Tyler Stevens

Tyler Stevens
Died3074 or 3075
AffiliationLyran Commonwealth
SpouseBrooklyn Stevens[2]
ChildrenAlahni Stevens (adopted)[2]

Dr. Tyler Stevens was a professor at the Chekswa School of Literature on Donegal.[3][1][4][5]


Dr. Tyler Stevens had been married to Dr. Brooklyn "Brooke" Stevens for several years prior to her expedition to Jardine in 3067. He was deathly afraid of space travel, which precluded him from accompanying Brooke on her expeditions.[6] Tyler possessed one of the two black boxes which happened to go missing from Interstellar Expeditions' inventory when his wife last parted ways with IE, which he used to communicate with his wife's other "missing" black box.[7][8] The discovery of Jardine immediately put a Word of Blake target on the Stevenses' back in the days leading up to the Jihad and for years afterwards. A Stevens "bug out plan" had been formed prior to this which included a rendezvous at an unknown system, and Brooklyn put this into play on 12 December, with IE diverting a DropShip to Donegal to pick him up.[9] It is unknown if Tyler was off Donegal by 17 March 3068, but the Word targeted the Chekswa School of Literature with an aerospace fighter-delivered five kiloton nuclear weapon specifically to kill Tyler.[3][10]

It had long been assumed the Stevenses' story ended in Skye with their death aboard the Sacajawea. In truth they, now joined by Alahni, were met by Knights Paul Masters and Errol Berwyn in the Nestor system. From there it appears Masters traveled to Helm where he was later killed by Damien Lucille while the Stevenses and Berwyn departed for locations unknown. They eventually ended up on Moore, either prior to or following the "Day of Fire." Tyler died in either 3074 or 3075 and was buried at a Moore cemetery dedicated to the victims of the Day of Fire, He was interned with an urn presumed to hold Brooklyn's ashes, but in truth held a datachip and the ashes of local wood consumed in the Day of Fire.[11][2][12][13][14][15]


The black boxes possessed by the Stevenses were said to have been two of the "few dozen or so [IE] had uncovered over the years." This implies they were Star League era K-0 models which had a maximum range of 100 lightyears. Yet it was used to transmit updates to Tyler from both Shasta and Jardine which are 264[16] and 251[17] lightyears from Donegal, respectively. This implies the messages were either retransmitted by a friendly third party, the black box was actually a K-2 or later model, or that a slight continuity error was made.[18]


  1. 1.0 1.1 The Quest for Jardine, Book 2, Finding Jardine, ch. 1
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Ghosts of Obeedah, p, 25: Objectives
  3. 3.0 3.1 Interstellar Players 2: Jihad Conspiracies, p. 14: "The Hidden"
  4. The Quest for Jardine, Book 1, The Hunt for Jardine, ch. 1: "Duchess Aten/Kelswa-Steiner is actually in your neck of the woods on some kind of business, so I won’t be getting her autograph for you on this trip" - Donegal certainly in "neck of the woods" for Tharkad
  5. Handbook: House Steiner, pp. 5–8: "Advantage and Opportunity"
  6. The Quest for Jardine, Book 1, The Hunt for Jardine, ch. 1
  7. The Quest for Jardine, Book 1, The Hunt for Jardine, ch. 4
  8. The Quest for Jardine, Book 1, The Hunt for Jardine, ch. 5
  9. The Quest for Jardine, Book 3, Escape from Jardine, Epilogue
  10. Touring the Stars, p. 56: "Volume XXVIII: The Mailed Fist-The Commonwealth Today"
  11. BattleTech: Legends, pp. 116-121: "For the Promise"
  12. Dark Age: LinkNet Articles (3136), p. 85: "Letters From Home -- Week 14"
  13. Ghosts of Obeedah, p. 15: "Stefka Riviera"
  14. Ghosts of Obeedah, p. 15: "Yeska Riviera"
  15. Dark Age: LinkNet Articles (3136), p. 114: "Letters From Home -- Week 21"
  16. 264=√((-218.199 - -182.405)² + (-102.703 - 159.288)²)
  17. 251=√((-200.944 - -182.405)² + (-91.199 - 159.288)²)
  18. Handbook: House Davion, pp. 181-183: "K-Series Interstellar Communications Device “Black Box” FAX Machine"
