36th Dieron Regulars

36th Dieron Regulars logo CMKurita.jpg
Thirty-sixth Dieron Regulars
Formed 27862800[1]
Nickname The Hungry Ghosts[2]
Affiliation Draconis Combine
Parent Command Dieron Regulars

The Thirty-sixth Dieron Regulars was a frontline and regional BattleMech unit in service of the Draconis Combine up to the thirty-first century.


First Succession War[edit]

The Thirty-sixth Dieron Regulars were one of three regiments of Dieron Regulars to be created by the Draconis Combine Mustered Soldiery during the First Succession War, the other two regiments being the Thirty-fourth and Thirty-fifth Dieron Regulars.[1]

Third Succession War[edit]

In 3014 the Kell Hounds mercenary unit destroyed a company of the Thirty-sixth Dieron Regulars.[3] The Thirty-sixth was assigned to aid the Second Sword of Light Regiment in raiding the Davion world of Mallory's World in 3016.[4] This campaign, led by Tai-sa Yorinaga Kurita, was Kurita's bid to avenge the disgrace inflicted three years earlier on the world by the Kell Hounds mercenary unit. The Thirty-sixth was used to tie up the Hound's Second Battalion at the town of Cactus Flats,[5] while the Second Sword went to destroy the Kell Hound's First Battalion. The Thirty-sixth effectively pinned the Kell Hounds in place, but when the Hounds withdrew to their DropShips, the Regulars allowed them to leave.[6] Later reports would show that Tai-sa Kurita engaged in a bushido samurai duel with the hound's commander Colonel Morgan Kell[7] and lost. As penance Tai-sa Kurita ordered all DCMS units to leave Mallory's World.

In 3025 the unit was stationed on Nirasaki.[8]

In 3026, the Thirty-sixth Dieron Regulars assaulted Quentin along with the Fifth Sword of Light. During this fighting, elements of the Thirty-sixth massacred civilians and refugees in the Westham Valley while Swann's Cavaliers were conducting a diversionary raid elsewhere. The Thirty-sixth Dieron's flanks were protected by elements of the Fifth Sword of Light; The Cavaliers assaulted the Sword units thinking they were responsible for the massacre.[9]

Fourth Succession War[edit]

Battle for Northwind[edit]

On orders from the Coordinator, Tai-sho Palmer Conti led his Fifth Sword of Light with the Thirty-sixth accompanying it in an invasion of the Davion world of Northwind. The invasion launched upon receiving Liao Chancellor Maximilian Liao's request for the Combine to launch an attack so as to distract Davion forces from his own military operation.[10] The units struck the planet in early January 3029.[11] The Thirty-sixth lured the under-manned Fifth Deneb Light Cavalry out of their defensive positions so the Fifth Sword could slaughter the unit. The mercenary units Bradley's Bravos (Kell Hounds's Third Battalion)[12] and newly arrived Team Banzai engaged in battle with the Thirty-sixth and the Fifth Sword in their bid to allow the survivors of Fifth Deneb to escape. The mercenaries succeeded in tying up both DCMS regiments until the elite Genyosha regiment arrived. The Genyosha pushed the mercenaries out of position and kept them from overrunning the Fifth Sword's headquarters. The campaign on Northwind ended in failure when the Thirty-sixth and Fifth Sword were forced to withdraw a few days later when multiple mercenary regiments arrived in form of the Northwind Highlanders.[13] Tai-Sho Palmer Conti ordered the Thirty-sixth to cover retreat of the Fifth Sword, leading to the loss of a battalion from the Thirty-sixth while conducting a fighting withdrawal from the Davion forces.[14]

Failed invasion of the Isle of Skye[edit]

The Thirty-sixth was later deployed to Moore in the Dieron Military District. Whilst there the commanding officer of the Thirty-sixth, Tai-Sho Rajpuman, attended a meeting headed up by Prince Theodore Kurita on the 1st of August. At the meeting Theodore detailed his planned invasion of Isle of the Skye region of the Lyran Commonwealth.[15] The Thirty-sixth were among the units Theodore wanted to deploy from the Dieron district for his planned invasion.

Clan Invasion[edit]

In 3050, the Thirty-sixth was stationed on Saffel.[16]


Rank Name Command
Commanding Officers of the 36th Dieron Regulars
Tai-sho Raizo Tanaka 3016[17]
Tai-sho Hadji Rajpuman 3025[8]
Tai-sa Mason Irajinan 3050[18]


As of 3025, the unit specialized in open field battles, utilizing light BattleMech designs.[2][17]

Composition History[edit]


Thirty-sixth Dieron Regulars (Regiment/Green/Questionable)[1]

- At this point in time the Thirty-sixth were a medium-weight regiment operating at just below sixty percent strength and were stationed on Asta.


36th Dieron Regulars (Regiment/Green/Questionable) [19]

Note: At this point in time the heavy-weight unit was stationed on Asta with an operational readiness of 84 percent. [19]


36th Dieron Regulars (Regiment/Green/Questionable) [19]

Note: At this point in time the medium-weight unit was stationed on Imbros III with an operational readiness of 18 percent. [19]


Thirty-sixth Dieron Regulars (Regiment)


Thirty-sixth Dieron Regulars (Regiment//Regular/Reliable)

Note: The command contains 9 light companies.[22] At this point in time the unit was stationed on Nirasaki.[8]


Thirty-sixth Dieron Regulars[23]

  • Second Battalion
  • Second Company
  • Support Lance
  • Recon Lance
  • Third Company
  • Fire Support Lance


Thirty-sixth Dieron Regulars (Regiment/Regular/Questionable)[24]

Note: At this point in time the command was stationed on Fomalhaut.[24]


Thirty-sixth Dieron Regulars (light 'Mech Regiment/Green/Questionable)[18]

  • CO: Tai-sa Mason Irajinan
- Note: The Regiment would be stationed on Saffel in the Al Na'ir Prefecture. The unit would be listed as green soldiers, with questionable loyalty rating prior to the Clan Invasion.[18] The unit's support forces include a medium aerospace company, a reinforced combat vehicle regiment, and a conventional infantry regiment.[25]




  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 First Succession War, p. 137: "Draconis Combine Mustered Soldiery (DCMS)"
  2. 2.0 2.1 House Kurita (The Draconis Combine), p. 142: "The Dieron Regulars"
  3. The Kell Hounds, p. 10
  4. Warrior: Coupé, p. 63: "Tai-sa Yorinaga Kurita tells his son, he utilized the Thirty-sixth Dieron in assisting his planned revenge on the Kell Hounds".
  5. The Kell Hounds, p. 10
  6. Historical Turning Points: Mallory's World, p. 20
  7. Warrior: Coupé, pp. 63–65: "Recounts of the Duel & end results"
  8. 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 House Kurita (The Draconis Combine), p. 133
  9. Sorenson's Sabres, pp. 32–33
  10. Warrior: Riposte, pp. 273–274: "Tsen Shang requests the Chancellor to have House Kurita attack Terran Corridor to disrupt House Davion's 4th Wave forces so implement their Operation Riposte".
  11. Warrior: Riposte, p. 283: "Team Banzai 2nd command meets"
  12. The Kell Hounds, p. 46
  13. Warrior: Riposte, pp. 291–292: "FedSuns Minister of Intelligence Quintus Allard debriefs Prince Hanse Davion of the Battle of Northwind"
  14. Warrior: Coupé, p. 183: "Theodore Kurita criticizes Palmer Conti's efforts on Northwind, resulting loss of a battalion from the 36th Dieron"
  15. Warrior: Coupé, pp. 185–186: "Tai-So Rajpuma present at the meeting on Moore, where Theodore organizes assault into Skye region"
  16. 20 Year Update, p. 40
  17. 17.0 17.1 Historical Turning Points: Mallory's World, p. 9
  18. 18.0 18.1 18.2 20 Year Update, p. 40
  19. 19.0 19.1 19.2 19.3 Second Succession War, p. 97
  20. 20.0 20.1 20.2 The Kell Hounds, p. 34
  21. The Kell Hounds, pp. 34–35
  22. House Kurita (The Draconis Combine), p. 144
  23. Northwind Highlanders, p. 25: "Homecoming - Defender"
  24. 24.0 24.1 Historical: War of 3039, p. 138
  25. 25.0 25.1 Combat Manual: Kurita, p. 35: "Other Dieron Regulars Sub-Commands"
