Extract a 4-digit decade from the page title, without the trailing "s".
e.g. from "Lorem ipsum dolor 1510s it amet" it will extract "1510"
Note that the trailing letter "s" is stripped, to allow manipulation. In template coding, it can be easily be added after the template call, e.g. Famine in the {{Title decade}}s in Atlantis
{{Title decade |match |nomatch |page=}}
{{Title decade |match=|nomatch=|page=}}
Decade from title which contains only a year [ edit ]
Note also that this template will not return the decade from a title which includes only a year.
{{Title decade|page=Horticultural controversies in the 1790s in Xanadu}}
→ 1790
{{Title decade|page=Horticultural controversies in 1797 in Xanadu}}
However, the decade can easily be obtained by using {{DECADE }} as a wrapper around {{Title year }}: {{DECADE|{{Title year}}}}
{{Title year|page=1953 riots in Narnia}}
→ 1953
→ 1950s
... so{{DECADE|{{Title year|page=1953 riots in Narnia}}}}
→ 1950s
TemplateData [ edit ]
Extracts a 4-digit decade from the current page title. All parameters are optional.
Template parameters
Parameter Description Type Status Match Instance 1
If multiple 4-digit decades are found, this specifies which match to return, where the first match is match= 1. If a negative number is specified then a match is returned counting from the last match. Hence match = -1 is the same as requesting the last match. Defaults to 1.
Default 1 Number optional No match text 2
If no 4-digit decades is found, output the "nomatch" value. Defaults to blank.
String optional Override page title page
Specified a page title to use other than the current page. If left blank, the template will use the title of the current page
Default {{BASEPAGENAME}} Page optional
See also [ edit ]
String-handling templates
(help page)
Substring (select chunk of string by its position)
{{str sub new }} Select a substring based on starting and ending index counted in either direction. {{str left }} Keep the first N characters of a string, or duplicate it to N characters. {{str crop }} Return all but the last N characters of a string. {{str index }} Return the N-th character of a string.
{{str right }} Return substring starting at N-th character to end of string. {{str rightc }} Return the last N characters of a string; or a given value if empty. {{str sub old }} Return substring of given length starting at N-th character.
Trimming (select/remove chunk of string by character type)
Select/remove specific item from string
{{delink }}, {{trim brackets }} Removes wikilink brackets (wikicode); all or outer only . {{Plain text }} Removes wikicode (formatting and brackets) {{PAGENAMEBASE }} Trim off any parenthesis text at the end of a string (disambiguation). {{title disambig text }} Returns text in parentheses at the end of a string (disambiguation).
{{title year }} Returns the 3-or-4-digit year from a pagename, if any. {{title decade }} Returns the 4-digit decade (e.g. "1740s") from a pagename, if any. {{title number }} Returns any number from a pagename.
Insertion, replacement and length
{{loop }} Repeat character string a specified number of times. {{replace }} Returns the string, after replacing all occurrences of a specified string with another string. {{str rep }} Returns the string, after replacing the first occurrence of a specified string with another string. {{digits }} Returns the string, after removing all characters that are not digits 0–9 {{Nowiki }} Displays wikitext as plain text.
{{str len }} Returns a string's length. {{str ≥ len }} Check if a string is "longer or equally long" or "shorter" than a given length. {{str ≤ len }} Check if a string is "shorter or equally long" or "longer" than a given length. {{str ≠ len }} Check if a string is "not equal" or "equal" to a given length.
Analysis and searching
{{str startswith }} {{str endswith }} Check if a string starts or ends with a given string. {{str find }}, {{strfind short }} Returns the numerical location of a given string in a string. {{in string }} Returns optional string when given string is not found {{str count }} Count the number of occurrences of a pattern within a string.
{{a or an }} Takes a noun and produces the appropriate indefinite article, based on whether the first letter is a vowel. {{Array }} Array manipulation and retrieval. {{Font style }} Returns bold or italic if the input value has either formatting. {{Isnumeric }} Returns number when true, blank when not numeric. {{str letter }} Returns the number of letters that begin a string. {{str number }} Returns the number of numbers that begin a string.
Modules and built-in functions