Theta Carinae Cluster

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Theta Carinae Cluster
Theta Carinae Cluster 3151.svg
Theta Carinae Cluster nearby systems
(Map Legend)
System Information
X:Y Coordinates223.325 : 472.133[e]

The Theta Carinae Cluster is a star cluster located in the Deep Periphery.[1]

System Description[edit]

The Theta Carinae Cluster is a significant astronomical feature in the coreward Deep Periphery. Located over 522 light-years from Terra, the cluster is just rimward of the Draconis Combine. It is considered to be an active cluster for star formation. The location of the Theta Carinae Cluster was released by Interstellar Expeditions on charts in 3095.[1]

System History[edit]

Interstellar Expeditions was engaged in active explorations of the Theta Carinae Cluster in 3095.[2]


  • The Theta Carinae Cluster was first identified in 2012 with the publication of Interstellar Expeditions: Interstellar Players 3. Other than the astrographical location of the cluster, no information was provided in the system; in the absence of further information on the Deep Periphery, no further detail is likely to be available on the Theta Carinae Cluster.

Map Gallery[edit]

Nearby Systems[edit]

Closest 20 systems (3 within 60 light-years)
Distance in light years, closest systems first:
Jeju 31.0 New Sarum 48.1 Ouagadougou 58.8 Tarnby 61.2
Isfahan 61.3 Schwartz 65.4 Bjarred 66.6 Wonju 72.6
Cabanatuan 73.2 Virentofta 76.0 Altona 78.6 Stapelfeld 79.1
Sawyer 84.0 New Ceylon 84.4 Caracol 88.8 Rockland 90.5
Chupadero 92.8 Gravenhage 93.6 Richmond 94.0 Almunge 96.0


  1. 1.0 1.1 Interstellar Expeditions: Interstellar Players 3, p. 32: "Deep Periphery (Coreward Sector)"
  2. Interstellar Expeditions: Interstellar Players 3, p. 15: "Near Periphery OA"
