a,test,array|,|test|2}}
→ 8
{{Array |pos|2,4,6,6,7,11,12|,|7}}
→ 5
{{Array |pos|2,4,6,6,7,11,12|,|6|2}}
→ 4
See also [ edit ]
String-handling templates
(help page)
Substring (select chunk of string by its position)
{{str sub new }} Select a substring based on starting and ending index counted in either direction. {{str left }} Keep the first N characters of a string, or duplicate it to N characters. {{str crop }} Return all but the last N characters of a string. {{str index }} Return the N-th character of a string.
{{str right }} Return substring starting at N-th character to end of string. {{str rightc }} Return the last N characters of a string; or a given value if empty. {{str sub old }} Return substring of given length starting at N-th character.
Trimming (select/remove chunk of string by character type)
Select/remove specific item from string
{{delink }}, {{trim brackets }} Removes wikilink brackets (wikicode); all or outer only . {{Plain text }} Removes wikicode (formatting and brackets) {{PAGENAMEBASE }} Trim off any parenthesis text at the end of a string (disambiguation). {{title disambig text }} Returns text in parentheses at the end of a string (disambiguation).
{{title year }} Returns the 3-or-4-digit year from a pagename, if any. {{title decade }} Returns the 4-digit decade (e.g. "1740s") from a pagename, if any. {{title number }} Returns any number from a pagename.
Insertion, replacement and length
{{loop }} Repeat character string a specified number of times. {{replace }} Returns the string, after replacing all occurrences of a specified string with another string. {{str rep }} Returns the string, after replacing the first occurrence of a specified string with another string. {{digits }} Returns the string, after removing all characters that are not digits 0–9 {{Nowiki }} Displays wikitext as plain text.
{{str len }} Returns a string's length. {{str ≥ len }} Check if a string is "longer or equally long" or "shorter" than a given length. {{str ≤ len }} Check if a string is "shorter or equally long" or "longer" than a given length. {{str ≠ len }} Check if a string is "not equal" or "equal" to a given length.
Analysis and searching
{{str startswith }} {{str endswith }} Check if a string starts or ends with a given string. {{str find }}, {{strfind short }} Returns the numerical location of a given string in a string. {{in string }} Returns optional string when given string is not found {{str count }} Count the number of occurrences of a pattern within a string.
{{a or an }} Takes a noun and produces the appropriate indefinite article, based on whether the first letter is a vowel. {{Array }} Array manipulation and retrieval. {{Font style }} Returns bold or italic if the input value has either formatting. {{Isnumeric }} Returns number when true, blank when not numeric. {{str letter }} Returns the number of letters that begin a string. {{str number }} Returns the number of numbers that begin a string.
Modules and built-in functions