Ulisses Medien & Spiel Distribution GmbH
Established in December 1991, the Ulisses Medien & Spiel Distribution GmbH, doing business as Ulisses Spiele, is a German games publishing company, distributor and wholesale dealer with a focus of fantasy and role-playing games.
German BattleTech licensee[edit]
In a sense, Ulisses Spiele was a successor to FanPro. They had already picked up many intellectual properties previously held by FanPro prior to FanPro's factual disbanding, and held the license to produce the German line of BattleTech from 2011 to April 2023.
Like FanPro before them, Ulisses did not merely translate content from the American edition. They included small expansions and errata with the translated rulebooks and sourcebooks, and also published entirely original material such as the Bruderkampf promotional scenario pack, as well as continuing the line of "Classic BattleTech" novels established by FanPro with new, original German novels in addition to translated novels from both the Classic BattleTech and MechWarrior: Dark Age lines.
A notable change implemented by Ulisses is that they stopped using the established German edition names of BattleMechs, aerospace fighters, and other combat units. The original English designations are now used across the board even where German translations of these names and corresponding alphanumerical codes have been established for a long time: The ARC Archer series, for example, had originally been translated by FanPro as SHT Schütze, and some units had been assigned different and not merely translated names, eg. the WVR Wolverine was named STP Steppenwolf and the HBK Hunchback was previously the QSM Quasimodo in the German BattleTech edition.
License expiry[edit]
On 14 December 2022, Ulisses Spiele announced that their license with Catalyst would expire and that they would stop selling Battletech in April 2023[1] (which they did).