Ulric Kerensky (Individual Cameron-class WarShip)

This article is about the battlecruiser. For eponymous character, see Ulric Kerensky.
Ulric Kerensky
Vessel Profile
Previous namesMother Jocasta


As of 3061, the Cameron-class battlecruiser Ulric Kerensky was a WarShip within the Clan Wolf-in-Exile touman and was serving as the CWS Ulric Kerensky. Originally a Star League Defense Force vessel, the Ulric Kerensky had been named the Mother Jocasta until the decision was made on 31 December 3057 to rename the ship in honor of the former ilKhan, after the end of the Refusal War.[1][2]

She took part in the fighting at Tharkad in the close of the FedCom Civil War.

The Ulric Kerensky was destroyed in action during the Jihad, fighting as a part of the allied coalition forces sent by Devlin Stone to defend against the inevitable Word of Blake attack on Skye.[3]


  1. Field Manual: Warden Clans, p. 156: "Naval Assets"
  2. The Falcon and the Wolf, p. 57
  3. Field Report: Clans, p. 22: "Fleet Assets"
