
(Redirected from Type XV "Crossbow")
Production information
Type Missile
Tech Base Clan / Inner Sphere (IS)
Year Introduced Clan = 2824 CCY

IS = 2315 TA

Technology Rating C
Availability Ratings C/C/C
Technical specifications
Heat 5
Damage 1/Missile (15)
Minimum Range Clan = N/A

IS = 6

Short Range 1-7
Medium Range 8-14
Long Range 15-21
Tons Clan = 3.5

IS = 7

Critical Slots Clan = 2

IS = 3

Ammo Per Ton 8
Cost (unloaded) 175,000
Ammo Cost (per ton) 30,000
BV (1.0) Clan = 164

IS = 136

BV (2.0) Clan = 164[1]
21 (Ammo)[1]

IS = 136[2]
17 (Ammo)[2]


Long Range Missiles have provided military units with a decent far-reaching punch for centuries. The LRM-15 fires fifteen such missiles.


LRM-15 is manufactured on the following planets:

Coventry Star Fire[edit]

Manufactured on Manufactured by Typically used in References
Coventry Coventry Metal Works Shipped to Hesperus II for Archer & Zeus [3]

Coventry Superfire[edit]

Manufactured on Manufactured by Typically used in References
Coventry Metal Works Glaive [4]

Delta Dart[edit]

An older model of LRM launcher noted for its "Drum" shape, as seen on the Thunderbolt TDR-5S.[5] Still in production throughout the Inner Sphere and Periphery.

Manufactured on Manufactured by Typically used in References
Oriente Oriente Weapon Works Crusader [6]
Sterope Sterope Defense Industries Thunderbolt [7]


Manufactured on Manufactured by Typically used in References
Gallery Dynamics Company Chippewa [8]


Manufactured on Manufactured by Typically used in References
Kirchbach Swedenborg Heavy Industries ARC-2K Archer [9]

Magna Longbow-15[edit]

Manufactured on Manufactured by Typically used in References
Lopez Magna Crusader [11]


Manufactured on Manufactured by Typically used in References
Luthien Luthien Armor Works Mauler [12]

TharHes Reacher[edit]

Manufactured on Manufactured by Typically used in References
Tharkad TharHes Industries Crusader, also shipped to Oliver for Crusader [13]

Type XV "Crossbow"[edit]

The Type XV "Crossbow" is one of the most common Clan specification LRM-15 systems.

Manufactured on Manufactured by Typically used in References
Various Various Ares (Combat Vehicle) [14]
Various Various Ishtar (Combat Vehicle) [15]
Various Various Mars (Combat Vehicle) [16]


Manufactured on Manufactured by Typically used in References
Stewart Corean Enterprises MacAdams-Suharno Trebuchet [17]


  1. 1.0 1.1 TechManual, p. 318, "Clan Weapons and Equipment BV Table"
  2. 2.0 2.1 TechManual, p. 317, "Inner Sphere Weapons and Equipment BV Table"
  3. Objective Raids, p. 80
  4. Technical Readout: 3067, p. 14: "Glaive Components"
  5. Technical Readout: 3025, pp. 90–91
  6. Objective Raids, p. 133
  7. Objective Raids, p. 161
  8. Objective Raids, p. 75
  9. Technical Readout: 3039, p. 296: "ARC-2R Archer - Variants"
  10. Objective Raids, p. 115
  11. Objective Raids, p. 131
  12. Objective Raids, p. 69
  13. Objective Raids, p. 82
  14. Technical Readout: 3060 Revised, p. 52
  15. Technical Readout: 3060 Revised, p. 62
  16. Technical Readout: 3060 Revised, p. 68
  17. Objective Raids, p. 135
